Контрольная работа за вторую четверть по английскому языку 9 класс Кауфман

Контрольная работа за вторую четверть по английскому языку 9 класс
Вариант 1
1. Find the odd word
1. a. sacred
b. casual
c. fashionable
d. ridiculous
2. a. flared
b. tight
c. baggy
d. glamorous
3.   a. worn
b. stylish                       
c. tasteful
d.  fancy
                        4. a. to gain weight 
b. to lose weight
c. to diet 
d. to tell on somebody
Score: 4
2. Translate the sentences into English
1. Я не люблю выделяться.
2. Это платье вышло из моды
3. Его одежда и модная, и повседневная
4. Сколько это стоит?
5. Какой у Вас размер?
6. Его исключили из школы
7.У моего друга низкая самооценка
8. Тебе следует похудеть
Score: 16
3. Choose the right variant of the Direct Speech.
1. I asked the boy not to make such a fuss.
a) I said to the boy, “Don’t make such a fuss.”
b) I asked the boy, “Not make such a fuss.”
2. The teacher ordered the pupils to open the books.
a) The teacher to the pupils: “To open the books!”
b) The teacher to the pupils: “Open the books!”
3. Jacky asked Pat if she would spend her holidays in Russia.
a) Jacky said to Pat, “Will you spend your holidays in Russia?”
b) Jacky said to Pat, “If you spend your holidays in Russia?”
4. He asks if I am an actress.

a) He says, “Are you an actress?”
b) He says, “Do you an actress?”
5. The teacher asked the boys not to talk very loud.
a) The teacher to the boys, “Doesn’t talk very loud.”
b) The teacher to the boys, “Don’t talk very loud.”
Score: 5
4. Write the sentences using reported speech
1. Nina asked her friend, “What did the professor speak about in his lecture?”
2. Father said to me, “Don’t stay there long.”
3. She said to me, “Did you live in St Petersburg ten years ago?”
4. Please bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress
5. Aim said, “Who is the best speakers?"
Score: 10
5. Choose the correct item.
1. Not... of the answers were correct.
a. much   b. many. C. little
2. There is very ... hope of getting financial support for the research project
a. little  b. few c. many
3. Маrу must not eat too ... food because she has a weight problem
a. much   b. many. c. few
4.  He has ... English books. 
a. little  b. few c.much
5. Give me ….. water to drink, please.
a. some b. the c. any
6. Children must go to ….. school.
a. some b. the c. any
Score: 6
38-41 30-37 20-29 <19
excellent good satisfactory Try again
Контрольная работа за вторую четверть по английскому языку 9 класс
Вариант 2
1. Find the odd word
1. a. casual
b. fashionable
c. fancy
d. favourite
2. a. glamorous                    b. colourful                       c. tight                               d. helpful
3. a. flared                           b. baggy                          c. careful
d. waterproof                   
4. a. to gain weight 
b. to lose weight
c. to feel guilty 
d. to diet 
Score: 4
2. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Я равнодушен к моде
2. Мне нравиться повседневная одежда
3. Я покупаю вещи на распродажах.
4. Могу я заплатить карточкой?
5. Где примерочная?
6. Я чувствую себя виноватой
7. У нее низкая самооценка
8. Тебе следует прибавить в весе
Score: 16
3. Choose the right variant of the Direct Speech.
1. Mary said that she would do it after my arrival.
a) Mary said, “I will to do it after my arrival.”
b) Mary said, “I will do it after my arrival.”
2. Tom asks if she may go out.
a) Tom says, “Might she to go out?”
b) Tom says, “May she go out?”
3. Jack asked Mary if he didn’t tell her about  it before.
a) Jack to Mary: “Didn’t I told you about it before?”
b) Jack to Mary: “Didn’t I tell you about it before?”
4. Kelly told that she didn’t look after herself properly.
a) Kelly: “I don’t look after myself properly.”
b) Kelly: “I didn’t look after myself properly.”
5. The teacher ordered the pupils to open the books.
a) The teacher to the pupils: “To open the books!”
b) The teacher to the pupils: “Open the books!”
Score: 5
4. Write the sentences using reported speech
1. He asked me, “When will your parents arrive in St Petersburg?
2. Peter said to them, “Don’t leave the room until I come back.”
3. She asked her brother, “Will you manage to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday
4. She said to Nick, “Please don’t say anything about it to your sister.”
5. Nina asked her friend, “Who is the professor?”
5. Choose the correct item. Score: 10
1. Mary must not eat too …. salt because she has problems with her blood pressure.
a. much   b. many. C. little
2. He has got ... friends.
a. little  b. few c. much 
3. I have ... time, so I can’t go with you.
a. little  b. few c. much 
4. There are not ... pictures in this room. 
a. much   b. many. C. little
5. The waitress put …. salad into each plate.
a. some b. the c. any
6. When did ….. lesson begin?
a. some b. the c. any
Score: 6
38-41 30-37 20-29 <19
excellent good satisfactory Try again