Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по произведениям британских писателей для учащихся 7-8 классов

- карточки цифрами от 1 до 5 для ответов игроков;
- презентация с заданиями для каждого тура;
- кубики с буквами английского алфавита;
- таблички с названиями школ;
- звёзды для подсчёта баллов, набранных игроками
Ход игры
(ведущий – один из учащихся)

Hello, dear fiends! Слайд 1
Glad to meet you at our competition.
Our contest is called “Star Hour”.
Today you are going to show your knowledge in British literature.
Five teams will compete in our contest.
Let me introduce our participants:
The team of school №1;
The team of school №2;

Each team has got two main players and two helpers.
Our game consists of five rounds with a certain number of questions. To answer the question the participants will show the card with the appropriate number. The players will get a star for every right answer. If they don`t know the right answer their helpers can save them showing their cards.
Now let me introduce you our jury members:
Mrs. Goryaeva, a teacher of …;
Mrs. …

Before our contest we would like to invite you to learn some more interesting facts about the British authors. (Выступления учащихся с презентациями о писателях)
Let`s begin our first round “British authors”. Слайд 2
You see five names of the most famous English authors. Choose the answer showing the right number!
The author who wrote about the adventures of a little girl.
The author who wrote about sea adventure with pirates.
The writer who created a fairy world of elves, dwarves, orcs, hobbits and magicians.
The author who wrote about extra-ordinary abilities of a boy.
The creator of the famous Captain Flint.
The author who created a talking white rabbit.
The writer who described the life in a magic school.
The author who told us about the life of a boy in the wild nature.
What writer is still living and creating books?
Tell us how many stars you have got. Count them, please.
The second round “Choose the right portrait” Слайд 3
The first English writer, the owner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
He was born in Africa.
This author created criminal novels under the pen-name Robert Galbraith.
This writer was an excellent photographer.
This writer is buried on the island of Samoa on the top of the hill.
He enjoyed developing new languages and created the language of the Elves.
He was born in India.
This author visited Russia and wrote “The Diary of Travelling to Russia”.
This author didn`t write poems.
This talented author was also a teacher of Mathematics.
He is buried in Westminster Abbey.
The amount of published books of this writer is over 400 mln.
Запасные вопросы:

The author of the “Jungle Book”
The owner of the Order of the British Empire
This author got the “Children`s Book Award”
Our second round is over. Count the stars, please.
Now I give the word to our jury.
You got the greatest number of stars and you are allowed to the next round.
And you, friends, get our special prizes. Thank you for your participation.
The third round “Characters of the Books” Слайд 4
Choose the right picture!
Who of the characters didn`t have any smell and moved without any noise?
Who found a bottle with the words “Drink me”?
Who hid himself in the barrel with apples?
These characters were punished for killing the time.
Who had two loyal friends helping in dangerous situations?
Слайд 5
Who knew the languages of every kind of creatures?
It had an amazing ability to vanish and to leave his smile in the air.
He ruined the city of Eribor and guarded the famous Arkenstone.
It was fond of hookah.
He liked to repeat the words “My precious”
Слайд 6
A magic flying game on the broomsticks.
The animals called it the “Red Flower”
It taught the animals the law of the jungles.
He celebrated his birthday together with his nephew on the 22nd of September.
He liked to make fireworks.
The round is over. Please count your stars.
Round IV. Cross the odd out. Слайд 7-12
Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Sam GamgeeQuaffle, Bludgers, Quidditch, Golden Snitch
Baheera, Baloo, Hedwig,TabaquSauron, Isildur, Gollum, Legolas, Baggins
Dr. Livsey, Captain Smallet, Jim Hawkins, Rubeus Hagrid, John Silver
Privet Drive, Shire, King`s Cross Station, Hogwarts
Round V. Слайд 13
Here in the box there are ten cubes with absolutely all letters of the ABC. I will take them out and throw down. You have to make up the longest word using the letters which are on the top of every cube. You have only a minute.
(В поле слайда впечатать буквы, выпавшие на кубиках)
Time is over. Read the words, please. Show them to our jury.
Who gets the stars?
You have got the greatest number of stars. You go to the final. And your team gets our special prizes.
Before getting trough the final competition we want our participants to relax and give an opportunity to ask our audience some questions too.

(Вопросы зрителям) Слайды 14-20
Round VI. Our final game. Слайд 21
You see the name of one of the dwarves from the famous “Hobbit” of John Tolkien. Make up as many short words as possible using this one - Oakenshield
You have two minutes to do the task.
(Оставшиеся два финалиста составляют слова)
Time is over. Read the words. Cross out the words whish are the same.
The helpers also cross out the same words.
What can you add? (Помощники команд добавляют свои слова)
And you?Go and give your answers to the jury.
Dear members of the fairest jury, we want you to announce the winners of the game!
(Запасные вопросы для зрителей) Слайд 22