Кроссворд по английскому языку на тему Means of transport (3 курс)

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan
SEI ACT Ufa Motor Transport College
Finished: Tyapaev RavilGroup: A3-12
4h e 9s 2m 3b a l l o o n h o u i i 14v 1b o a t 5s p a c e s h i p e o o h r p 11t 13t r a i n c 8r a f t r r c y e o a 16l o g c 10a i r p l a n e e l l s 6s p a c e s h 12u t 15t l e p n r y o d a b r 7s u b m a r i n e c u t r t s g o r r o u n d 4 9 2 3 14 1 5 11 13 8 16 10 6 12 15 7 По горизонтали:
1. It is a vehicle that travels across water.
3. This is a large bag of strong light cloth filled with gas or heated air, it can fly.
5. It is a vehicle for carrying people through space.
6. It is a vehicle that is designed to go into space and back to Earth.
7. It is a ship, especially a military one, that can stay under water.
8. It is a thick piece of wood cut from a thee and used in the water as a means of travelling.
10. This is modern and fastest air vehicle to more our long distances.
13. It is a number of connected carriages pulled by an engine a long a railway line.
16. It is a thick piece of wood cut from a tree and used in the water as a means of travelling.
По вертикали:
2. It is a fast, usually large, two-wheeled vehicle with an engine.
3. You use this kind of transport every day, that you pay to get to college.
4. This air vehicle used for the armed forces.
9. It is a large boat for carrying people or goods across the sea.
11. It gets its power from electric wires above the street and carries passengers.
12. It is a railway system under the ground carrying passengers.
13. Bus, motorcycle, tractor, vehicle are mechanical means of …
14. This is a mechanical means of transport.
15. It is a powerful vehicle with large wheels.
keyПо горизонтали: По вертикали:
1. boat
3. balloon
5. spaceship
6. spaceshuttle7. submarine
8. raft
10. airplane
13. train
16. log 2. motorcycle
3. bus
4. helicopter
9. ship
11. trolleybus
12. underground
13. transport
14. vehicle
15. tractor