Приложение к диплому Смысловое понимание текста


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Приложение 1
Бинарный текст с заданиями

«Falling Snow»

By Graham Green

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Task № 1
Listen to the poem and try to guess the type of season.
Now read its translation and answer on the following questions:
How is the writer of the poem feeling? Why?
Why does the author use so ma
·Падающий снег
Посмотри на прелестных снежинок полет! На чернеющих ветках пушистый налет. Свежий воздух собой заполняя, Стены, крыши домов заметая, В зимнем танце снежинки кружат, С неба падают, быстро летят. Где густая трава зеленела в саду, Одиноко чернели кусты на виду, Все теперь утопает в глубоком снегу. И поверить глазам я своим не могу. Что за дивный волнующий вид! Пышным облаком сад весь накрыт.
Литературный перевод А.Рогозиной

Task № 2
Tell what kind of words and what their part of speech help to make the text of this poem so emotional and colorful? Write down from this poem all adjectives. The first group writes from English poem? The second – from the Russian. Underlined words are not adjectives.

Task № 3
Answer on the questions:
How did you find adjectives in the text?
What questions do adjectives answer?
3. What is an adjective? 4. How to change adjectives? 5. What parts of speech are adjectives? 6. How to write the ending of the adjective?

Task № 4
What adjectives have you found in the text?
How did you find them?
Why does the author use such adjectives?

Task № 5
Underline one line in English poem which you like more then others and say why you underline it.
Task № 6
Write creative work on the theme “Nature winter forest” using the knowledge and skills you received in our lesson. Write description of winter forest using different adjectives.

Приложение 2
Дидактизированный текст с заданиями

The Mirror of Erised
Extract from «Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone» by J.K.Row
·Ориентировочный этап
- Today we are going to talk about modern English book. What modern English writers do you know?
- And now look at the photo and say who is on it?
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слайд № 3 слайд № 4

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Приложение № 5

Проблемно поисковая стратегия работы с текстом

Первый этап (текст - стимул)
Task 1. Answer the questions.
What is hobby?
Why people have hobby?
What kind of hobby do you know?
What is hobby for you?

Второй этап (текст - базовый)
Task 2. Reading the text.
Read the first pa
·the way I have a very comfortable grater (терка) at home. I like to use it when I make my pies. I usually grate carrot, onion using my favorite grater. I put grated carrot into the frying-pan, then I salt cabbage and carrot to my taste, mix them and add so
·Sme water. Then I stew these vegetables in the frying-pan. I usually buy some paste for my pies. I cut up paste, roll it and make small pies. Then I put pies with stewed cabbage into the oven (духовка). It takes twenty minutes to bake them. My parents and friends like to eat my pies. I advise you to make such pies and I hope that you'll like them too. 

Why computer games are so popular among different hobbies nowadays?

Третий этап
Task 4. Questions
Answer on the next questions:
What do you think how old
·у is Nastya?
Does Nastya have a lot of friends?
Is she a good cooker?
What other activities can you advise to Nastya?

Четвертый этап
Task 5.
Write about your favorite hobby as Nastya.

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