Spotlight в России – 5 Животные

weigh [weɪ]salmon [ˈsæmən]fur [fɜː]claw [klɔː]den [den]peaceful [ˈpiːsfʊl]gentle [dʒɛntl]Giants[ˈdʒaɪənt]” It is very big. It can weigh 400 Kg. It can be 2.50 m tall. It likes the salmon. It has thick fur, big teeth and long sharp claws. They make a warm den. They are usually very peaceful. They are “Kamchatka’s gentle [dʒɛntl] Giants[ˈdʒaɪənt]” Australia England China Thailand France Russia I want to tell you about my favorite animal. It is(……..animal)It is (…...What it looks like, colour)It likes to eat (……food). It has….(parts of body)It is very………. It likes meat. It runs and jumps very well. It has got a tail and very big teeth. It is orange with black stripesDoes it fly? Does it hunt? Creepy-жуткий, ползающий , frightening-устрашающий, dangerous, clever; beautiful, , friendly , proud- гордый, strong, lazy-ленивый, vain- самодовольный, funny, silly- глупый, fast- быстрый, scared easily- испуганный, angry, playful, ugly- некрасивый, noisy- шумный,cute-сообразительный, carnivorous-плотоядный; herbivorous-травоядный