Урок Жыл мезгілдерін тану

План урока
СабаKтыS жоспары
The plan of the lesson

Дата/ К_ні/Date:
Класс/ Сынып/Class:
Предмет/П‰н/ Subject: English language.
Тема/ТаKырыбы/Theme: Do you have?
Цели/МаKсаттары/Aims: Deepen of knowledge.
1. Образовательная/ білімдік/educational:
- to introduce of new material.
2. Развивающая/ дамытушылыK/developing:
- to enrich the vocabulary.
- to develop memory, attention.
- to develop reading skills..
3. Воспитательная/ т‰рбиешілік/up-bringing:
- to bring – up interesting pupils to learning English language.

Оборудование/ К™рнек Kaралдар/Resources: cards, presentation Power Point, English book.



Physical training.
“If you happy” musical physical training.
2 min

Fixing of knowledge.
Open the work book, page 69. Ex.1
Write and say.
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Look and write the answers.
Ex.2 (Write )
Does he have any grapes? __________
Does he have any melons? __________
Does he have any pears? ____________
Does he have any apples? ___________

Look and write. (Ex.3)
Oranges, apples, grapes, pears, bananas, strawberries.
She has some apples. She does not have any grape.
He has some pears. She does not have any oranges.

Marks of the lesson.
You must to learn new words.
4 min