Разработка урока для 8 класса HUMAN ECOLOGY

HUMAN ECOLOGY(Урок в 8 классе)
Оленева Виктория Сергеевна, ГБОУ Школа № 109, г.МоскваТема урока: Экология человека, «экология человеческой души».
Тип урока: урок совершенствования умений и навыков.
Вид урока: практическое занятие.
Цели урока:
Образовательные: совершенствование навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования; развитие речевых умений в монологической и диалогической речи; закрепление лексических знаний, усиление мотивации изучения английского языка.
Развивающие: развитие мышления, способности анализировать, творческой фантазии, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия; развитие межпредметных связей с предметами Экология и Литература.
Воспитательные: формирование понятий о чести, честности, совести и благородстве.
Оборудование урока: репродукции, таблицы, дидактический материал.
Ход урока.
Приветствие. Цели урока.
Фонетико-орфографическая зарядка (Слайды –таблицы с транскрипцией и словами).

[ a: ]
far ask pass father dance fast clasp can’t craft palm calf
farm, star, March, large, hard, bar
pass, class, grass, glass, brass
France, dancer, chance, prance
clasp, grasp, gasp, rasp
alms, calm, balm, psalm ask, task, mask, basket, flask, cask
path, pathfinder, rather, lather, bath
fast, cast, master, nasty, last, past
craft, raft, after, afternoon, afterthought
half, calf
but some country blood
must love trouble Flood
fun cover,
London country,
rough Let’s read all these words aloud, please. (Учащиеся читают таблицы и слова на таблицах).
And now I want you to create your own sentences with these words and let me humour you.
A nasty mask grasped a glass.
Last afternoon Father wondered how fast the grass could grow.
A young mother in love has lost her glove.
From the balmy bath he sang a psalm calmly.
In some southern countries monkeys must comfort each other.
She passed along the path and asked for alms.
Basket, Flask and Cask ask for brass!
Half a calf – and not enough?!
She gasped: It’s your last task! Pass me a rasp!
Such trouble – your tongue was cut – so much blood!
Домашнее задание. Проверка.
(Cлайд – портрет Джонатана Свифта)

Jonathan Swift
November 30, 1667DEATH DATE
October 19, 1745EDUCATION
Kilkenny School , Trinity College ,University of OxfordPLACE OF BIRTH
Dublin, IrelandPLACE OF DEATH
Dublin, IrelandJonathan Swift was Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet and priest. Born on November 30, 1667, he grew up fatherless (his father died not long before he arrived). Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor’s degree from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman’s assistant. Eventually, he became dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. He was absolutely foremost in all his occupations. His life-story is worth reading, I insist.
Most of his writings were published under pseudonyms.
Long before his death, in 1731, Jonathan Swift wrote “The death of Dr. Swift” – a poem, where he gave a rather unusual self-portrait, and I want you to listen to a few lines from it, in Russian translation:
Поставил автор цель благую –
Лечить испорченность людскую.
Мошенников и плутов всех
Хлестал его жестокий смех…
Сдержи перо он и язык,
Он в жизни многого б достиг.
Но он не помышлял о власти,
Богатство не считал за счастье…
Согласен я, декана ум
Сатиры полон и угрюм;
Но не искал он нежной лиры:
Наш век достоин лишь сатиры.
Всем людям мнил он дать урок,
Казня не имя, но порок.
И одного кого-то высечь
Не думал он, касаясь тысяч.
It sounds like nowadays, doesn’t it?

Gulliver’s Travels was published in 1726. As with his other writings, the Travels was published under a pseudonym, the fictional Lemuel Gulliver, a ship’s surgeon and later a sea captain. It is regarded as the world’s masterpiece. By the way, George Orwell, the author of 1984, declared it to be among the six most indispensable (обязательных) books in world literature. Though it has often been mistakenly thought of as a children’s book, it is a great and sophisticated satire of human nature, a sardonic looking-glass, often criticize it for its apparent misanthropy. It asks its readers to refute it, to deny that it has adequately characterized human nature and society.
I’d like to know your opinion about it and you are sure to have read it – your written opinion will be among your homework.
And now – here is an extract from this famous novel – and I want you to do all the tasks to exercise 32, pages 48-49. (Учащиеся выполняют предтекстовое задание, читают текст и выполняют упражнение 33).
So, do you think this book is just a parable or does it really reflect human nature and society? (parable - притча)
(Учащиеся отвечают).
Now we are going to have a talk and discuss the problems of HUMAN ECOLOGY (Cлайд с объяснением).
Just to make sure, I’d like to remind to you some words and their meanings:
Adaptive - применяющийся; trait - черта характера; behavior - поведение; determine - решать; flexibility - гибкость; acquisition - обретение,приобретение.
Human behavioral ecology
examines the adaptive design of traits, behaviors and life histories of humans in an ecological context. One aim of modern human behavioral ecology is to determine how ecological and social factors influence and shape behavioral flexibility within and between human populations. Among other things HBE attempts to explain variation in human behavior as adaptive solutions to the competing life-history demands of growth, development, reproduction, parental care, and mate acquisition.
And now I want you to give some thought to this conception – behavioral ecology – and answer my questions.
What does our behavior depend on? (supposed answers: on the way you’ve been brought up; on your faith; on your manners; on your honesty; on your personality; etc…)
Do you tell lies? How often?
Do you think you can live without telling lies? Will it be too hard? Why?
What do you know of wars nowadays? Can reasons for these wars be called justifiable?
Do you think the world can do without wars? What must be done for it?
What must man be like to call him an ideal person?
What can everyone do to make the world a better place?
So, I think we can draw a conclusion:
Human ecology is ecology of our mind, hearts and souls.
Don’t let them be lazy!
Итоги урока. Оценки. Домашнее задание.
Thank you all for your intensive work. You’ve gladdened my heart!
For homework: today’s theme and your variations – not much – 10-12 sentences in written.