Урок по пословицам Век живи и век учись

Тема урока: "Век живи и век учись"
(Работа с ненецкими, английскими и русскими пословичными изречениями и поговорками)
Тип урока: урок получения и закрепления знаний
Форма урока: урок-исследование
Цель урока: добиться усвоения учащимися ненецких, английских и русских пословичных изречений и поговорок.
Задачи урока:
ознакомить учащихся с ненецкими, русскими и английскими пословицами и поговорками;
научить учащихся произносить ненецкие пословицы и поговорки;
тренировать учащихся в отработке употребления пословиц и поговорок в трех языках.
способствовать развитию аналитико-синтезирующего мышления;
формировать навыки частично-поисковой деятельности;
развивать умения применять знания в практической деятельности;
обогатить словарный запас учащихся и расширить их кругозор.
обсудить нравственную ценность пословичных изречений; учить учащихся следовать мудрым пословицам в жизни.
План урока
I. Оргмомент
1) Приветствие, беседа с дежурным.
2) Введение в языковую среду, озвучивание темы урока, постановка цели и задач урока.
II. Учебная деятельность
1) Аудирование и озвучивание ненецких пословиц.
2) Работа в парах сменного и постоянного состава: самообучение пословицам и поговоркам.
3) Беседа в режиме “Учитель – класс”, “Учитель – ученик”, “Ученик – ученик”: активизация употребления пословичных изречений в устной речи.
4) Групповая работа: развитие и совершенствование навыков чтения и устной речи.
5) Индивидуальная работа: контроль уровня усвоенности пословичных изречений в 3х языках.
III. Итог урока
1) Подведение итогов урока.
2) Оценивание знаний и деятельности.
3) Объяснение домашнего задания.
Ход урока
I. Приветствие и вступительное слово учителя:
Dear friends! I’d like to begin the lesson with a short story. You should listen to my story and find the sentence which makes the best ending to it:
1. Business before pleasure. 3. It never rains but it pours.
2. Tastes differ. 4. Never say “die”.
The Fox without a tail
Once a young fox with beautiful red fur was walking a long the path in the forest where a trap was hidden. The fox didn’t see the trap and touched it with her tail. The trap closed and held her by the tail. The fox was in great pain, but she was very glad that she could run away.
When the other foxes saw her without a tail, she asked all the foxes to come to her house. When they were all there, she said to them, “Dear friends, I have asked you to come here because I want to tell you something very important. Tails are not in fashion now, you know. It is better to walk without a tail. I advise you to cut your tails off”.
An old fox who was also very sly said, “I think you parted with your tail because you had to. But we are going to keep our beautiful tails.”
As you see the sentences, which you should use to end the story are proverbs. And our lesson is devoted to proverbs. Proverbs are the wisdom of the people whether they are English, Russian or Nenets. You know that most of the proverbs in different languages are quite similar: they express the same ideas. Proverbs teach us about life, they explain how to choose friends, what is right and wrong in people’s behaviour and so on. I believe you know a lot of Russian proverbs and some English ones. I am not sure that all of you know Nenets proverbs and sayings. So the aim of our lesson is to remember and use not only Russian and English proverbs in your speech, but to learn as much Nenets proverbs and sayings as possible. So I suggest you to listen to them.
Look at the board, listen to the record and repeat the proverbs in a low voice:
II. 1. Прослушивание и озвучивание ненецких пословиц и поговорок:
2. Работа с пословицами и поговорками в парах сменного состава: Work in pairs.
Каждый ученик получает карточку с пословичным изречением и инструкционный лист “Как работать с пословицами”. Инструкционный лист приводится на русском языке.
A proverb
Лахананаханда падуда’ h арма”
1).Read and learn the proverb.
2).Find the Russian and English equivalents.
3).Try to explain the proverb to your mate
Образец карточки
Инструкционный лист“Как работать с пословицами”
А. Выполните задания 1-3 по карточке.
Б. Помогите товарищу выучить Вашу пословицу.
В. Выслушайте его пословицу, запиши ее и выучи.
Г. Ваша пара распадается. Перейди к другому партнеру.
Д. Работайте с новым партнером таким же образом (п. Б, В).
В результате такого вида деятельности каждый учащийся может запомнить 15-18 пословиц (по 5-6 пословиц на каждом языке):

3. Беседа в режиме “Учитель-ученик”, “Учитель-класс”, “Ученик-ученик” (проверка знания и понимания выученных пословиц и применение их в новой ситуации) Listen to me and answer my questions. The proverbs and sayings in your box can help you. Add your own ideas. You may discuss these questions with your mate next to you.
