Сборник УРС для УМК New Millennium English-7.

МБОУ «Намская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1им. И.С. Гаврильева»
Сборник УРС к УМК «New Millennium English-7»
Составитель: Полякова И.А., учитель английского языка
МБОУ «НСОШ №1 им.И.С.Гаврильева»
UNIT 1 Keep in touch
Situation “Telephone conversation”
Student A
You call to your friend Jack/Kate, but he/she is not at home. Talk to his/her mother and leave a message for your friend.
Student B
You are Jack/Kate’s mother. Somebody is calling and asking for your son/daughter. But he/she is not at home. You should take a message for your son/daughter.
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
Could I leave a message…?
Could you ask him/her to …?
Do you think you could…?
I want him/her to …
Studenr B Don’t forget to be polite.
Yes. of course
Sorry. I don’t understand. Could you say that again?
What’s your…?

UNIT 2 Ready, steady, go!
Situation “At the studio”
Student A
You are a famous athlete, Olympic champion. You give an interview at the BBC studio.
You have 4 gold, 1 silver and bronze medals.
You train every day during 5 hours.
You enjoy travelling, reading adventure stories and listening to rock music.
You are planning to take part in the Olympic Games in 2016
Student B
You are a presenter at the BBC studio. Your guest is famous athlete. Ask him/her questions about:
Amount of his/her medals
How many hours he/she trains every day
His/her hobbies
His/her plans for the future
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
I have got …, but I hope to win…
I have to train…
Sport helps me to be …
In my free time I enjoy …/ I love …/I always …
I’m going to take part in …
Student B Don’t forget to be polite.
How many… have you. ..?
How many hours…?
What do you … in your free time?
What are going to …?
UNIT 3 Sounds cool
Situation for group work
Student A
You are a journalist of the magazine “Sounds Cool!” You should interview some teenagers to find about their favourite type of music.
Student B
You are a student of the 7th form. You should answer journalist’s questions about your favourite type of music. You like listening to rock music. You have been collecting CDs of your favourite rock band for 3 years.
Student C
You are a student of 11th form. You should answer journalist’s questions about your favourite type of music. You love listening to classical music very much and you don’t understand people who don’t like it. Your mother is a pianist. You have been playing the piano since you were 4 years old.
Student D
You are a student of 9th form. You should answer journalist’s questions about your favourite type of music. You and all your friends like listening to rap music. You think that rappers sing about real life and you hate everything about pop.
Student E
You are a student of 10th form. You should answer journalist’s questions about your favourite type of music. You can’t live without music. Your favourite types of music are pop, folk, classical and jazz. You want to become a famous violinist.
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
What is your name?
What is your favourite…?
How impotant is music for you?
How long have you been …?
Students B-E Don’t forget to be polite.
My favourite … is/are…
I have been … for…
UNIT 4 Stars and stripes
Situation “Satellite link Yakutia-America”
Student A
You are a student from Yakutian school. You have to know more about American symbols and the Independence Day. Please, talk to American student about it. Ask him some questions about the Statue of Liberty, the American flag, the Independence Day and tell him about Yakutia’s flag.
Student B
You are a student from America. Your friend wants to know about your American symbols and the Independence Day. Answer his questions and tell him about the Statue of Liberty, the American flag, the Independence Day. Then ask your friend about his national flag.
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
I have to know about …
Tell me about …, please.
What is your favourite…?
Our national flag has …
… colour means…
Students B Don’t forget to be polite.
The Statue of Liberty was given to … by …
It is a symbol of …
The first American flag was made by …
It has …stripes, … stars
The Independence Day is celebrated on …
We celebrate it with…
UNIT 5 On screen Discussion about favourite films
Student A
You like fantasy films very much. Your favourite ones are Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. You adore special effects of such films. You don’t like love stories and documentaries.
Student B
You like thrillers because you never know the ending of them. Your favourite film is about Sherlock Holmes. You don’t like cartoons because you think they are only for little children.
Student C
You like historical films and documentaries. You think they are very interesting because you can find out more about our past. You don’t like comedies and cartoons because they are silly.
Student D
You like action films. Your favourite film is Matrix. Special effects and computer graphics are for you. You don’t like love stories and westerns. You think they are boring.
Student E
You are a real fan of films in 3D. You can watch any film if it is in 3D. You like special sounds effects most of all. You like all types of films.
Students A-E Don’t forget to be polite. Discuss all opinions. Agree or disagree with your mates.
I like … because…
My favourite film is …
I was … by …
I don’t like … because…
UNIT 6 Me in the World
Situation “Talk show Behind the Mask”
Student A
You are a school psychologist. You should give advice to participants of the Talk show.
Student B
You often have arguments with your parents. Ask for some advice about your problem. During the discussion you should give advice to other participants.
Student C
You had an argument with your best friend. Ask for some advice about your problem. During the discussion you should give advice to other participants.
Student D
