Презентация по английсскому языку на тему At the doctor`s (7 класс)

Teacher: Konarova L
Grade: 7 g
Theme:At the doctor
The objectives of the lesson: Educational: speaking about doctor`s work, talking about illnesses and  their treatment giving advice, practicing conversations between a doctor and patient
Development: developing the responsibility for one`s health and persuade pupils that a sound mind can only be in a sound body.
Cultural: bringing up them to love English languages
The type of the lesson: mixed
The kind of the lesson: demonstrative lesson
The visual aids  of the lesson: active board
The Outline of the lesson
I.    Organization  momentII.   Checking up homeworkIII.  Main part
IV.Feedback and ReflectionIV. Giving homework and AssessmentV.  Saying good-bye
The Procedure  of the lesson
I.GreetingT: - Good afternoon, learners!
L: - Good afternoon teacher
T:-How are you?
L:-We are fine thank you, and you?
T:- I’m too!
T: - What date is it today?
P:- Today is the 11th of January, Wednesday. (1 min)
Ok,good! Sit down,please. Open your copybooks and write down the date. Now, look at the interactive board and let’s watch a video.
Brainstorming. Animated English Lesson - At the Doctor's
How do you think, what about will be our lesson?Yes I agree with you .Our theme in our lesson “At the doctor”.
.Come to the blackboard. Let`s divide into 2 group.Separation from the assembly group
 1st team «DOCTOR» 2nd team«HEALTH» II.  Checking up homework
Lets check your home task.
Look at the board and find as many words as possible connected.
I’ll give you three minutes to get ready. Please give me your answers.
Let’s check up: Key; Nose, ear, finger, eye, mouth, head, hand, face.
Today we’ll speak our first main wealth which is health, because we can’t be happy unless we feel well. If I’m not mistaken I say work of doctor in our life, a doctor’s advice can always help people. That’s why we talk about doctor’s job.At first we must introduce new words according to the new theme.
III.New words: Сөздікпен жұмыс. 3 минPatient — Науқас 
Examine — Тексеру  
Suggest — Ұсыну Hurt — Ауырту 
Strip — Шешіну Surgery — Хирургия  
Sick — Құсқысы келу
Giddy — Басы айналуWaist — Бел
Swallow — Жұтыну
Tonsillitis — Тамақ ауруTo have eyes tested — Көзін тексеру
Had better — Жақсы болу
IV.Reading the text. Мәтінді оқy. Treating a patient
Problem:Шағымы: He was running a high temperature. He felt sick and giddy. He had a
headache and a sore throat.
Diagnosis:Диагноз:It was the flu.
Treatment:Емдеу: take a tablespoonful of mixture and tablets three times a day.
V.Work with the text in a group. Топпен жұмыс. Then you I`ll give poster to each group and you must to poster protection with cluster method
Кластер әдісі арқылы постер қорғау.
Treating a patient
Treating a patient

VI.GrammarShould- модаль етістігі. Should модаль етістігі- айтушының, сөйлеушінің оның дұрыстығын және ең тиімді екендігін білдіру үшін қолданылады. Should ақыл-кеңес, міндеттілік деген мағыналарды білдіреді
Must- модаль етістігі белгілі бір іс- әрекеттің керектігін, міндеттілігін білдіреді
Example: You must drink while the tablet-дәріні уақытылы қабылдау
You should not miss tricks-дәрігердің қабылдауларынан қалмау
VII. Relaxiation Time
Lets paly a game. Our game is called “Spot the difference”

VIII.Ex: 7Read the conversation between Tom and his teacher Miss White,and then play the telephone game
The object of the game is to pass on a message from one person to the other via several others.
IX.Feedback: - During our lesson we’ve told about illnesses, symptoms and their treatment, and now imagine that some of you have a health problem and you go to a doctor for advice. So work in pairs. Make up short dialogues “At the doctor’s”. Then Act out your dialogues. Use the information you have learnt in the lesson. I’ll give you 5 minutes to prepare your dialogues.
Whose dialogue was the best one? If the dialogue was very good, raise red cards. If it was good, raise green cards, if it was not good, raise yellow cards.
Pupils – to pupil (with the help of card marks, and explain the reason)

X.Reflection: TV show, come to me in course
KLW strategy
I know I  learn I want to know
XI.Conclusion: Dear pupils, today you are so active. Thank you for attention!  I shall put your assess
Home tasks: Write essay about “My future profession’’.