Презентация по английскому языку Can you write a thank-you letter? (9 класс)

Thank-you letterDear Naxos*Thank you for this wonderful CD. Please don’t stop releasing these Boris Tchaikovsky* recordings. He is a great composer. You are doing a great work. I hope you will continue releasing the modern and post WW ІІ* recordings of Russian composers. I’ve been collecting the works of your company for 15 years. Now my Naxos CD collection includes 226 titles and I look forward to having many more. I really appreciate your help in making so fabulous discoveries. Thanks again. Alec Wessel
Тема урока: 1. Образовательные: закрепить представление о письме как о виде речевой деятельности; познакомить учащихся с речевыми фразами выражения благодарности в письме;2.Развивающие: способствовать формированию навыка написания личного письма-благодарности с использованием речевых фраз благодарности, анализа писем по алгоритму, различия видов письма - благодарности; развивать орфографические и пунктуационные навыки3. Воспитывающие: способствовать формированию уважительного и благодарного отношения к учителям, к друзьям и окружающим нас людям, культуры и этикета делового письма. Формирование навыков написания благодарственного письмаЦели урока:

Vocabulary Новые словаNaxos – Нэксос, звукозаписывающая студияBoris Tchaikovsky – Борис Чайковский, композиторreleasing – выпускатьWW ІІ – Вторая мировая войнаrecordings – звукозаписиtitles – наименования appreciate – высоко ценитьfabulous – невероятныйdiscoveries – открытия Student’s book, p.51Dear Naxos*Thank you for this wonderful CD. Please don’t stop releasing these Boris Tchaikovsky* recordings. He is a great composer. You are doing a great work. I hope you will continue releasing the modern and post WW ІІ* recordings of Russian composers. I’ve been collecting the works of your company for 15 years. Now my Naxos CD collection includes 226 titles and I look forward to having many more. I really appreciate your help in making so fabulous discoveries. Thanks again. Alec Wessel Student’s book, p.51Dear Naxos*Thank you for this wonderful CD. Please don’t stop releasing these Boris Tchaikovsky* recordings. He is a great composer. You are doing a great work. I hope you will continue releasing the modern and post WW ІІ* recordings of Russian composers. I’ve been collecting the works of your company for 15 years. Now my Naxos CD collection includes 226 titles and I look forward to having many more. I really appreciate your help in making so fabulous discoveries. Thanks again. Alec Wessel Check your answers{7DF18680-E054-41AD-8BC1-D1AEF772440D}Original textEquivalent phraseThank you for this wonderful CD.I wish to express my thanks to… for …I really appreciate your help.I really (do) appreciate… very much.Thanks again.Thank you so very much for… Please continue releasing the modern and post WW ІІ recordings of Russian composers.Please, please, PLEASE continue…Please don’t stop releasing these Boris Tchaikovsky recordings.Please keep up…Please go on…You are doing a great work. Your company is the best now.I think it’s great what you are doing/ what have you done. Types of thank-you letter Video steps of writing a thank-you letter Email Reflexing (самоанализ) {22838BEF-8BB2-4498-84A7-C5851F593DF1}At our lesson today I have…I learnt…I got new information about…I found out that… Homework Домашнее заданиеYour homework will be: to tell your parents all the information you have got at the lesson. teach them how to write a thank-you letter. На уроке использованы:Разработки уроков Муцаева И.Р.за 2012-2014 годыСервис почтовой службы mail.ruПрограммное обеспечениеSkypeFree DVD ConverterNero Show TimeОсобая благодарность за участие на уроке Beijing Funch Auto Parts в лице Кевона ЧангаМКОУ «Новочуртахская СОШ №1» © Новочуртах2014
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