Вопросы к дифференцированному зачёту по английскому языку

методической комиссией
общеобразовательных дисциплин
протокол №___
от «___» ___________ 20__ года
/Н.Л. Рюмшина/ УТВЕРЖДАЮ
Щигровским филиалом
ОБПОУ «Советский
техникум имени В.М. Клыкова»
___________ /Л.В. Ашихмина/
«___»___________20__ года
нужное подчеркнуть
___ ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык (английский) _
наименование учебной дисциплины, МДК
Для обучающихся 2 курса по специальности ___19.01.17 «Повар, кондитер»
(код и наименование специальности (профессии)).
Билет №1.
1. Соедините две части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Переведите их начало на английский язык, используя субстантивированные прилагательные.
1. В Британии молодые люди хотят 1.to hospital late at night.
2. В Москве можно увидеть бездомных 2. to receive financial help.
3. Нетрудоспособные люди имеют право на
3. to have their own home or flat.
4. Раненых привезли 4. with an income that allows to them to live to some degree of dignity.
5. Государство обеспечивает пожилых людей
5. not far from shops and metro.
2. Заполните пропуски субстантивированными прилагательными.
1. ... receive retirement pension.
2. ... have a right to receive invalidity pension.
3. ... can get payments for their husbands who died.
4. ... who study away from home get help from their parents.
5. We can meet ... in the streets of many big cities.
Билет №2.
1. Закончите предложения.
1. My grandmother left work at the age of 55, while ... .
2. When I was ill I refused to get injections, while ... .
3. My Granny left out town with my family, although ... .
4. Her financial situation is not good despite ... .
5. He waited to be operated on for two years in spite of ... .
6. My Granny always goes shopping in spite of the fact that ... .
7. His retirement pension is very low in spite of ... .
8. She doesn't get any payments from the Government, although ... .
9. Our hospital has many good doctors, although ... .
10. You should take care of your health in spite of ... .
2. Соедините части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. My uncle moved to a warmer place when he retired
2. Some retied people need regular medical care.
3. She fell down and broke her leg
4. I didn't fell better5. He couldn't continue his treatment
6. Many people visit private dentists, ...7. He has to wait to be operated on ...8. She doesn't stop working ...9. The doctor prescribed him some medicine ...10. My Granny felt very lonely ...1. in spite of his good health.
2. although I drank medicine and used tablets.
3. because of the financial problems in his family.
4. because of slippery road.
5. although they continue working.
6. ...because of the shortage of money for this operation.
7. ... despite being old.
8. ...although they can treat teeth free of charge.
9. ... because of our departure.
10. ... in spite of the fact that he was not ill.
Билет №3.
1. Выберите верный вариант.
1. In Russia the war veterans have 50% reduced for ... .
a) public; b) medical care; c) accommodation in a health resort.
2. The system of medical care doesn't work because of ... .
a) free medical care; b) shortage of money; c) insurance.
3. In Britain ... are paid to the sick.
a) benefits; b) contributions; c) incomes.
4. Some elderly people think that they are ... to children.
a) ransom; b) security; c) burden.
5. In Russia medical service is ... .
a) very expensive; b) free of charge; c) reduced.
6. ... can get payments for their husbands who died.
a) the disabled; b) the widowed; c) the retired.
7. In a Welfare State the unemployed receive ...a) pension; b) allowance; c) dole.
8. Women who leave work to have a baby receive ... .
a) maternity pay; b) family credit; c) mobility allowance.
9. In Britain people who work must pay ... to the National Insurance Fund.
a) fee; b) tax; c) contribution.
10. ... are people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.
a) the poor; b) the disabled; c) the elderly.
2. Соедините части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. My uncle moved to a warmer place when he retired
2. Some retied people need regular medical care.
3. She fell down and broke her leg
4. I didn't fell better5. He couldn't continue his treatment
6. Many people visit private dentists, ...7. He has to wait to be operated on ...8. She doesn't stop working ...9. The doctor prescribed him some medicine ...10. My Granny felt very lonely ...1. in spite of his good health.
2. although I drank medicine and used tablets.
3. because of the financial problems in his family.
4. because of slippery road.
5. although they continue working.
