Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simpl 9 класс

Demonstrative lesson
Form: 9 The theme of the lesson: “Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple”
The aims of the lesson:
1. to be able to speak about the new theme e 15. To check up their knowledge on this theme
Practical aims
1. to develop listening, writing and speaking abilities
2. to check up the knowledge of lexis
Developing aims:
1. to improve students' motivation and participation in classroom activities
2. to stimulate students' to a learning foreign language
Visual aids: an interactive board, the English book, СD
Visual materials: cards, wallpaper, pictures
The procedure of the lesson.Organization moment:
Greeting.Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity
- Good afternoon, pupils! - Good afternoon, good afternoon
Good afternoon too you
Good afternoon and teacher
How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you! And you? -We are fine.
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today? - I’m on duty today.
- Who is absent? - All are present.
-What day is it today? - Today is…wednesday-What date is it today? - Today is the 5th of februaryII. Checking up the homework.
T: What was your homework?
P: To learn the new words by heart.
T: Now let’s check up your homework
Presentation of the new theme. “Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple”
The Present Perfect Continuous Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
... + have/has been + IV Have/Has ... been  +  IV ?... have/has not been +  IV
I have (=I've) been playing.
Я играю. ( уже с ... ) Have I been playing?
Я играю? I have not (=I haven't) been playing.
Я не играю.
HeSheIthas been playing
=(...'s been playing) Hashesheitbeen playing? HeSheIthas not been playing
=(hasn't been playing)
WeYouTheyhave been playing
=(...'ve been playing) Haveweyoutheybeen playing? WeYouTheyhave not been playing
=(haven't been playing)
Present Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect ( have been, has been ) и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола - Present Participle (IV-я форма или  ing-форма).
Present Perfect Continuous  употребляется для выражения:
Длительного действия начавшегося в прошлом и продолжающегося до момента речи, причем:
1. Действие может еще продолжаться в момент речи (при этом необходимо указать длительность периода действия);
2. Действие закончилось непосредственно перед моментом речи, а его результат присутствует в настоящий момент.
The Present Perfect Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
... + have/has + III Have/has ... +  III ?... have/has not +  III
I have (=I've) played.
Я сыграл. ( уже или ранее ) Have I played?
Я сыграл? I have not (=I haven't) played.
Я не сыграл.
HeSheIthas played=(...'s played) Hashesheitplayed? HeSheIthas not played
=(hasn't played)
WeYouTheyhave played=(...'ve played) Haveweyoutheyplayed? WeYouTheyhave not played
=(haven't played)
Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в настоящем времени ( have, has ) и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола - Past Participle (III-я форма или ed-форма).
Форма Present Perfect имеет временной акцент "до настоящего момента" и употребляется тогда, когда необходимо подчеркнуть, что результат некоего действия, случившегося в прошлом (не важно, непосредственно перед моментом речи или в более отдаленное время), присутствует в настоящий момент, например: I have lost the key.  Я потерял ключ. (значит сейчас я без ключа)
Grammar exercises. Ex.1. Circle the correct words.
She has written three letters this afternoon.
I have read this page four times and I still do not understand it all!
He has in hospital because he has had an accident.
Ouch! I have cut my finger!
My mother`s making sandwiches – she has been cutting bread all morning.
Great news! You have won the competition.
James has known his wife since he was a child.
I have been reading this book since eight o`clock, and I still have not finished!
Grammar exercises. Ex.2. Complete the sentences. Use Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect
Simple forms of the verbs. I have been studying for my test since I got up.
Haven`t you finished that book yet?
He looks terrible! What has he been doing all night?
Has that singer made any CDs yet?
I`m sorry, I have not started my homework yet.
My brother works really hard when he wants to. He`s cleaned four rooms this morning!
It`s been raining for days – will it ever stop?
IV. Speak.
Ex. 3. Read about the pop star.
Ex. 4 Listen to the music extracts and write the words from the box next to numbers 1 – 6.
Classical – классический
Rock – рок
Jazz – джаз
Reggae – регги
Country – страна
Hip-hop – хип-хоп
Ex.5. Match the words with the pictures.

a piano - пианино
drums – барабан
a trumpet - труба
a violin - скрипка
a clarinet - кларнет
an electric guitar - электрогитара
a saxophone - саксофон
a flute - флейта
a synthesiser - синтезатор
a keyboard - клавишный инструмент
Ex. 6. Listen to the people talking about music.
VI. Conclusion.
Grammar test
1 We ___ to the theatre since last month.
A haven’t goneB haven’t been goingC hasn’t gone2 My friends and I ___ since 2 o’clock.
A have sunbathedB have been sunbathingC has been sunbathing3 Sally ___ news since she left university.
A have reportedB has been reportingC has reported4 Jane is abroad. She ___ three countries.
A has already been visitingB have already visitedC has already visited5 ___ dancing lessons?
A Has you ever takenB Have you ever takenC Has you ever been taking
6 I want to buy a new flat. I ___ money for ages.
A has been savingB have savedC have been saving7 My uncle is a doctor. He ___ lots of vital operations.
A has madeB has been makingC have made8 Jack is cold. He ___ for too long.
A has been swimmingB have been swimmingC has swum9 Den ___ championships before.
A has never wonB hasn’t never wonC has never been winning10 We ___ in this café before.
A haven’t been eatingB haven’t eatenC hasn’t eatenVII. Homework.
* Ex 11 at p-103.
* To make a grammar test connecting with the phrasal verbs
Lesson is over!