Проверочная работа на тему Косвенная речь/согласование времен в двух вариантах с ответами

Test work on Reported Speech
Variant I
1. Поставьте в предложения глаголы say или tell в правильной форме.
Jack … that he was at work in the morning. (Джэк сказал, что был на работе утром.)
Sandra … the teacher that she was ill. (Сандра сказала учителю, что заболела.)
Alice … it was windy in the garden. (Алиса сказала, что в саду было ветрено.)
Nick … Bob that he didn’t see the Tower Bridge. (Ник сказал Бобу, что не видел Тауэрский мост.)Have you … Frank about the news? (Ты рассказал Фрэнку про новость?)
2. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.
Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”. (Фрэд сказал: «Я изобрел новую компьютерную программу.»)Mary said: “I will help my sister.” (Мэри сказала: «Я помогу своей сестре.»)They told me: “We were really happy.” (Они сказали мне: «Мы были очень  счастливы.»)She said: “I live in a big apartment.” (Она сказала: «Я живу в большой квартире.»)3. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь.
“Where has Jim gone?” («Куда ушел Джим?») – Maria wanted to know ……
“What did the workers eat?” («Что ели рабочие?») – They asked ……
«Have you ever been to China, Sam?” («Ты когда-нибудь был в Китае, Сэм?») – I asked ……
4. Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении.
Paul asked me whether I liked travelling. - “... (Do you like/Did you like) travelling?” asked Paul.
He asked me if I had finished the essay. – “... (Did you finish/Had you finished) the essay?” he asked me.
Helen asked me if she could leave. – “... (Can/Could) I leave?” asked Helen.
I asked Sam where we were going. – “Where ... (are we/were we/we were) going?” I asked.
Mark asked Liz if she had met anyone the previous Sunday. – “... (Did you meet/Have you met) anyone last Sunday?” asked Mark.
5. Измените предложения с общими вопросами на косвенную речь.
I asked him, “Have you seen my dog?” (Я спросил его: «Ты видел мою собаку?»)“Can you give me an ice-cream?” asked the little girl. («Вы можете дать мне мороженое?» - спросила маленькая девочка.)
“Do you know when she will return?” he asked. («Ты знаешь, когда она вернется?» - спросил он.)
The teacher said to the girls, “Have you done your homework?” (Учитель сказал девочкам: «Вы сделали домашнее задание?»)The little boy asked the man, “Will you help me?” (Маленький мальчик попросил мужчину: «Вы поможете мне?»)“Are you coming home with me?” he asked me. («Ты пойдешь со мной домой?» - спросил он меня.)
Test work on Reported Speech
Variant I
1. Поставьте в предложения глаголы say или tell в правильной форме.
What did your mother …? (Что сказала твоя мать?)
The letter … that our passports are ready. (В письме говорится, что наши паспорта готовы.)
Don’t … her what to do. (Не говори ей, что делать.)
People … she is a bit crazy. (Люди говорят, что она немного сумасшедшая.)
They … good-bye to their parents. (Они попрощались с родителями.)
2. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.
He told her: “I am going to the fish market.” (Он сказал ей: «Я собираюсь на рыбный рынок.»)Betty said: “I found my passport.” (Бетти сказала: «Я нашла свой паспорт.»)Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.” (М-р Форд сказал: «Я не люблю свинину.»)Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.” (Маленький Тим сказал маме: «Я хочу спать.»)3. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь.
“Are you French or Italian?” («Вы француз или итальянец?») – She wanted to know ……
“When will the next train arrive?” («Когда прибудет следующий поезд?») – I asked ……
“Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?” («Вы выращиваете цветы в своем саду, миссис Смит?») – She wondered ……
4. Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении.
The policeman asked him whether the gun belonged to him. – “... (Does/Did) the gun belong to you?” asked the policeman.
David asked his daughter when she would get back. – “When ... (would you get/will you get/have you got) back?” asked David.
Diana asked me what time the film started. – “What time ... did/does the film start?” asked Diana.
A passer-by asked me where the nearest toilet was. – “Where ... (was/has been/is) the nearest toilet?” asked a passer-by.
She wondered who would buy that car. – “Who ... (will/would) buy that car?” she wondered.
5. Измените предложения с общими вопросами на косвенную речь.
“Do you really come from Japan?” the prince asked the young man. («Вы действительно родом из Японии?» - спросил принц молодого человека.)
“Don’t you have a driving license?” I asked her. («Разве у вас нет водительских прав?» - спросил я ее.)
Ann said, “Did anybody see you?” (Анна сказала: «Тебя кто-нибудь видел?»)“Are they hungry?” my mother asked. («Они голодны?» - спросила моя мама.)
“Can you speak French?” the manager asked. («Вы можете говорить по-французски?» - спросил менеджер.)
“Was your sister at home?” Bob asked. («Твоя сестра была дома?» - спросил Боб.)
V - I
1. said   2. told   3. said   4. told   5. told  
Fred said (that) he had invented a new computer program.
Mary said (that) she would help her sister.
They told me (that) they had been really happy.
She said (that) she lived in a big apartment.
Maria wanted to know where Jim had gone.
They asked what the workers had eaten.
I asked Sam if he had ever been to China.
Do you like travelling?
Did you finish the essay?
Can I leave?
Where are we going?
Did you meet anyone last Sunday?
I asked him if he had seen my dog.
The little girl asked whether I could give her an ice-cream.
He asked me if I knew when she would return.
The teacher wondered if the girls had done their homework.
The little boy asked whether the man would help him.
He asked if I was coming home with him.
1. say   2. says   3. tell   4. say   5. said2.                                                   
He told her (that) he was going to the fish market.
Betty said (that) she had found her passport.
Mr. Ford said (that) he didn’t like pork.
Little Tim told his mother (that) he was sleepy.
She wanted to know if he was French or Italian.
I asked when the next train would arrive.
She wondered if Mrs. Smith grew flowers in her garden.
Does the gun belong to you?
When will you get back?
What time does the film start?
Where is the nearest toilet?
Who will buy that car?
The prince asked the young man if he really came from Japan.
I wanted to know if she didn’t have a driving license.
Ann asked if anybody had seen her.
My mother asked whether they were hungry.
The manager asked if I could speak French.
Bob wanted to know if my sister had been at home.