Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему Абай Кунанбаев — великий казахский поэт.

Abai Kunanbaev Abai Kunanbaev A poet A writer a talanted akyn translated some poems of Russian poets composed melodies well-known all over the world was born in Semipalatinsk region - What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for? - When and where was he born? -What was his real name? - Who were his parents? - When did he go to school? - What did he learn there? - What impression did the Russian writers make on him? - Why has been Abai translated the words into many foreign languages? - What poems written by Abai do you know? - What makes Abai so very much popular with people all over the world? 1)1845 a) He composed about melodies. 2)1904 b)The greatest poet Abai Kunanbaev was died when he was 59. 3) At the age of seven c) He opened embarked on his poetic career Abai started translating Krylov, Pushkin and Lermontov into Kazakh. 4)1886 d) he was born 5) 20 e) he began writing the “ The Book of words” 6) when he was 45 f) he went to school Word Four Only the weak in spirit will withdraw into themselves abandon themselves to bitter thoughts, without finding the least consolation. Word Thirty three If you want to be rich, learn a trade. Wealth diminishes with time, but a skill does not. Word thirty-eight While you are seeking happiness, everybody wishes you well; But once you have attained it, your only well-wisher is yourself. Слово ЧетвертоeТолько слабые духом могут затвориться в себе, предаваясьгорьким раздумьям, не находя утешения. Слово Тридцать третьеХочешь быть богатым — учись ремеслу. Богатство современем иссякает, а умение — нет. Слово Тридцать восьмоеПока ты добиваешься счастья, добра тебе желают все, но кактолько ты достигаешь цели, твой доброжелатель — лишь тысам.