1) Is the wealth of our country created by the labour of all people?
2) Which of the proverbs is about useless work?
3) What do people do if they don’t know something important for their profession or job? As a rule they try to get more knowledge about it. What is the best thing for a human being?
4) A wise old owl sat in an oak;
The more he saw, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why don’t you copy that wise old bird?
What shouldn’t you do to become wise?
5) Everything is easy after it has been done. What does it mean?
6) You may remember a proverb “He’s a Jack of all trades”. It means that he who works at many trades never becomes a real specialist in any of them. It’s better to do one thing but always make it excellent. Then everybody says… What do they say about a master?
4. Работа в группах: Read four stories and look through the list of your proverbs. What proverbs can explain the main ideas of each story? Share your ideas with students in other groups. Then choose the most interesting ones. Express your point of view.
An Englishman who was driving along a country road met a farmer carrying a heavy bag.
“Can I take you into town?” the Englishman asked
The farmer said “Thank you,” and got into the car.
In a few minutes the driver saw that the farmer was sitting with the heavy bag still in his hand.
“Why don’t you put your bag down?” he asked.
“Well,” answered the farmer, “you’ve given me a ride in your car. I can’t ask you to carry my bag as well”.
After breakfast children must make a few benches for open-air theatre. Vadic Bobkov was not very happy about this task. First of all he carved his initials on the bench plank. “The initials are necessary,” he said to himself, “because people may think that I haven’t done anything.”
He spent a lot of time on carving the letters “V.B”, and in the end they were very beautiful. By this time all the other boys had finished making their benches. Now they could go to play volley-ball.
Vadic did not want to work any more. He left the half-finished bench where it was and ran to the sports ground.
In the evening, before the beginning of the concert, Vadic chose a good place for himself. But when he sat on a bench it collapsed at one side and he fell onto the ground. “Oh, what kind of craftsmen made this bench?” he asked. “Why didn’t they try to make it better?”
But at this moment Vadic saw his beautiful carved initials on the bench which he had wanted to sit on himself.
It’s a good thing to be able to wait for something, but it’s better to be active and do everything possible to get what you wish. Passive waiting is not for young people.
A man once went to buy some fish. He wanted to be sure that the fish was quite fresh. So he bent down to smell it.
The fishmonger said, “What do you mean by smelling my fish?” “I am not smelling the fish,” the man answered quickly, “I’m talking to it. I was asking it for the latest news from the sea, but it says it can’t tell me. It’s such a long time since it was there.”
5.Соотнесите английские описания пословичных изречений с картинками, подберите к ним пословицы и поговорки на русском, ненецком и английском языках: Match the pictures and the proverbs. Find the same Russian, Nenets and English proverbs and sayings.
1 .
Do not waste your time doing useless things.
B) Two people are more observant than one alone.
C) Anyone who deals with an untrustworthy or evil person needs to be extremely careful and have all his wits about him.
D) One person may hate what another likes. What seems good or pleasing to one person may be bad or unsuitable for another.
E) People who act courageously deserve and get good luck. F) A trick or act of deceit that is attempted too many times will certainly be discovered.
G) Pigs might fly if they had wings.
H) One cannot do two things which are diametrically opposed to each other.
I) You are likely to meet someone you know or have some connection with, however distant you go.
III. 1. Подведение итогов:
1) Соответствовал ли учебный материал урока и предложенные упражнения заявленной теме урока?
2) Достигнута ли цель урока с вашей точки зрения?
3) Было ли лично для вас что-либо нового на уроке или шла отработка ранее изученного материала?
4) Согласны ли вы с утверждением, что пословицы любого языка в целом поучительны и назидательны, что они обобщают социально-исторический и житейско-бытовой опыт определенного народа и нации.
2. Оценивание ответов учащихся:
1) Как вы можете оценить свою работу на уроке? Что Вам удалось больше всего и над чем Вам нужно поработать в дальнейшем?
2) Как Вы оцениваете работу своих товарищей?
Выставляется отметка учащимся за определенные виды деятельности на уроке.
Отметка за индивидуальную работу озвучивается на следующем уроке.
3. Домашнее задание: подобрать русские эквиваленты к ненецким пословицам.