Конспект урока Урок 54 Spotlight 2 Now I know Урок 54

Учебник: Spotlight 2
Now I know!
Урок 54
Класс : 2 АУчитель : Ходакова Светлана Викторовна.
Тема урока по журналу : 54 Module 4.Now I know .Урок 10 .Выполняют задания на закрепление языкового материала модуля и готовятся к выполнению модульного теста. Игра в рабочей тетради проводится на уроке внеурочной деятельности(стр.52-53)
Тема урока : 43 Module 3.Now I know .Урок 10 .Выполняют задания на закрепление языкового материала модуля и готовятся к выполнению модульного теста.
Задачи урока: закрепить языковой материал модуля 4.
Характеристика учебной деятельности учащихся Выполняют задания на закрепление языкового материала модуля и готовятся к выполнению модульного теста.
Предметные планируемые результаты Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими (лексическая сторона речи): научиться распознавать активную лексику и использовать ее в устной и письменной речи.
Метапредметныепланируемые результаты Коммуникативные УУД: работать в паре и группе.
Регулятивные УУД: осуществлять самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль, учитывать установленные правила в контроле способа решения.
Познавательные УУД: осуществлять анализ объектов с выделением существенных признаков, проводить рефлексию.
Личностные планируемые результаты Личностные УУД: ориентироваться на понимание причин успеха в учебной деятельности, на понимание оценок учителей и одноклассников.Домашнее
задание Рабочая тетрадь
с. 51 упр.4, повторить упр. 3 на стр.83 и принести два проекта стр.92
I Организационный момент
Hello children! How are you? I am glad to see you again.
What’s the weather like ? It’s cold(raining).
II Фонетическая разминка
Let’s start our lesson. Look at the blackboard. What’s this ? It’s a teddy bear. Where is the teddy bear ? ………What are they? Are they animals or TOYS !They are toys ! Can you sing the song about toys?
Open your student’s books at page 83 “Toys for me “ (обоснование выбора: песня включена в пьесу Starlight, act 1)
Let’s sing a song.
III Актуализация знаний
1 Проверка домашнего задания.
What was your homework for today ?Collection of exercises ex. 11 p.96 and ex. 12 p.97
Hand in your exercise books,please.
Проверка письменного домашнего задания.
I am glad to see that everyone has done the homework well today.
Let’s have a break !Динамическая пауза. Head, shoulders, knees and toes.
IV Постановка целей
Учитель пишет на доске крупно номер страницы «96» и говорит: Open your books at page ninety-six!
What are we going to do today ? What is the theme of our lesson? Now I know ! We are going to prepare for our test. Подготовка к тесту. Закрепление изученного материала. Look at the picture ! Do you know these children ?Yes! Lulu and Larry! Larry and Luly will have their test tomorrow. Would you like to help them do the tasks? Yes!
V. Работа по теме урока.1. Работа в парах. Look at ex. 1 p.96. Lulu is asking Larry where the teddy bear is? Read what they say. What should you do ? You are going to help them act out the dialogue. Let’s guess what they are talking about .I would like you to work in pairs.
Teacher: Where is the teddy bear?
Well done. Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
2. Работа по рабочей тетради.Open your workbooks at page 50. Exercise 1. You can see girls and boys. They are friend and they are talking. What are you going to do ? Yes, you are going to choose the right response.
Well done! Thanks! Is the task easy or difficult?
Game: Yuppi up. Words: Jack-in-the-box, toy soldier, ballerina, puppet, doll, teddy bear. Has it a big nose? Has it dark hair? Has it a small nose? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
Well done. Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
3. Работа по учебнику. Take your students book. Look at page 97 ex. 3. What can you see? (Larry, Lulu, Paco, Bill, Jack-in-the-box, toy soldier, ballerina, puppet, doll) Yes! What should you do ? Yes, you should match the words that children have and the pictures.
Do the task individually and then we shall check your answers. You have got 1 minutes. Дети делают упражнение устно. Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
4. Работа по рабочей тетради.Well done. Put your student’s books aside and take your workbooks. Look at page 51 ex. 3. Let’s help Lulu and Larry do the task. What are you going to do ? Yes, you are going to match and write words. Do the task, please.
Well done, thanks . Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
Динамическая пауза. Let’s have a break and sing the song :In my toy box.p87
5. Работа по учебнику.Take your student’s books and put your workbooks aside. Look at page 96 ex. 2.
Who’s this ? A girl. Has she got dark hair or fair hair ? Has she got big ears or short ears? Has she got a small nose or a big nose ? Has she got blue eyes or brown eyes? Who’s this ? A boy. Has he got dark hair or fair hair? …….
Read the task and tell me what you are going to do. Yes, you are going to choose the right word.Дети выполняют задания самостоятельно или с учителей (в зависимости от подготовленности группы).
Well done! Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
6. Now let’s help Lulu.Работа по рабочей тетради. Take your workbooks, please. Look at page 50 ex.2. What’s this ? (Puppets) Which one has got big ears ? (Puppet C). Which one has dark hair (Puppet B) …….Nanny Shine and Lulu will talk about one of the puppets. Listen and say which one they are talking about? Дети слушают запись ( при необходимости несколько раз) и выполняют задание. Учитель проверяет его выполнение. Has the puppet got a big nose? Has it got big ears?
Well done. Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
7. Now let’s help Chuckles! Take your student’s book at page 97. Ex. 4. What are going to do ? Yes, you are going to choose the right picture. You have got a description. Read the sentences and choose the right puppet. Which one is it ?Right!
Well done. Thanks. Was the task easy or difficult? If the task was easy show me a green heart and if the task was difficult show me a red heart.
VI. Оценка знаний учащихся .VII Подведение итогов урока
Which phrases and words do you remember ?Which task do you like best of all ?Какие слова и фразы вы запомнили ?Какое задание вам понравилось больше всего?
Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания.
For homework:Workbook: упр.4 стр.51, повторить упр.3 стр.83, принести проекты стр.92.
Если останется время. Командная работа. Игра: “крестики-нолики». ‘Noughts and crosses’.We will finish today. Goodbye!
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