конспект урока на тему “Having friends”

Form: 7th
The theme: “Having friends”
The aims: to enrich pupils’ knowledge to the theme “Having fun”
to bring up pupils to friendship
to develop pupils’ memory skill
The aids: blackboard, chalk, book, pictures on the theme
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
А) greeting
B) speaking on duty
II. To check up home task
III. Introduction of new theme
Do you have a friend?
Who is a friend?
A friend is someone who always gives you help when you need it.
friend is …

IV. Presentation of new words to the theme
Interesting – қызықты
Charming – тамаша
Shy – қорқақ
Talkative – сөзшең
Polite – әдепті
Kind – мейірімді
Rude – дөрекі
Lazy – жалқау
Reliable – жауапсыз
V. Practice
Ex 4, p 19. Match the Kazakh words with the English.
Жалқауa) charming
Шаттанған, көңілдіb) shy
Тұйық, үндемейтінc) lively
Жасқаншақ, ұялшақd) polite
Сыпайыe) patient
Сүйкімдіf) gentle
Мейірімдіg) reliable
Көңілсізh) boring
Шыдамдыi) silent
Сенімдіj) lazy
Ex 5, p 20. Match the word with its opposite.
Polite1) unhelpful
Patient2) unkind
Helpful3) impolite
Kind4) uninteresting
Interesting 5) impatient
Ex 6, p 20. Match the Kazakh word with the English
сену 1) trust
бөлу, ортақтасу2) rely (on)
сүю, ұнату3) share (with)
арқа сүйену4) care (for)
Ex 10, p 22. Translate the sentences
Ex 11, p 22. Rewrite the sentences
I am a little lazy
I am a little impatient
I am really reliable
I am very hardworking
VI. Home task for the next lesson
Introduce with your friends
VII. Marks for the lesson
VIII. Saying good-bye