My independent country extracurricular work 6th grade

Approved: ______________
Vice-principal: S.Zhanabaeva
Date: 07.12.2016 Grade: 6 Subject: English
Teacher: Abuova R.N
Theme of extracurricular work: «My independent country»
Reference Internet materials.
Aims To bring up pupils to respect their country, to respect their customs and traditions, to teach them to be attentive to each other.
Results of teaching They bring up to respect their country, to respect their customs and traditions, to teach them to be attentive to each other.
Methods of teaching «Presentation», «Circle of question», «Who is the best translator?», «Let`s think together!», «Magic cards», «Who is clever?».
Visual aids Power point presentation, posters, A3 papers, markers, pictures, stickers, cars.
Procedure of the lesson
Stages of lesson Time Teacher`s activity Pupil`s activity
2 min
Good afternoon dear guests, teachers and pupils! I am glad to see you and I hope that you’ll enjoy today’s extracurricular work. Today we are going to speak about our Motherland – Kazakhstan. As you know we are going to celebrate 25 years of the Independence of Kazakhstan. Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem. And with the help of Russian and Kazakh languages we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and bring up patriots of our motherland. The extra- curricular begins with the anthem of the Republic Kazakhstan.
Musical pause: Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Good afternoon, teacher!
They introduced with the theme, aims of extracurricular work.
They sing the anthem of the Republic Kazakhstan.
1st round
"Presentation”  2 min Our extracurricular work is named «My independent country». Let me introduce you with our participants.
1st round is «Presentation» (Participants tell some words about their groups’ name, motto) If you are ready let`s begin our first round which named «Presentation”. This round assesses 5 points.
1st team: name: “Friendship”
Our motto: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.
2 nd team: “Kazakhstan”
Our motto: my motherland is Kazakhstan. I love it very much!
3rd team: “Happy children”
Our motto: “We are part of the world, and the world is a part of me”. Thanks. Pupils introduce their teams with captains and with mottoes and
take points by their speaking.
2nd round
«Circle of question»
7 min
Ok. Let`s do the next round. For them choose the cards. This round is named «Circle of question».
1st team
1. When did Astana become a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (1998)
2. What is capital of our Republic? (Astana)
3. What is the official language of our country? (Kazakh)
4. Who is the author of the flag? (Shaken Niazbekov)
5. When do we celebrate the holiday Nauryz? (the 22nd of March)
2nd team
1.What musical instruments do Kazakh people play? (dombyra, kobyz)
2. Who is the author of the State anthem? (Zh. Nazhimedenov, N. Nazarbayev, Sh. Kaldaiakov)
3.Who is the president of Kazakhstan? (N.A.Nazarbayev)
4.Who is the author of the novel “Abai zholy”? (M. Auezov)
5.When was the first president of the Republic elected? (in 1991)
3 rd team
1. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (President N. Nazarbayev)
2. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14 regions)
3. When does Kazakhstan celebrate Independence day? (16 December)
4. What colour is the flag of our country? (Blue)
5. In which city is “Baiterek” situated? (Astana) The captains of each team come here, takes out cards. There are numbers 1 and 2, 3 who take number 1 that starts our competition. 
They take points by their speaking.
3rd round
«Who is the best translator?»
7 min And now we come to the 3rd round which is called “Who is the best translator?”. Choose the cards with
you must guess the proverbs and write the answers into English, Russian and Kazakh. In 3 languages – 30 point, in 2 languages – 20 point, in 1 language – 10 point. 1st team
1.Жақсы ... үшін жан пида. (дос, друг, friend)
2.Көңіл сырын ... білдіреді? (көз, глаза, eyes)
3.... басы бұлақ, сөздің басы құлақ. (су, вода, water)
4. Төрт қырлы өзі аппақ, тақтадағы ізі аппақ. (бор, мел,сhalk)
5.... тамған тілде у да тамар. (бал, мед, honey)
2nd team
1.Көз қорқақ, ... батыр. (қол, рука, hand)
2.Білімнің жолбасшысы, шәкірттің қолбасшысы. (мұғалім, учитель, teacher)
3.... кілті- оқулық.(білім, знание, knowledge)
4.Отан үшін ... түс. (от, огонь, fire)
5.Жалқаудың жаны тәтті, еңбектің ... тәтті. (нан, хлеб, bread)
3 rd team
1.Өнер алды қызыл ... . (тіл, язык, language)
2... –зор байлық. (денсаулық, здоровье, health)
3. Көп сөз көмір, аз сөз ... . (алтын, золото, gold)
4.Қазақтардың қасиетті саны? (жеті, семь, seven)
5....– қылыштан да өткір. (тіл, язык, language)
Pupils choose the numbers and find the answer of proverbs and translate it into 3 languages.
They take points by their speaking.
4 th round
«Let`s think together!» 8 min As you know that we celebrate 25 years of Independent day. Let`s watch a video about facts of our country. If you understand let`s do the fourth round which named «Let`s think together!». Project work: «My independent country».

