Урок на английском языке Word-Building

Lesson Plan
Teacher : Sagymbekova Shynar Aidarkhanovna
Subject: Professional English
Group: 3ayaTheme : Word Building. Endings. Suffixes. Prefixes. English famous writers , poets and their work.
Date : September, 15,2016
Type of the Lesson :
Aims of the lesson:
Educational : to know to differ the endings from the suffixes . Give information about the English writers and poets.
Developing: to develop students’ writing habits doing exercises from the poems and novels. Analyzing sentences from the writers’ biography. Brining up: Giving the educational texts from the English writers’ novels ,recite and analyze them.
Methods:oral and written texts , mini projects
Teaching Aids: Slide-shows about Daniel Defoe ,William Shakespeare, George Gordon Byron, Radiard Kipling .
Subject Connection: English Practice,English Lexicology, History of the English Language, Practical Grammar.
Literature: V.D. Arakin «Practical Course of English Language », Antrushina «Lexicology», Reznik «History of the English Language» .
Additional: Кочетова Л.А. «English for secondary education» . Internet resources. Slide-shows.
Procedure of the Lesson Stages . Content
Organization moment Greeting, plan of the lesson
Good Morning, students. Today we are going to talk about famous English writers and their work. You know our subject is called professional English, and that’s why we use here all our best , it means our grammar, phonetics and Practical English .
Checking up knowledge
What can you say about these writers, first of all their biography and a few information about their books. Please answer my questions !When and where was born these writers ?What were their professions besides writers ?What work made them famous ?Introduction of the New Theme
The word and its structure. We know that word has its root and affixes. What is affix ? Here we have close connection with English lexicology. So it is Word Formation. Prefix and suffix is an affix.
( noun forming and adjective forming suffixes)
E.g. happiness, happily, unhappy
Students self-work, creative work.
Students work with computers and write sentences with different types of affixes and explain them.
Every student presents one writer , they show their slides and projects in mini groups
We have talked about four famous writers and you have known more about them I hope. Please say their individual qualities which you like, for example Robinson’s long life in the island and his hard life.
Student-1, Student-2, Student-3, Student-4
Reflection of the lesson. Giving marks explaining their mistakes.
Well we ‘ve come to the end of our lesson and you work hard and I think today’s lesson helped us to know more about our writers and the structure of the word. We ‘ve revised the prefixes and suffixes and their roles in the word formation. Every ending has its meaning. In future we use them in our speech very often I hope.
Home work. Literature .Tasks. From these writers work write out the sentences with different affixes or any sentences with suffixes and prefixes.