Урок в 8 классе по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева Цикл 3 «Традиции, обычаи» Урок №8 Русские зимние праздники

в 8 классе по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева
Цикл 3 «Традиции, обычаи»
Урок №8 Русские зимние праздники (авторское название)
(Ты соблюдаешь традиции?) мой вариант названия
(конец января)
Автор урока: Балаян Людмила Васильевна, учитель английского языка,
МОУ-СОШ№2 п. Южный, Мартыновский район.
Цель: способствовать формированию целостного представления о мире и развитию иноязычных
коммуникативных компетенций через проблему «Ты соблюдаешь традиции?»
Речевая: развивать навык диалогической речи по теме «Традиции, обычаи», автоматизировать навык
аудирования, учить коммуникации по теме «Традиции, обычаи».
Языковая: практиковать учащихся в умении задавать разделительные вопросы по теме «Традиции,
Социо-культурная: познакомить учащихся с традициями других народов и культур (британскими);
воспитывать уважение и толерантность к другим нациям, их культуре, традициям и обычаям.
Учебно-познавательная: совершенствовать умение действовать по образцу и по аналогии при
составлении собственных высказываний через проблему «Ты соблюдаешь традиции?
Компенсаторная: развивать у учащихся умение высказывать свою мысль при дефиците языковых средств по ситуации «Русские зимние праздники».
Оснащение: учебник, упр.1, 2, стр.102-107, упр.1; иллюстрации по теме «Праздники»,
дидактический материал (карточки с опорными фразами, ветка падуба как символ брит. Рождества - holly, песня “Jingle bells”, доска) На доске
слева: в центре-карточки (разрезанные) справа:
- takes place in February 1
- send special cards
- don’t sign
- enjoy the holiday
EVERY COUNTRY иллюстрации зимних праздников,
HAS ITS CUSTOMS слова по теме «Традиции, обычаи»


- decorate a special tree 2
- cook special dishes
- send postcards
- buy presents for relatives and friends
- enjoy the party

- takes place in January 3
- wear fancy costumes
- sing carols
- give and receive gifts and treats
- is celebrated as the Festival 4
- people have fun
- prepare and eat pancakes
- burn the figure of Winter
- is an old tradition 5
- visit friends and relatives
- wish Happy New Year
- tell fortunes
- ride a troika
-tell fortunes 6
- make snow fortresses
-play snowballs
-build a townlet
I. Актуализация проблемы урока «Ты соблюдаешь традиции?» Формирование и
автоматизация лексических навыков по теме «Традиции, обычаи». Представление
ситуации. (Учитель использует опорные фразы из карточек 1-6).
Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Are you ready for the lesson? Some days ago we celebrated EPIPHANY. Some people follow tradition of it others not. Well tell me please, do you like holidays? We speak about holidays British, Russian, American, Indian, Christian, Muslim, Pagan…. Holidays are always amazing. And the most popular is Christmas. Do you agree?
P1: It’s a very popular religious holiday which is observed now.
T: Has Christmas many traditions?
P2: Yes, Christmas has many traditions.
T: Olya, do you follow Christmas traditions?
P2: Yes, we follow the tradition.
T: Is Christmas a popular holiday in the world?
P3: Yes, it’s a very popular holiday in the world.
T: Is it celebrated on the 25th of December?
P4: Yes, it’s celebrated on the 25th of December.
P5: No, it’s celebrated on the 7th of January.
T: Whose answer is right?
P6: The Russians celebrate it in January and the British do it in December.
T: Do people decorate a special tree for it? Ask each other questions about this holiday’s traditions.
P1: Do people decorate a special tree for Christmas ?P2: Yes, they decorate a special tree for it.
P3: Do Mums prepare special dishes on this day?
P4: Yes, they prepare special dishes for this day.
P5: Do they cook traditional dishes?
P6: Yes, they cook traditional dishes.
P7: Well, what is traditional Christmas dish?
P8: A turkey is traditional Christmas dish.
P1: Well, what are the symbols of Christmas?
P2: A special tree, Santa Claus, a Christmas sock and a turkey are the symbols of Christmas.
P3: Yes, people buy Christmas presents to each other.
P4, 5, 6: We like very much buying, receiving and giving presents.
P7: I like buying and giving presents. And you, do you like buying and giving presents?
P8: Do people buy Christmas presents to each other?
(Учитель реагирует на реплики учеников)
T: When I was a schoolgirl I've got a pair of skates as a Christmas present. I’d like to say that my family celebrates both Russian and British Christmas. And we prepare a goose instead of a turkey. Perhaps, you know that holly is the symbol of British Christmas, isn’t it?
(учитель держит в руке ветку падуба - развитие догадки посредством наглядности)
P1: Yes, holly is the symbol of British Christmas.
T: Do you know any Christmas carol?
P8, 9: We know “Jingle Bells”.
T: Let’s sing it.
Chorus: Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O ’ h the fields we go
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride
And sing a sleighing song tonight
Ch: Jingle bells (3t), jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
T: Well, do people enjoy the party?
P6: People enjoy the party very much.
T: What can you say, Nasima? You don’t celebrate Christmas, do you?
N: Yes, we don’t observe this holiday because we are Muslim. We celebrate other Muslim holidays. But I
know some Muslim families which began celebrating it. They say celebration is a good opportunity to get
II. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме «Традиции, обычаи».
T: Imagine you are a foreign tourist and the Russian host. Ask each other about winter holidays. Use the table on the blackboard. (Работа в парах. Учитель раздаёт карточки с названиями праздников. Ученики должны сопоставить названия своего праздника с подходящей опорной карточкой с доски. Учащиеся составляют диалог на основе карточек 1-6) Карточка4: - Hello. A nice day, isn’t it.
-Hi! Yes. The day is really nice.
- Tell me please, what holiday is celebrated today?
- It’s SHROVETIDE today.
- Oh! What is it? I didn’t quite understand.
- It’s an old pagan tradition.
- Do all people follow it?
- Yes, we like this tradition.
- And what do you do on this day?
- People prepare and eat pancakes which are associated with the sun. They have fun all day long.
- I see the holiday is celebrated as the Festival
- You are right. We ride on troikas, play snowballs and burn the figure of WINTER.
Карточка5: - Hello, Jim! I’m glad to see you in Russia.
-Hi, Kolya. I’m happy to see you too.
-Tomorrow we are going to celebrate a very nice holiday.
-Do I know it?
- Of course, you know it. It’s a very old tradition.
- Well, what do you do on this day?
- We ride a troika. We tell fortunes to each other.
- Is that all?
- We visit our friends and relatives and ….wish them a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
- It isn’ t clear for me? How is it called?
- It’s an OLD NEW YEAR EVE!!!
Карточка6: - Hello, Lisa. I’m glad to see you.
-I’m glad to see you too.
- I’d like to ask you about some Russian holidays. What holiday does it take place on the 19th of
January? -Oh, it’s the EPIPHANY, a very old religious holiday.
-Is it observed? How do you follow it?
-During the day we play snowballs. Some people make snow fortresses.
-And in the evening? How do you spend evenings?
- In the evenings from Christmas up to Epiphany we tell fortunes. It’s a very nice time. We like this
holiday very much.
III. Совершенствование навыка чтения на по теме «Традиции» посредством догадки
или использования ЛСС.
T: Pretend you are a tourist agent. What festival would you suggest to visit? Why?
(ученики дают ответы)

