Презентация к проекту Англицизмы в русском языке на тему Anglicizes in city signs

Presented byNastya VeselovaForm 6 «A»Anglicizes in russian Restaurant Signs ‘Steak House’– Стейк хаус First time in steak house were only meat dishes. Now steak houses offer visitors rich menu. Nowadays steak house means restaurant with high service level. City Signs ‘Sales’ – распродажа, скидкиThe first sales appeared in Europe at the end of the 18 century.Black Friday it is a day when starts Christmas sales. In some shops on this day you can take things absolutely free! Road Signs ‘STOP’- Стоп It has become a tradition to see a sign ‘STOP’ on the Russian roads. It has the same meaning in English and in Russian – «стоп» Thank you for attention