6. ...because of the shortage of money for this operation.
7. ... despite being old.
8. ...although they can treat teeth free of charge.
9. ... because of our departure.
10. ... in spite of the fact that he was not ill.
Билет №4.
1. Составьте из данных слов предложения. Вставьте артикли там, где это необходимо.
River, Darling, in, is, Australia, longest.
Heavy, is, with, Siberia, covered, forests.
Many, from, animals, America, attract, Australia, unique, and, of, Europe, tourists.
Baikal, very, types, and, live, there, water, is, fish, and, many, in, clear, of, plants.
Lakes, people, holidays, like, spend, of, Karelia, here, who, rich, in, fishing, are, their, and, fish, many.
2. Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из данных в скобках слов в нужной форме.
Russia is located on two …
(island, plain, coast).
The USA is washed by the Pacific … in the West.
(coast, desert, ocean).
The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest … in the world.
(wood, mountain, canyon).
Edinburgh Castle was build on a high … .(forest, canyon, hill).
The north and the west of Great Britain are … .(deep, mountainous, flat).
Билет №5.
1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребляя определенный артикль там, где это необходимо.
Соединенное Королевство – это островное государство.
Соединенные Штаты Америки омываются Атлантическим океаном на востоке и Тихим океаном на западе.
Озеро Байкал – это одно из самых больших озер в России.
Оттава – это столица Канады.
Сибирь богата природными ресурсами.
2.Соедините две части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Добавьте союзы выражения причины или следствия.
The climate in Great Britain is mild.
People can travel by water from one end of England to the other.
The USA occupies nearly half of a continent.
The Mississippi is called the father of waters.
Thousands of tourists come to the New York Central Lines, midway between New York and Chicago.
there are canals between the rivers.
it is rich in different natural resources.
they want to see the Niagara Falls. The Niagara Falls are very beautiful.
the Gulf Stream washes the northern coast of the country.
it is very long and it is one of the world’s great continental rivers.
Билет №6.
1. Вспомните и напишите с данными слогами слова, отражающие черты характера людей.
-re- -fi- -mo- -ti- -sub- -hos-
2. Измените данные вопросы на косвенные в вежливой форме.
Where is the Rossiya Hotel?
What is your friend’s name?
Why do Russians take off shoes and leave them outside the door?
Why do people in the UK go for their holidays to the seaside?
Why did Australia become cut off from the rest of the world?
Билет №7.
1. Измените предложения, используя конструкцию there is/there are.
My region is famous for its beautiful lakes.
Karelia has many heavy forests.
Its rivers are full of fish.
I am proud of its parks and squares.
My town is a large port on the Barents Sea.
2. Составьте слова по теме «Как различен этот мир!» и переведите их на русский язык.
C, a, n, o, e.
S, e, s, l, u, e, s.
N, a, o, i, m, u, s, t, u, n, o.
R, i, r, e, a, p, i.
T, e, l, i, r, f, e.
M, u, y, t, i, m, c, n, o.
N, t, e, r, o, i, f, r.
Билет №8.
1. Составьте из данных слов предложения. Вставьте артикли там, где это необходимо.
River, in, Thames, England, the deepest, is.
Ocean, Sea, is, Kingdom, North, and, washed, United, Sea, Atlantic, by, Irish.
Can, you, forests, mountains, deep, extensive, see, in, States, heavy, and, deserts, canyons.
Biggest, on, Glasgow, Clyde, stands, Scotland’s, city.
Russia, flat, is, mostly, relief, the, of.
2. Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из данных в скобках слов в нужной форме.
The Black Sea … is a very good place for summer holidays in our country.
(coast, range, island).
There are many … in Siberia.
(desert, ocean, forest).
I like to go for a walk when the weather is … .(sunny, useless, vast).
When we went across the United States we could spend days on the vast, … prairie lands.
(deep, high, flat)
South Wales is a land of … hills and wide valleys.
(extensive, high, huge).
Билет №9.
1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребляя определенный артикль там, где это необходимо.
В Австралии пустыни покрывают почти 2 000 000 квадратных километров.
США – четвертая по величине нация в мире.
Москва – столица России.
Реку Миссисипи в Америке называют отцом вод.
