Календарно-тематическое планирование 6-7 классы по УМК messages Cambridge

Календарно-тематическое планирование
для учащихся 7-х классов по УМК «Messages»,
авторы – Diana Goodey , Noel Goodey и Miles Craven издательства «Cambridge»
68 hours in a year
Week Date Lesson Theme Vocabulary Grammar
1st term 18 hours
Module 1. Present and past (11 hours)
1 1 Connections (step 1) Questions and answers, greetings and introductions, ask questions when you meet new people, greet people, introduce people 1 2 Connections (step 2) Countries and nationalities, say where people come from and their nationality, talk about yourself and your friends Present continuous and present simple
2 3 Connections (step 3) Read a magazine article about the English language, write a report about your class Practice using numbers
2. 4 Extra exercises 3 5 Extra reading A language with a rich history 3 6 Past events (step 1) Giving and accepting an apology, talk about events in the past, say that you are sorry Past simple
4 7 Past events (step 2) Verbs describing actions, describe events in the past Past simple and past continuous
4 8 Past events (step 3) Read a short adventure story, study link words, write a short story 5 9 Extra exercises 5 10 Extra reading Journey and explorers 6 11 Review module 1. Coursework 1 Module 2. Descriptions (11 hours)
6 12 People (step 1) Give descriptions and make comparisons Comparatives and superlatives
7 13 People (step 2) Asking for a description, describe differences and similarities, adjectives describing personality (not) as ……as
7 14 People (step 3) Read a personal Web-page, write about yourself Study opposites : un+ adjectives
8 15 Extra exercises 8 16 Extra reading Kazakhstan 9 17 Places (step 1) Names of places and buildings, responding to suggestions, ask for , make to suggestions, talk about a day out Suggestions
9 18 Places (step 2) Expressions of quantity, talk about a place you know, and things you like and don’t like there 2nd term 14 hours
10 1 Places (step 3) Read an article about a Japanese student’s day, write about a typical day Study the verb - get
10 2 Extra exercises 11 3 Extra reading The Silk Road Tour 11 4 Review module 2. Coursework 2 Module 3. The future (11 hours)
12 5 Goals (step 1) Talk about arrangements and intentions Present continuous used for the future, the future with going to
12 6 Goals (step 2) Names of sports clothes, expressions we use when we’re shopping, talk about the future , and make offers, make a conversation in a shop The future with will and going to, will in offers
13 7 Goals (step 3) Read an interview, interview your friend and then write about him/her Study adjective/verb+ preposition
13 8 Extra exercises 14 9 Extra reading An email from Almaty14 10 Choices (step 1) At the table, polite requests, talk about results, make a conversation in a restaurant First conditional
15 11 Choices (step 2) Make promises, talk about things that are probable and things that aren’t certain in the future The future with will and might, will/won’t + probably
15 12 Choices (step 3) Read an article about artificial intelligence, make predictions about the future Compound nouns
16 13 Extra exercises 16 14 Extra reading Kazakhstan in the future 3rd term 21 hours
17 1 Review module 3. Coursework 3 Module 4. Your world (11 hours)
17 2 Achievements (step 1) Describe achievements and changes Present perfect: affirmative, negative and questions
18 3 Achievements (step 2) Using a machine, I think so/ I don’t think so, say what people have done and when they did it, talk about using a machine Present perfect and past simple
18 4 Achievements (step 3) Read a newsletter about a campaign, write a letter Study the infinitive of purpose
19 5 Extra exercises 19 6 Extra reading Helping others 20 7 Experiences (step 1) Names of outdoor activities, talk about experiences, describe things that happened a short time ago Present perfect + ever and never, present perfect + just
20 8 Experiences (step 2) Talk about present situations and how long they have continued Present perfect + for and since, how long …? + time expressions
21 8 Experiences (step 3) Read a biography, study prepositions of time, write a biography of a singer of band 21 10 Extra exercises 22 11 Extra reading Amazing adventures 22 12 Review module 4. Coursework 4 Module 5. The way it’s done (11 hours)
23 13 Getting it right (step 1) Talk about rules and obligations, describe rules at your school and at your ideal school Have to, don’t have to, mustn’t
23 14 Getting it right (step 2) Illness and injuries, thanking people and responding to thanks, understand and give advice, make suggestions when there’s problem Should, shouldn’t
24 15 Getting it right (step 3) Do a quiz about customs around the world, study adverbs, write about customs in your country 24 16 Extra exercises 25 17 Extra reading A Kazakh’s best friend 25 18 Where is it made (step 1)? Names of different materials, expressing a reaction, describe what things are made of, talk about where things are produced Present simple passive
26 19 Where is it made (step 2)? Do a general knowledge quiz and make your own quiz, talk about when things were built , made or produced Past simple passive, passive + by
26 20 Where is it made (step 3)? Read a description of animated films, describe a film you know well Parts of speech
27 21 Extra exercises 4 th term 15 hours
27 1 Extra reading The world’s oldest space station 28 2 Review module 5. Coursework 5 Module 6. The way we live (13 hours)
28 3 Talking (step 1) Relationships, say and tell, report what other people say Reported speech
29 4 Talking (step 2) Ask if something is true or not, or ask for agreement, ask for clarification when you don’t understand Question tags, Pardon? Could you say that again? What does …..mean?
29 5 Talking (step 3) Read a story from the Internet about a telephone conversations, study verbs that describe speaking, revise the names of punctuation marks, write a conversation using the correct punctuation 30 6 Extra exercises 30 7 Extra reading A tradition of poetry 31 8 New beginnings (step 1) Words from American English, talk about differences between life in Britain and life in the USA, describe things that happened in the past but that don’t happen now Used to
31 9 New beginnings (step 2) Ways of saying goodbye, say goodbye and thank people after a visit, talk about imaginary situations Second conditional
32 10 New beginnings (step 3) Read some extracts from an encyclopaedia, write an essay about your country Synonyms
32 11 Extra exercises 33 12 Extra reading Life in the past 33 13 Review module 6. 34 14 Coursework 6 My guidebook 34 15 Review