Dunaeva Mariya BorisovnaBelgorod engineering Junior boarding lyceum
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language lies on the surface of human existence in culture therefore since the XIX century to this day the issue of interaction of language and culture is one of the central problems in linguistics.
Today there is a point of view which is adopted by a majority of scientists in linguistics and cultural linguistics. Language and culture are different semiotic systems, which, however, have a lot in common: 1) culture, like language, is a form of consciousness that displays a person's worldview; 2) culture and language exist in dialogue with each other; 3) the subject of culture and language is always the individual or society, person or society; 4) standard is common to language and culture trait; 5) historicism — one of the essential properties of culture and language; 6) language and culture inherent antinomy “dynamic - static”. [6,17]
The differences between two entities are the following: 1) language is directed on the mass addressee, the value of culture is elitism; 2) culture is a sign system, but it is unable to organize themselves; 3) language and culture are different semiotic systems. A picture, which represents the correlation of language and culture, is extremely complex and has many aspects. The reality, national and cultural stereotypes change, the language changes itself. E. Sapir clearly outlined the idea: “People live not only in the objective world of things, and not only in the world of social activities; they are largely influenced by the particular language which is the medium of communication for the society. It would be a mistake to believe that we can be fully aware of reality, without the aid of language, or that the language is the means of resolving specific problems of communication and thinking. In fact, the “real world” is built up on the language rules of this group. We see, hear and perceive due to the fact that the language norms of our society assume this form of expression” [5,135]. By Worf the reality is a chaotic flow of impressions, which streamlines the language. Each language has its own special metaphysics, it describes the reality by different ways. In this sense, language is a system of concepts for the organization of experience. Every natural language reflects a certain way of perceiving and organizing the world. The body of knowledge about the world memorializing in a particular linguistic form, the specific “linguistic world view” called “linguistic picture of the world.” [3,45]
The term “language world picture” is a metaphor, because the specific features of the national language, which tell the unique historical experience of certain national community of people who create for the native speakers is not a different in reality, the unique view of the world different from the objectively existent, and only the specific color of the world, due to the national significance of objects, phenomena, processes, selective attitude towards them, which is generated by the specific activity, lifestyle and national culture of a given people.
The human activity is universal and national-specific. The properties determine the originality of a language picture of the world and its versatility. Language picture of the world is created by different colors, the most striking of them are myths, figurative and metaphorical words, connotative words, etc. Idioms play an important role in creation of a language picture of the world. They are the “mirror of the life of the nation”. The meaning of idioms is closely connected with a background knowledge of native speakers, with practical experience of the individual, with the cultural and historical traditions of people speaking this language. Idioms attribute to objects the characteristics that are associated with the picture of the world, mean the whole descriptive of the situation and expressing attitude to it. V. A. Maslova called its features as pejoratively and anthropocentricity when she was analyzing the linguistic picture of the world. So, anthropocentricity of the world picture is expressed in its orientation to the person, the person acts as the measure of all things: close — under the nose, at hand, at hand, at hand; many- from head to toe, mouth full (concerns); not in one sitting; dark — it's pitch-dark, fast and did not blink, in the blink of an eye, headlong, my legs not feeling; much to fall in love — fall in love on the ears, etc. It is very interesting to notice the Russian idioms: ears (of falling in love to the ears), throat (fed up), with head (left to the head somatisms). Somatisms are the words of different parts of the body with different vital functions. They can be combined into one subject group is “an indication of the standard physical limit”. [4,28] Everyday consciousness selects typical for these parts of the human body sign — “top location” and combines them into one group on the basis of this trait, and is fixed in the language picture of the world.
Language is a part of a culture, it is the reality of our spirit, the face of our culture; it expresses the specific features of national mentality.
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