Озеро Байкал – это одно из самых больших озер в России.
2. Соедините две части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Добавьте союзы выражения причины или следствия.
The Niagara Falls can move big rocks.
Years ago the Chicago river flowed north but
British people talk about the weather more than anywhere else in the world.
Most English love gardens.
Russia is rich in fish and fish products.
there are a lot of rivers and lakes in it.
the climate in England is ideal.
their power is used for making electricity.
the weather changes very quickly.
more drinking water was needed for Chicago, engineers got to work and nowadays the Chicago river flows south.
Билет №10.
1. Вспомните и напишите с данными слогами слова, отражающие черты характера людей.
-re- -fi- -mo- -ti- -sub- -hos-
2. Измените данные вопросы на косвенные в вежливой форме.
What historical places and monuments can I see in your town?
Are there any museums and galleries in your town?
How can I get to the nearest post-office?
What national languages are spoken in your area?
Have you ever been to Great Britain?
Билет №11.
1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, используя конструкцию there is/there are.
В моем городе есть фабрики и заводы.
Здесь находятся три крупнейших научных центра.
В городе на Оби проживает много ученых.
В моем городе много театров, парков и скверов.
В нем есть музеи и картинные галереи.
2. Составьте слова по теме «Как различен этот мир!» и переведите их на русский язык.
S, e, t, d, r, e.
S, i, n, o, b, i, m, u, s, s.
K, a, e, n, i, c, m, n.
G, u, e, h.
H, g, r, u, d, t, o.
N, e, i, p, t, c, a, e.
7.G, e, a, r, n.
Билет №12.
1. Составьте слова по теме «Система социального страхования» и переведите их на русский язык.
l, o, n, e, l, w, a, c, e
t, e, n, m, t, r, e, i, e, r
m, i, c, n, e, o
v, i, o, n, r, o, i, p, s
u, n, t, s, c, o, d, it, o, s, hi, p, e, r, l, a, n, it, e, a, o, r, g, h, s
l, y, e, m, e, p, e, o
s, r, n, a, e, i, u, c, n
d, c, e, d, e, r, u
2. Перепишите предложения, употребив слова в скобках.
Example: He couldn’t find a job. He tried hard. (despite) He couldn’t find a job despite trying hard.
They have little money. They are going to pay university education for their children. (in spite of).
Retired people receive a state pension. They can get a wage. (although).
She accepted the job. The salary was very high. (because of).
The situation was serious. There was a hope that he wouldn’t become unemployed. (even though).
A lot of people lost their jobs. There was a severe economic crisis. (because of)
Билет №13.
1. Выберите верный вариант.
… get payments for their husbands who died.
the disabled; b) the widowed; c) the retired.
In a Welfare State the unemployed receive … .
pension; b) allowance; c) dole.
Women who leave work to have a baby receive … .maternity pay; b) family credit; c) mobility allowance.
In Britain people who work must pay … to the National Insurance Fund.
fee; b) tax; c) contribution.
… are people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.
the poor; b) the disabled; c) the elderly.
In Russia the war veterans have 50% reduced payment for …
public; b) medical care; c) accommodation
in a health resort.
The system of medical care doesn’t work because of …
free medical care; b) shortage of money; c) insurance.
In Britain … paid to the sick.
benefits; b) contributions; c) incomes.
Some elderly people think that they are … to children.
ransom; b) security; c) burden.
In Russia medical service is … .very expensive; b) free of charge; c) reduced.
2. Соедините две части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания.
My Grandpa continues running every morning
He couldn’t work in his garden
Some elderly people think that life is boring in the homes for elderly people
In Russia the war veterans are provided with 50% reduced payments for housing
Some elderly people prefer staying at home,
When Mr. Smith was seriously ill he suffered the fear of death
Some elderly people live with their adult children,
Being a patient of a home for elderly people she didn’t ask for help from her adult children
My Granny visits her friends very often
In Great Britain some of the homes for elderly people are terrible
in spite of the fact that they are provided with lots of entertainment.
despite of his poor legs.
because of his blind eyes.
whereas the war veterans have no privileges of this kind in Germany.
because of the shortage of money for them.
despite the fact that she has bad health and her friends live far from our place.
while some others live a lonely life.
in spite of the fact that he was a strong-willed person.
whereas some others travel a lot.
although she didn’t get good medical care there.
