План конспект урока по английскому языку на тему I am Colin`s sister(5 класс)

Здравствуйте! The theme of our lesson is “I`m Colin`s sister”. Today we will speak about your family. Тема нашего урока – «Я сестра Колина».
What date is it today?(today is the third of October!)

Mother, father, sister, brother
Hand in hand with
· the letter A? (Mary White)
Who is the letter D? (Colin)
Who is the letter G? (Carol).

Grandfather- дедушка
Grandmother- бабушка
Father- папа
Mother- мама
Sister- сестра
Brother- брат
Aunt- тетя
Uncle- дядя
Nephew- племянник
Niece- племянница
Son- сын
Daughter- дочь
Children- дети
Parents- родители
Cousin- двоюродный брат

Doing exercise: A family tree.
G I`m Mr. and Mrs. Evans` daughter.
B I`m Colin, Carol and Andy`s grandfather.
E I`m Mrs. Evans` brother.
A I`m Carol and
·s father, Carol`s father.)
b)-Who`s Mary?
-She`s(Paul White`s daughter, Ann White`s daughter, Andy`s mother)

Reading: Get ready to read.
(u:,ju:) in June, tune, flute в открытом слоге
Read U u as

· ( ) in Russia, number, jump, uncle, jug в закрытом слоге

( ) in father, mother, brother, they, this
Read th as
( ) in thank, three, Kathy

Read er as ( ) in mother, brother, sister в конце слова

Grammar: Posessive case:
Притяжательный падеж образуется при помощи знака апострофа и буквы s (s) или просто апострофа (). Таким образом, при переводе на русский язык переводим сначала слово, стоящее за апострофом и –s.
Andy`s father- отец Энди
Colin`s sister- сестра Колина.

Writing: ex.9 p.36 Write. Look at the Family tree and complete the sentences.
Example: Mary is Andy`s mother.
Colin is David`s son.
Jane is Andy`s aunt.
Andy is Jane`s nephew.
Mark is Carol`s uncle.
Carol and Colin is Andy`s cousins.

Paul is Carol, Colin and Andy`s grandfather.
Carol is Mark`s niece.
Carol is David`s daughter.
   Find the words.

Home task: to learn by heart new words.

Кордайский район
с. Масанчи
СШ №50

Учитель английского языка:
Ряполова Ю.В.

2012-2013 уч.год