Урок – ролевая игра По английскому языку в 10-м классе по теме « The Enviromental problems»

ролевая игра
По английскому языку в 10-м классе по теме « The Enviromental problems»

Цель: создание условий для осознанного вхождения учащегося в решение проблем окружающей среды.


Привлечь внимание учащихся к экологическим проблемам.
Развивать умение общаться на английском языке.
Совершенствовать навыки говорения и аудирования по теме.
Совершенствовать навыки чтения с извлечением информации.

Развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся.
Формировать умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.

Развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления.
Учить детей сопереживать, воспитывать чувство ответственности к окружающей природе.
3. Формирование экологической культуры учащихся.

Карточки с половицами
Коллаж из фото
Стенгазета: Что ты выбираешь?
Плакат: We love the Earth our home
Учебник: Spotlight 10
Аппликации в виде цветов со словами обозначающими светлые чувства и мысли.
Раздаточный материал

Организационный момент.
Аудирование: Earth Song
Фонетическая зарядка.
Речевая зарядка.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Обучение устной речи (конкурс плакатов)
Просмотр компьютерной презентации и описание увиденного.
Ролевая игра.
Домашнее задание.

1-й слайд: Фото земли
«Better to give than to take»
Ход урока
1 Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, my friends! Sit down, please! I am glad to see you! Today we have many guests and we are glad to see them too. Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Направленная речевая зарядка
Teacher: Who is on duty today?
-- Pupil: I am on duty today.

T.: Who is absent?
-- P.: Nobody is absent.

T.: What day is it today?
-- P.: It’s the 31-rst of January.

T.: What day of the week is it today?
-- P.: It’s Monday.

I hope that
· plants. And in some places it is even damaging farmer’s crops – the food we eat.
What are people all over the world worried about?
What is happening to environment?
2. Аудирование
Teacher: Listen to the song and say what problem will you find there?
· We love the Earth – our home.
Pay attention to the theme of today’s lesson. This space is blank. What theme is it today?
2-й слайд:
3. Phonetic exercises:
Test, radiation, ultraviolet, ton, resources, ozone, filter, waste, dump, shortage, cause, destruction, pollute, environment, poison, nuclear, safe, mix, survive, weapon.

3-й слайд
4. Express the same in Russian
4-й слайд (Горящий лес)
5. Обучение устной речи:
Обсуждение плакатов.
The environmental problems attract our attention. Look at these posters (pictures)! Choose one or two posters and try to explain what ecological problem it presents.
5-й слайд Nature pollution
Teacher: How can we keep the Earth clean?
P1: Many flowers and animals have become rare and vanish. Our useful insects: bees, bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers can’t live in the atmospher
·-й слайд (вопросы)
Group1.What can we do to save natural environment?
Group2. Name two ways we can help to protect rainforests?

Teacher: Do animals, birds, fish, insects live a happy and healthy life in our home nowadays?
P1: Unfortunately, it is not so. I
·ndeed, many territories, water basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans – and the atmosphere are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear and other wastes.
7-й слайд Animals at the Zoo
Teacher: Now listen the conversation between two friends. What might the conversation be about? Dilogue on page 67.

8-й слайд Water pollution
Teacher: Right you are. What do you think about the water of the ocean?
P1: We can only imagine how dirty the water of the ocean is; the water is not blue, but brown with rubbish, floating in it. Besides, millions of tons of oil are released into the sea every year. And many seabirds and animals die because of it. For example, many seabird and animals died in 1999, because of millions tones of oil released into the North Sea. It’s dangerous to the nature and it’s dangerous to human being too.
Teacher: Well. Let’s divide into two groups and read the text – Water pollution and answer the questions:
1. What makes the see waters dangerous nowadays?
2. Why is it dangerous to dump industrial waste?
9-й слайд Красивая земля
Our land is nice, isn’t it?
Teacher: How beautiful the Earth is, the Earth our planet is! The Earth is our home, our land. The Earth was made beautiful for you and me.
Teacher: We know many poems about our land. Let’s read one of them.
10- слайд «Это земля для тебя и для меня»
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to New York Irelands.
From the Red Wood forests to the farthest bodies,
This land was made for you and me.
Teacher How do nuclear stations harm?
P1.: Public anxiety has grown particularly after the Chernobyl disaster. Another reason is the adverse effect of nuclear stations and hydropower stations to the environment. You know that there are 11 (eleven) nuclear stations in Russia. Besides there are still nuclear weapons in some countries. As a result the environment is polluted with the industrial and nuclear waste. It is dangerous to nature and to people, especially to kids. And we must say – No nuclear station! No atom bomb!
Teacher No atom bomb! No nuclear stations! People must save themselves. But we must save our wildlife too. Attention, please
Teacher: What do you do keep the Earth clean?
Don’t smoke
Don’t throw litter in public places
Stop using the aerosol spray
Plant a tree every year in the garden
Don’t use chemicals in the garden
Pick up litter as walking in the forest
Never break glass bottles
Don’t cut wild flowers
Save water
No nuclear station
Class: We love the Earth our home (плакат)
Teacher: Your answers are the items of our program keeping the Earth clean. Let’s read our program.

11-й слайд: Keeping the Earth clean – our program is.
12-й слайд: What feelings can help us to save the Earth?
13-й слайд: Фото города на ролевую игру.
6. Ролевая игра
Teacher: Now I want you to role play. The imaginary problem is in following. The administration of Moscow region decided to build the ring road next to our town. They cannot find a better place than our town. The angry people have come to a meeting with the Mayor of Troitsk. Let us hold such meeting. Who wants to speak for the Mayor? For business women? For the people? For the parent? For the investor?
Teacher: Let us vote!
14-й слайд: Homework
Think over and write a letter to the Mayor of our town in support of people. Give convincing arguments.

15-й слайд: During today’s lesson I have
got acquainted with
found out
16-й слайд: Good luck to you!

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