Задание по английскому языку по теме Структура и работа полиции

Структура и работа полиции.
Translate into English:
1.Предварительное расследование,2. враги нашего государства, 3.поддерживать общественный порядок,4. допрос подозреваемого, 5.оцепить место преступления, 6.органы внутренних дел,7.главная цель, 8.раскрыть преступление, 9.дальнейшее расследование, 10.защищать права наших граждан,11.быть ответственным за…
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the two major stages of investigation?
2. What is the main aim of our Police?
3. What are the officers of the Criminal Detection Department responsible for?
4. Who takes part in the process of the investigating a crime?
5. What does the follow-up investigation include?
3. Fill in any, something, anything, somebody, nobody, no, nothing, somewhere.
1 A: Is there ...... good on television tonight?
B: I don't know. Look in the newspaper.
2 A: Would you like.............. to eat?
B: No, I don't want.................., thank you.
3 A: There is................here to see you.
B: Who is it?
4 A: I went to Jane's house, but there was.............at home.
B: Perhaps she has gone.............nice for the weekend.
5 A: I have...............time to do all this work.
B: Is there..............I can do to help?
6 A: Was the party good last night?
B: Not really. There weren’t ........... interesting people there.
Структура и работа полиции.
1.Translate into English.
1.Оказать первую помощь, 2.эксперты криминалисты,3. следователь, 4.система исправительных учреждений,5. комиссия по делам несовершеннолетних,6. выслеживать беглых преступников, 7.высоко квалифицированный специалист с хорошей подготовкой, 8.доказать вину или невиновность подозреваемого,9. подготовка предварительного рапорта,10. оказание помощи жертве, 11.получение информации от информаторов.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What must the police officer do when the crime is reported to the Police?
2. What are the officers of the Criminal Investigation Department responsible for?
3. What does the preliminary investigation include?
4. What Departments is our Police composed of?
5. What is the main aim of our Police?
Fill in anything, any, somewhere, anywhere, some, somebody,
1 A: I have to go shopping, but I don't have..........money.
B:I'll lend you...............if you like.
2 A: Have you seen Michael................ ?
B: No, I haven't seen him.
3 A: The town was very busy today. There was nowhere to park my car.
B:They should build ............... new parking places.
4A: What would you do if you were lost?
B: I would ask............for help.
5A: Is there anywhere you would like to go this weekend?
B: I'd like to go ….. nice and quiet.
6 A: Is................wrong with Paul?
B: No, there's...............wrong with him. He's tired.
Критерии оценок за выполнение задания по теме «Структура и работа полиции.»Задание содержит лексическое задание на перевод из 11 пунктов, 5 вопросов по теме и тестовое задание на употребление неопределенных местоимений из 6 пунктов.
Оценка «5» 19-22 правильных ответа.
Оценка «4» 16-21 правильный ответ.
Оценка «3» 12-15 правильных ответов.
Ключи: I
Preliminary investigation
Enemies of our state
Maintain public order
Interrogation of the suspect
Protect the crime scene
Organs of Internal affairs
The main aim
Solve the crime
Follow-up investigation
Protect/safeguard the rights of our citizens
To be responsible for…
1.Preliminary and follow-up investigation
2. Maintain public order, protect/safeguard the rights of our citizens, protect state and personal property
3. to detect a criminal
4. patrol officers, criminalistics techninicians , detectives and investigators.
5. Interrogation of the suspect;
interview of a witness;
collecting information from informants;
-preparation of reports
1. anything2. something, anything
3. somebody4. nobody, somewhere
5. no, anything
6. anyII
to give the first aid
criminalistics techniniciansinvestigator
correctional system
juvenile inspection
to trace fugitives
highly qualified specialist with a good training
prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect
preparation of preliminary reports
helping a victim
getting information from informants.
1. -to arrest the criminal; to give the first aid; to protect the crime scene; to question the witnesses; to make a preliminary search for physical evidence.
2. collect facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect.
3. arresting a suspect or suspects;
- helping a victim;
- securing the crime scene to prevent loss of evidence;
- collecting physical evidence and preparing a preliminary report.4. the Criminal Detection Department; the Criminal Investigation Department; Economic Crimes Department; the State- Auto Inspection; the Transport Police; the Juvenile Inspection; the Correctional System and the service for the fight against organized crime.
5. -to maintain public order
-to protect state and personal property
-to safeguard the rights of our citizens.3.
1. any, some
2. anywhere3. some4. somebody5. somewhere6. anything, nothing