Презентация по английскому языку на тему sport

Aims: Good health habits Bad health habits Name the influence of bad habits: Bad health habits Read good habits:Eating wholemeal bread- кебектен жасалған нан (отрубной )Eating high fiber food - жоғары клечаткалы азықEating low fat food - майлылығы аз азықExercising - қозғалыс, жаттығу Dieting - диета British people take care of health . Cut out snacks and deserts. Eat less of everything. Exercise more. Cut down on fat. Don’t eat at night. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Count calories. Eat less red meat. Use low- calorie foods. Follow a diet ●Using the pictures make up some sentences We must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness lay the foundations for good health and long life Find the proverb A is missed 1. .SYINGNDDOINGRETWOTHINGS (3) 2. MNNERSMKEMN ( 4) 3. CLENHANDWNTSNOWSING (5) 4. ERLYTOBEDNDERLYTORISEMKESMN HELTHYWELTHYNDWISE (7) SAYING AND DOING ARE TWO THINGS 2. MANNERS MAKE A MAN 3. A CLEAN HAND WANTS NO WASHING 4. EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE MAKES A MAN HEALTHY, WEALTHY AND WISE ANSWERS: PROVERBS ABOUT HEALTH . Health is not valued till sickness comes . It is healing of an old sore. A green wound is soon healed. A good wife and health is a man’s best wealth. Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Health is great riches. Of one ill come many. God helps them that help themselves Health is above the wealth Try to give Kazakh equivalent HOME TASK:TO WRITE AN ESSAY “ I TAKE CARE OF HEALTH ”