Билет №14.
1. Прочитайте и напишите о чем или о ком идет речь.
They are people who are not able to work.
They are women or men whose husbands and wives died.
He is a person who employs other people.
It is an undertaking by a company, society or the State to provide safeguard against loss; provision against sickness, death, etc.
It is money (to be) paid by citizens to the government for public purposes.
This name is applied to a country with State-financed social services.
They are people who are ill.
It is a payment for professional advice or services.
It is money received during a given period (as salary, receipts from trade, interest from investments, etc.).
He is a person employed for wages.
2. Заполните пропуски субстантивированными прилагательными.
… receive retirement pension.
…have a right to receive invalidity pension.
… can get payments for their husbands who died.
… who study away from home get help from their parents.
We can meet … in the streets of many big cities.
Билет №15.
1. Установите соответствия между заголовками A – H и текстами 1 – 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Staying in Contact E. Floating City
Internet Security F. Contrary to Popular Belief
Digital Divide G. Unknown Sailor
Obvious Benefits H. Varied Community
When the Oasis of the Seas sets sail later this year, it will claim the record for the biggest passenger ship, with space for 6, 300 passengers, 2,000 more than any other ship. But it will also claim the most rooms with balconies, the biggest onboard swimming pool, and the first at-sea, tree-filled, outdoor park. Those features were possible because of the ship’s unique design.
More and more people are getting broadband, and high speed net is available almost everywhere, but there are still a significant number of people who refuse to take the first step. As the coast of getting online is going down and internet speeds are increasing, the gap between those who use the internet and those without access continues to widen. That means these people will get left behind and miss out on many opportunities, especially in their careers.
There are more than 40 research projects being carried out at Davis Station in Antarctica. It is home to physicists, biologists, weather observers, mechanics, communication technicians, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, a doctor and a chef. There is also a station leader whose job is to keep everyone happy and productive and to look after all the paper work. They have good food, comfortable building, telephone, entertainment, the internet, but for many months at a time no chance of leaving.
The term “bird brain” has long been a common means of expressing doubts about a person’s intelligence. In reality, birds may actually be a great deal more intelligent than humans have given them credit for. Now scientists understand that birds actually use a different part of their brain for intelligence. Observations of different species of birds, both in the wild and in captivity, have shown a great deal of evidence of high levels of avian intelligence.
Today cyber cafes are part of the cultural scene in the same way that cinemas and supermarkets are. Home computers are no good if you are out and about or happen to be on holiday somewhere. The cyber café is the obvious place to go if you want to keep in touch with friends and family. This cafes are also popular with foreign students studying abroad. This students feel it’s important to keep in touch with everyone at home and e-mail is cheaper than the telephone.
When computers and the internet entered the world of education, it has truly experienced a profound revolution. The information found on books remain static but the available information on the internet is updated all the time. Plus, children are very much drawn to electronic gadgets and are learning the medium at a pretty fast pace. The use of computers in addition to books as a learning resource definitely boosts learning.
Ellen MacArthur became font page news when, in 2001, she came second in the Vendee Globe round-the-world yacht race. Up until that point most people had never heard of her, even though at one stage during the race it looked as if she might win. Ellen MacArthur spent three months at sea on her own and succeeded where many others, far older and more experienced, had failed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Билет №16.
1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.
1. cold – 6. nice - 11. new -
2. big – 7. comfortable - 12. expensive -
3. wonderful – 8. easy - 13. hungry -
4. happy – 9. fat - 14. hot -
5. good - 10. bad - 15. little –
2. Выберите верное слово.
1. I’m interesting/ interested in collecting stamps.
2. Everyone is depressed/ depressing by the awful weather.
3. I think that airports are exciting/ excited places.
4. I’m tired/ tiring. I think I’ll go to bed.
5. The journey was exhausted/ exhausting!
6. It’s not surprising/ surprised that she’s busy. She’s got six children.
7. The teacher was annoying/ annoyed because I had forgotten to do my homework.
8. He loved the museum – he thought it was fascinating/ fascinated.
9. We went to the cinema but I was very boring/ bored because I had seen the film before.
10. I like this monkey. It is very amused/ amusing.
Билет №17.