You are not happy with your appearance. Ask for some advice about your problem. During the discussion you should give advice to other participants.
Student E
Somebody is bullying you. Ask for some advice about your problem. During the discussion you should give advice to other participants.
Student F
You don’t have enough time to do your homework. Ask for some advice about your problem. During the discussion you should give advice to other participants.
Student G
You are always late. Ask for some advice about your problem. During the discussion you should give advice to other participants.
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
Tell me about …, please.
I think you should …
Don’t …
If I were you, I would …
Students B - G Don’t forget to be polite.
My problem is that I …
What should I do?
If I were you, I would …
You should …
UNIT 7 Past. Present. FutureSituation “Time capsule”
Student A
You are a guest from the 25thcentury. You meet with people who want to send some objects to the 25th century in a time capsule. Ask them some questions about these objects.
Students B - J
Choose the object that you want to send to the 25th century in a time capsule. Tell about your object, explain why it is should be send and answer the guest’s questions.
Students A Don’t forget to be polite.
What is it made of?
What is it used for?
Why is it so important?
Students B-J Don’t forget to be polite.
It is made of …
It used for…
It is important because…
UNIT 8 The world of mysterySituation-discussion “Mysteries of the World”
Students A-F
You should discuss the mysteries of the world: the Tunguska mystery, the Bermuda Triangle, Seahenge, Egyptian Pyramids. You think that all of these mysteries have a scientific explanation. Prove it.
Students G-L
You should discuss the mysteries of the world: the Tunguska mystery, the Bermuda Triangle, Seahenge, Egyptian Pyramids. You think that all of these mysteries haven’t got a scientific explanation. You believe that aliens, underworld and other mysteries exist. Give your arguments.
Students A - F Don’t forget to be polite.
I think/ I don’t think …
Scientists can explain …
I don’t think you are right
I don’t agree with you, in my opinion …
Students G-L Don’t forget to be polite.
I think/ I don’t think …
Scientists can’t explain …
I don’t think you are right
I don’t agree with you, in my opinion …
UNIT 9 The universe is callingSituation “Interview with a famous astronaut”
Students A
You are an interviewer. Your guest is a famous astronaut. Ask him about living in space. You should find out about sleeping in spaceship, space menu, requirements to be an astronaut.
Students B
You are a famous astronaut. Answer the interviewer’s questions about sleeping in spaceship, usual space menu and requirements to be an astronaut.
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
What can you tell us about …
How many meals a day do …
What’s on the menu?
What is important for being an astronaut?
Student B Don’t forget to be polite.
We usually sleep in …
There are… cabins…
Usually, astronauts sleep for … hours.
We have … meals a day.
There are many types of food: …
I think the most important thing is that he/she …Then … And finally…
UNIT 10 Welcome to Russia
Situation “At the travel agency”
Student A
You are a travel agent. You know everything about Russia. Tell your clients about Russia according their interests and answer their questions.
Student B
Your name is Mo Wilson. You like travelling very much. You also like going shopping and buying souvenirs. Ask the travel agent about Russia and Russian souvenirs.
Student C
Your name is Bobby Hard. You are crazy about sports and outdoor activities. Ask the travel agent about Russia’s interesting places for sport and outdoor activities.
Student D
Your name is Milly Green. You are fond of reading. You are interested in history, national costumes and traditions. Ask the travel agent about historical places in Russia. Tell that you want to know about Russian traditions and get advice about where you can go.
Student E
Your name is Steve Green. You like nature and wildlife. Your hobby is bird-watching, you also like fishing. Ask the travel agent about nature of Russia, tell that you would like to visit Lake Baikal and ask some questions about it.
Student A Don’t forget to be polite.
I think/ I don’t think …
You can go to …
There are many Russian souvenirs/places for outdoor activities/historical places: …
Baikal is the …
It is situated in …
Students B Don’t forget to be polite.
I like …
What Russian souvenirs can you name?
Where can I…
Students C Don’t forget to be polite.
I like …
What interesting places for sport and outdoor activities are there in Russia?
Where can I…
Students D Don’t forget to be polite.
I’m interested in …
What historical places are there in Russia?
Where can I…
Students E Don’t forget to be polite.
My hobby is …
What is the nature like in Russia?
I’d like to visit …
Where is it situated?

Методические рекомендации по применению серии УРС к УМК New Millennium English - 7
УРС должны формулироваться с акцентом на их смысловое содержание. Чтобы учебный процесс напоминал естественное общение, следует помнить о необходимости коммуникативной связанности заданий: переход от одного задания к другому должен быть логичным, плавным, незаметным.
Учащимся, испытывающим личностные трудности при общении, следует предлагать УРС, в которых они ощущают наименьший дискомфорт.
При распределении ролей УРС следует учитывать индивидуальные особенности учащихся, т.е. направленность их личности (экстравертированность, интровертированность). Экстравертам можно предлагать роли неторопливых персонажей. Интровертам – роли, имеющие яркие черты, роли активных в общении персонажей.
При необходимости к заданиям речевых ситуаций можно добавить ключевые слова, которые послужат опорой для слабых учеников.
Целесообразно при разыгрывании речевых ситуаций использовать необходимые атрибуты, создающие атмосферу естественности.