What should you do to keep fit?”

Grade: 7Date I. The theme of the lesson: Step four.II. The objectives of the lesson:1. To consolidate previous materials, to train the pupils in using model verb. «Must» mustn't in speech2. To develop pls’ abilities in oral speech and reading.3. To teach pupils to respect each other and to be polite, to develop pls’, knowledge.III. Visual aids:Activ Board.IV.Types:lesson ntroduction.V. Method: complex work, association, question – answer, gr. work, Round – Robin.
The type of the lesson: consolidation lesson.
The kind of the lesson: competition lesson.What should you do to keep fit?
The visual aids: cards, diagrams, proverbs, rules, an interactive board, pictures. 
The plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment.
 a/ greeting; b/talking with the pupil on duty.
Phonetic exercise
I have two eyes and I can see,
I have two ears and I can hear.
I have mouth and I can talk
I have two legs and I can walk.
 Now, children, today we’ll have our lesson in a competition form. First of all divide into 2 teams. One of them is called "Sportsmen”, the 2nd is "Vitamins”. Our lesson is about health. That’s why you have taken these names.
II. Checking up home work.
Exercise 16 p.114 write down five things you had to do last week that you didn’t want to do, then share your list with the class and find out the five worst things you had to do.    
III. Now, we will begin our competition. Your home task was to learn by heart the new words & Ex. 14.
New theme. "What should you do to keep fit?”
Porfiry Ivanov’s fitness system: some advice
Bathe twice a day in cold water.
Stand barefoot on the ground.
Do not drink or smoke.
Try to go without food and drink at least once a week.
Love the nature.
Greet everyone.
Help people.
Trust people and love them.
Put away thoughts of disease, failing health and death.
Be modest.
IV. Proverbs about health.
An apple a day, keeps a doctor away
Good health is above wealth  The first wealth is health
Early to bed, early to raise makes We should eat to live, not live to eat
a man healthy, wealthy and wise.  
New words:
Indigestion [, indi’dȝestʃən] асқазанның бұзылуыOintment [‘ɔintmənt]  май /дәрілік/
Injection [in’dȝekʃən] инъекция, дәрі жіберуFaint  [ feint ] талып қалуPain  [ pein ] ауыруRegular  [‘regjulә ] жүйеліFit  [ fit ]  дені сау, жарамды 
V. Match the words and definitions.
a/ chemist’s 1/a pain in your stomach after eating
b/ fever  2/something you take to cure an illness
c/ indigestion 3/a place you buy medicine from
d/ ointment 4/difficulty going to sleep
e/ medicine 5/a cream used mainly for burns & other skin problem
f/ insomnia 6/a hot feeling when you have a cold or the flu
VIII. Review of the parts of the body.
 Game "Show me … , please”
VI. Reflection:
What was the theme of our lesson?
What interesting things did you know?
VII. Home task:       1-lesson: exercise 13 p.118 answer the questions  
2-lesson: exercise 14 p.118 writing work.
IX. Marks:
The marks for the lesson are …          
The lesson is over! Good-bye!