1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребляя определенный артикль там, где это необходимо.
В Австралии пустыни покрывают почти 2 000 000 квадратных километров.
США – четвертая по величине нация в мире.
Москва – столица России.
Реку Миссисипи в Америке называют отцом вод.
Озеро Байкал – это одно из самых больших озер в России.
2. Выберите верное слово.
1. I’m interesting/ interested in collecting stamps.
2. Everyone is depressed/ depressing by the awful weather.
3. I think that airports are exciting/ excited places.
4. I’m tired/ tiring. I think I’ll go to bed.
5. The journey was exhausted/ exhausting!
6. It’s not surprising/ surprised that she’s busy. She’s got six children.
7. The teacher was annoying/ annoyed because I had forgotten to do my homework.
8. He loved the museum – he thought it was fascinating/ fascinated.
9. We went to the cinema but I was very boring/ bored because I had seen the film before.
10. I like this monkey. It is very amused/ amusing.
Билет №18.
1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.
1. cold – 6. nice - 11. new -
2. big – 7. comfortable - 12. expensive -
3. wonderful – 8. easy - 13. hungry -
4. happy – 9. fat - 14. hot -
5. good - 10. bad - 15. little –
2. Составьте слова по теме «Система социального страхования» и переведите их на русский язык.
l, o, n, e, l, w, a, c, e
t, e, n, m, t, r, e, i, e, r
m, i, c, n, e, o
v, i, o, n, r, o, i, p, s
u, n, t, s, c, o, d, it, o, s, hi, p, e, r, l, a, n, it, e, a, o, r, g, h, s
l, y, e, m, e, p, e, o
s, r, n, a, e, i, u, c, n
d, c, e, d, e, r, u
Билет №19.
1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, используя конструкцию there is/there are.
В моем городе есть фабрики и заводы.
Здесь находятся три крупнейших научных центра.
В городе на Оби проживает много ученых.
В моем городе много театров, парков и скверов.
В нем есть музеи и картинные галереи.
2. Измените данные вопросы на косвенные в вежливой форме.
What historical places and monuments can I see in your town?
Are there any museums and galleries in your town?
How can I get to the nearest post-office?
What national languages are spoken in your area?
Have you ever been to Great Britain?
Билет №20.
1. Вставьте вместо пропусков нужные прилагательные из рамки.
worried interesting surprised boring interested surprising bored exciting disappointed amusing
1. What programme are you watching? Is it ------ ?2. “I’m going on a safari in Africa!” “Really? How ------ !”3. What time did you get home last night? I didn’t know where you were. I was very ----- about you.
4. The children are ----- and they don’t know what to do.
5. It was quite ---- that he passed the exam.
6. I was ---- with the film. I expected it to be much better.
7. I don’t want to read this book. It is ---- .8. The cartoon was very ---- . I laughed a lot.
9. I don’t want to go to the match. I’m not ---- in football.
10. We were very ---- when we heard the news.
2. Соедините части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. My uncle moved to a warmer place when he retired
2. Some retied people need regular medical care.
3. She fell down and broke her leg
4. I didn't fell better5. He couldn't continue his treatment
6. Many people visit private dentists, ...7. He has to wait to be operated on ...8. She doesn't stop working ...9. The doctor prescribed him some medicine ...10. My Granny felt very lonely ...1. in spite of his good health.
2. although I drank medicine and used tablets.
3. because of the financial problems in his family.
4. because of slippery road.
5. although they continue working.
6. ...because of the shortage of money for this operation.
7. ... despite being old.
8. ...although they can treat teeth free of charge.
9. ... because of our departure.
10. ... in spite of the fact that he was not ill.
Билет №21.
1. Заполните пропуски субстантивированными прилагательными.
… receive retirement pension.
…have a right to receive invalidity pension.
… can get payments for their husbands who died.
… who study away from home get help from their parents.
We can meet … in the streets of many big cities.
2. Составьте слова по теме «Как различен этот мир!» и переведите их на русский язык.
S, e, t, d, r, e.