They watch a video.
Pupils work in groups, make a project work and translate them.
5 th round
«Magic cards» 7 min The 5th round is “Magic cards”. Read the magic cards. You must read the sentences and then write down it is true or false.
Pupils work in groups and complete the chart with the right information.
They take points by their speaking.
True False
The Kazakh traditional costumes are shapan, camisole, kebis, takhia. + Kazakh traditional games are football and tennis. +
Kazakhstan is an independent state + Today Almaty is capital of the Republic Kazakhstan. +
Medeu is a world famous skating rink. + 6 th round
«Who is clever?»
7 min The last round is called «Who is clever?».
Put the necessary words into the text, using a pencil:  Біздің туған жеріміз----------------Республикасы. Это страна, которая находится в центре континента -----------.There is the great treasure in Kazakhstan: rare beautiful ------and --------,and ----------. Қазақстанда Азия мен Еуропаның қалаларынан қалмайтын ----------, -------- сияқты көрікті қалалар бар. The Kazakhs are very courageous, merry and _________________. (Евразия, Қазақстан, Астана, Алматы, animals, plants, natural resources, hospitable) 
Pupils work in groups and put the necessary words into the text, using a pencil. 
They take points by their speaking.
Conclusion 2 min Our rounds are over. Thank you very much for your work. .I think our extracurricular work was very interesting for you. You know a lot of different things. Dear judges, tell us the score of the quiz, please. The team… is the winner. My best congratulations!
At the end let`s sing the patriotic song «Көк тудың желбірегені».
3 min Ok. Look at the blackboard. There is much kind of smiles on the blackboard. Write in your stickers your impressions and tick in a different stickers.
Thanks a lot to our participants for their active participation. Also thanks to our judges. We wish you health, we wish you joy! Good- bye!!!

1st team
1. When did Astana become a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
2. What is capital of our Republic?
3. What is the official language of our country?
4. Who is the author of the flag?
5. When do we celebrate the holiday Nauryz?
2nd team
1. What musical instruments do Kazakh people play?
2. Who is the author of the State anthem?
3. Who is the president of Kazakhstan?
4. Who is the author of the novel “Abai zholy”?
5. When was the first president of the Republic elected?
3 rd team
1. Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
2. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
3. When does Kazakhstan celebrate Independence day?
4. What colour is the flag of our country?
5. In which city is “Baiterek” situated?
1st team
1. Жақсы ... үшін жан пида.
2.Көңіл сырын ... білдіреді?
3.... басы бұлақ, сөздің басы құлақ.
4. Төрт қырлы өзі аппақ, тақтадағы ізі аппақ.
5.... тамған тілде у да тамар.
2nd team
1.Көз қорқақ, ... батыр.
2.Білімнің жолбасшысы, шәкірттің қолбасшысы.
3.... кілті- оқулық.
4.Отан үшін ... түс.
5.Жалқаудың жаны тәтті, еңбектің ... тәтті.
3 rd team
1.Өнер алды қызыл ... .
2... –зор байлық.
3. Көп сөз көмір, аз сөз ... .
4.Қазақтардың қасиетті саны?
5....– қылыштан да өткір.
Біздің туған жеріміз----------------Республикасы. Это страна, которая находится в центре континента -----------.There is the great treasure in Kazakhstan: rare beautiful ------and --------,and ----------. Қазақстанда Азия мен Еуропаның қалаларынан қалмайтын ----------, -------- сияқты көрікті қалалар бар. The Kazakhs are very courageous, merry and _________________. (Евразия, Қазақстан, Астана, Алматы, animals, plants, natural resources, hospitable) 
Біздің туған жеріміз----------------Республикасы. Это страна, которая находится в центре континента -----------.There is the great treasure in Kazakhstan: rare beautiful ------and --------,and ----------. Қазақстанда Азия мен Еуропаның қалаларынан қалмайтын ----------, -------- сияқты көрікті қалалар бар. The Kazakhs are very courageous, merry and _________________. (Евразия, Қазақстан, Астана, Алматы, animals, plants, natural resources, hospitable) 
Біздің туған жеріміз----------------Республикасы. Это страна, которая находится в центре континента -----------.There is the great treasure in Kazakhstan: rare beautiful ------and --------,and ----------. Қазақстанда Азия мен Еуропаның қалаларынан қалмайтын ----------, -------- сияқты көрікті қалалар бар. The Kazakhs are very courageous, merry and _________________. (Евразия, Қазақстан, Астана, Алматы, animals, plants, natural resources, hospitable) 
