Сценарий пьесыДжек и бобовое зернышко(3 СЦЕНА)

СЦЕНА 3.В саду у Джека
Рассказчик:Jack starts to climb down….
Великан:I am coming down,too!
Come back here,little thief!
I am going to eat you!
Джек:Mother,I am home!
Мама:That sweet voice-is it my Jack’s?Джек:The giant is coming.Mother,bring me my axe!
Рассказчик:Jack chops and he chops until the beanstalk falls down-
Soon,the giant falls too and lies dead on the ground….
Мама:Well down,my dear Jack-
What is that,my dear,a hen?
Джек:Well never be poor now,Mother,never again!
Рассказчик:The hen lays some eggs and they’re all golden and round.
Then Jack brings back Daisy
The next day,from the town!
So Jack,his mother,the hen and Daisy the cow are all very happy because they are RICH now!