S, i, n, o, b, i, m, u, s, s.
K, a, e, n, i, c, m, n.
G, u, e, h.
H, g, r, u, d, t, o.
N, e, i, p, t, c, a, e.
7.G, e, a, r, n.
Билет №22.
1. Выберите верное слово.
1. I’m interesting/ interested in collecting stamps.
2. Everyone is depressed/ depressing by the awful weather.
3. I think that airports are exciting/ excited places.
4. I’m tired/ tiring. I think I’ll go to bed.
5. The journey was exhausted/ exhausting!
6. It’s not surprising/ surprised that she’s busy. She’s got six children.
7. The teacher was annoying/ annoyed because I had forgotten to do my homework.
8. He loved the museum – he thought it was fascinating/ fascinated.
9. We went to the cinema but I was very boring/ bored because I had seen the film before.
10. I like this monkey. It is very amused/ amusing.
2. Заполните пропуски субстантивированными прилагательными.
… receive retirement pension.
…have a right to receive invalidity pension.
… can get payments for their husbands who died.
… who study away from home get help from their parents.
We can meet … in the streets of many big cities.
Билет №23.
1. Вставьте вместо пропусков нужные прилагательные из рамки.
worried interesting surprised boring interested surprising bored exciting disappointed amusing
1. What programme are you watching? Is it ------ ?2. “I’m going on a safari in Africa!” “Really? How ------ !”3. What time did you get home last night? I didn’t know where you were. I was very ----- about you.
4. The children are ----- and they don’t know what to do.
5. It was quite ---- that he passed the exam.
6. I was ---- with the film. I expected it to be much better.
7. I don’t want to read this book. It is ---- .8. The cartoon was very ---- . I laughed a lot.
9. I don’t want to go to the match. I’m not ---- in football.
10. We were very ---- when we heard the news.
2. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.
1. cold – 6. nice - 11. new -
2. big – 7. comfortable - 12. expensive -
3. wonderful – 8. easy - 13. hungry -
4. happy – 9. fat - 14. hot -
5. good - 10. bad - 15. little –
Билет № 24.
1. Соедините части предложений так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. My uncle moved to a warmer place when he retired
2. Some retied people need regular medical care.
3. She fell down and broke her leg
4. I didn't fell better5. He couldn't continue his treatment
6. Many people visit private dentists, ...7. He has to wait to be operated on ...8. She doesn't stop working ...9. The doctor prescribed him some medicine ...10. My Granny felt very lonely ...1. in spite of his good health.
2. although I drank medicine and used tablets.
3. because of the financial problems in his family.
4. because of slippery road.
5. although they continue working.
6. ...because of the shortage of money for this operation.
7. ... despite being old.
8. ...although they can treat teeth free of charge.
9. ... because of our departure.
10. ... in spite of the fact that he was not ill.
2. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.
1. cold – 6. nice - 11. new -
2. big – 7. comfortable - 12. expensive -
3. wonderful – 8. easy - 13. hungry -
4. happy – 9. fat - 14. hot -
5. good - 10. bad - 15. little –
Билет №25.
1. Выберите верный вариант.
1.… get payments for their husbands who died.
the disabled; b) the widowed; c) the retired.
2. In a Welfare State the unemployed receive … .
pension; b) allowance; c) dole.
3. Women who leave work to have a baby receive … .maternity pay; b) family credit; c) mobility allowance.
4. In Britain people who work must pay … to the National Insurance Fund.
fee; b) tax; c) contribution.
5. … are people who are unable to work to earn money on their own.
the poor; b) the disabled; c) the elderly.
6. In Russia the war veterans have 50% reduced payment for …
public; b) medical care; c) accommodation
in a health resort.
7. The system of medical care doesn’t work because of …
free medical care; b) shortage of money; c) insurance.
8. In Britain … paid to the sick.
benefits; b) contributions; c) incomes.
9. Some elderly people think that they are … to children.
ransom; b) security; c) burden.
10. In Russia medical service is … .very expensive; b) free of charge; c) reduced.
2. Вспомните и напишите с данными слогами слова, отражающие черты характера людей.
-re- -fi- -mo- -ti- -sub- -hos-
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