Р1: We are glad you’ve changed our country for a visit. We can suggest you an amazing
holiday. It’s SHROVETIDE or a Farewell-to-Winter Festival. It’s a pagan tradition. Father
Frost and Spring the Beauty are the main characters of it. You’ll see typical Russian people’s
walking or narodnie goolyanya. You may take part in different competitions. You’ll eat
pancakes the symbol of sun.
T: Well, if I were a foreign tourist I would visit the country and watch Russian holidays. (Учитель реагирует на высказывания учащихся)
IV. Совершенствование навыка диалогической речи по ситуации учебника упр.2,
cтр.102. T: You know that the days from Christmas to the Epiphany are called Christmas-tide (святки).
Imagine you are a pupil and his/her Granny. Ask each other what people used to do and what they do nowadays
at Christmas-tide (Образец диалога)?
P1: Hello, my dear Granny. Nice to meet you. How are you?
P2: Hi! I’m also glad to meet you. And you, how are you?
P1: Excellent! Our winter holidays have just begun. Yesterday we had a carnival. We made fireworks.
All my friends prepared fancy costumes, wore ugly masks. It was terribly fun! Oh! My dear, didn’t
you have fun when you were a child?
P2: Of course, we had. On these days we wore terrible costumes and masks too. We walked from house
to house, sang carols and wished happiness on that day. We made snowmen, played snowballs. And
you, my sweet? What are you going to do today?
P1: Well. A holiday is a holiday. And we must observe it, I should say. We are going to tell fortunes in
the evening. Would you give me a candle, a boot, some seeds and a cock?
P2: Of course, my dear. I will help you. It’s a very interesting activity. I liked it. Don’t you know that
there will be riding on troikas tomorrow?
P1: Oh, really? It’s exciting! My friends and I will build a townlet and take part in climbing a pole for a
P2: Well, let’s prepare for fortunetelling.
V. Развитие навыка чтения на основе грамматического материала учебника стр.107
упр.1(учащиеся выполняют упражнение на основе образца, данного учителем).
T: You know very well such a holiday as St. Valentine’s Day, don’t you? It’s one of the most favourite holidays in
the English-speaking countries. Are you sure that you know the background of it? Clarify it.
T: Well, St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February, isn’t it?
-Yes, it is celebrated on the 14th of February.
VI. Домашнее задание. Автоматизация навыка письма. (учащиеся должны подготовить
мини рассказ о своём любимом празднике, как они его oтмечают. Рассказ может
быть оформлен как проект, презентация или письмо)
Your hometask is to write down 10-12 sentences about your favourite holiday. If you want you may

prepare a project or presentation.
VII. Подведение итогов. Анализ работы учащихся и выставление оценок.
T: Was it interesting for you to talk about holidays? What facts were the most amazing for you at the lesson?
P1: Now I know the difference between Russian and British Christmas and when they are celebrated.
P2: I clearly understand what we can do at the Shrovetide. I am sure I will follow the traditions.
P3: I’ve learned one more British Christmas symbol – a holly. It’s very interesting.
P4: I can ask to repeat some information if I’m not sure.
T: I’m glad to hear that you’ve liked the lesson and that it was very useful for you. You worked very hard. Olya and
Katya, your answers were excellent. Vova and Nasima, you answered very good too. Zhenya and
Max, you worked very perfectly. Now we finish our lesson. Thank you for your work.