игры на уроках английского языка в среднем звене

Игра на английском языке в 6 классе: “Play and Learn”

Цели: 1. формирование коммуникативной компетенции;
2. повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: Активизация изученного ранее языкового материала, практика фонетики, лексики, устной речи.

To begin with all the participants will be divided into two teams “Cats” and “Dogs”. You can see two emblems prepared beforehand. (Эмблемы прикреплены по обе стороны кабинета, где заранее подготовлены места для участников).
To know which team you will play, take one of the small pictures out of the box. If there is a cat in the picture, you’ll play in the team which is called “Cats”. If there is a dog, your team is called “Dogs”. (Команды специально не формируются заранее, чтобы участники умели сотрудничать с различными группами)
Now you know which team you are and you are welcome to take your seats. (Участники рассаживаются вокруг двух круглых столов)
I wish you good luck and before starting the first contest let me introduce our jury. (Ведущий представляет членов жюри)

I. The first contest is phonetical. You task is to pronounce these phrases:
1. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose.
2. Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.
3. How many cookies could a good cook if a good cook could cook cookies?
4. Four furious friends fought for the phone.
(Четыре представителя обеих команд произносят по очереди фразы)
Well done.

II. The second contest is to remember countable and uncountable nouns about food. Team “Cats” name countable, team “Dogs” uncountable nouns. You’re welcome!
(Участники по очереди называют слова)

III. The third contest is to use some of the words about food. This contest is called ”What’s on the menu?” After an accident with some soup, the first menu is difficult to read. Write the words clearly on the second menu.
(Каждой команде предлагается два одинаковых меню, в которых видны только фрагменты слов, которые надо восстановить)

IV. The fourth contest is to practice 3 forms of English verbs. There are two boxes where you’ll put the cards with the 2 and the 3 forms of the verbs and name all three forms. (Участники раскладывают по разным коробкам предложенные им карточки с формами глаголов и называют их)

V. Find group of words which can be rhymed together. In each group there are two words.
Warm, weather, nice, snow, red, storm, together, gold, Fred, hand, hen, rice, night, cold, grow, white, clean, land, green, ten.
(Участники распределяют слова парами с учётом рифмы, записывают на отдельных листах бумаги, зачитывают вслух и отдают листы членам жюри.)

We could write a poem now, but I think we’ll thing a song which is very poetic I think. You know it . It is called “Watever will be” (Участники поют песню, чтобы сделать паузу в игре. Песня может быть любая. Мы выучили песню “Whatever will be”)
VI. The next contest is called “Cross it out”. The task is to cross out the two correct answers each time.You should cross out:
2 colours
2 birds
2 parts of the body
2 things to eat
2 things to drink
2 rooms
2 school
·Участники выписывают по два относящиеся к каждой группе слова)

So, which word is left? (Key: zoo)

VII. The next contest is to act out the dialogue “At the shop”. (Тема диалога может быть выбрана любая)

VIII. While two participants are preparing for the dialogue the others will complete the words
by adding the bottom half of each one. (Даны слова на карточках, в которых написана только верхняя часть слов. Нижнюю часть слова надо дописать)


IX. The last contest of our today’s game is to describe the animals which names are in the names of your teams. All participants of each team should do it in turn. (Все участники по очереди говорят по предложению, рассказывая про своего животного)

It’s time to finish our game and to know the score. Our jury will count the points. And we will sing a song because even if we didn’t do everything correctly our spirit was high. And the song is called “If you’re happy”
(Пока жюри подводит итоги, все поют песню, которую выучили ранее)

Игра “Sights of London”
( для 6-8 классов)
Цели: 1. формирование коммуникативной компетенции;
2. повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: Активизация изученного ранее языкового материала, практика устной речи.

I. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our round London sightseeing tour. But today we’ll not only see different sights of London, we’ll play at the same time
·дети исполняют песню “Sights of London”)
What sights have we just seen? (Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly, Leicester Square, Buckingham Palace)

III. What other sights of London do you know? Let’s look at some other pictures of London and name them. (показ открыток с видами)

IV. Now name the sight of London after I tell you some facts about it.
You can see the Tower of London from it. (Tower Bridge)
You can feed pigeons there. (Trafalgar Square)
There are two towers an
·(Все гиды рассказывают о видах, которые им выпали)

Come with us on the London bus again. (Дети поют песню, жюри подводит итоги)
VIII. The best tour guides today are... They are awarded with... Thank you. Good luck.

Задания для интеллектуальной игры “Do you know?”

(для 9-11 классов)
Цели: 1. формирование коммуникативной компетенции; 2.формирование социокультурной компетенции;
3. повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: использование общеучебных знаний в контексте английского языка, практика устной речи.

I.Choose one of the variants.

How long is a foot?

How long is a yard?
100 cm
91.44 cm
1.44 cm

How long is a mile?
·hers get presents (R)
always in May

III.Do you know what these Latin abbreviations mean in English?

1. e. g.
2. etc
3. i.e.
4. A D
5. BC
6. a.m.
7. p.m.
8. C V


e. g. - for example - например
etc - et cetera - и так далее
i.e.- that is -
·то есть
A D - Anno Domini - нашей эры
BC - before Christ - до нашей эры
a.m. - ante meridiem - до полудня
p.m. - post meridiem - после полудня
C V - curriculum vitae - резюме

IV. Match a noun with an adjective using asas

1. As 1.dry 2.pretty 3.brave 4.black 5.hard 6.cool 7.good
As a)gold b)a picture c)a lion d)coal e)dust f)a rock g)a cucumber

Key: as black as coal, as brave as a lion, as cool as a cucumber, as good as gold, as hard as rock, as good as gold, as pretty as a picture

2. AS 1.light 2.quiet 3.cold 4.hot 5.sick 6.blue 7.deep
As a)a mouse b)hell c)a feather d)the sea e)a dog f)the sky g)ice

Key: as light as a feather, as quite as a mouse, as cold as ice, as hot as hell, as sick as a dog, as blue as the sky as deep as the sea

V. Choose one of the answers:

1. If you are virtuous, you are:
Good at playing in computer
Very good
Very clever

2. A plate is:
A pay for a work
A dress for walking
A round dish that you eat from

3. A genial person is:

4. `Marmalade` is:
A fruit drink
A kind of jam
Sweets made from fruit

5. A slave is:
The state of being famous
Someone who is legally owned and works for no money
An area of land covered with dirty water

6. A cartoon is:
A short film made by a series of drawing
A stiff brown material like very thick paper, used for making boxes
A magazine without a drawing

7. In English `hazard` means:

8. `Lunatic` is:
An exciting person
A mad person
An extravagant person
Someone who walks in their sleep

9. `Actual` means:

10. A chef is
The most important person
The boss
Someone who cooks

Quiz Game “Think and Say”.
(for the sixth form)

Цели: Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Задачи: Активизация изученного ранее языкового материала, практика лексики, устной речи.

The presenter:-Good afternoon, everyone! I’m happy to meet you here today with a quiz programme ”Think and Say”. Here are our competitors, who sent their letters to our studio. We had a lot of letters to our studio. We got a lot of letters but theirs were the best. Let me introduce them to you.

Our competitors have come today with their friends, who will help them with answers, I hope. Now I want to introduce you our jury. They’ll help us to count points and to determine the winner. You dear audience will help us too. You will greet and cheer our competitors. I think it’s a lovely day today, isn’t it? Yes, it is. Let’s sing about a lovely day.( All are singing the song “Lovely Day”.)
Dear friends, are you ready to start our game? The rules of the game are the following. I’ll give you a task or a question, if you know the answer you’ll pick up and show the flag. But sometimes you’ll answer in turns, I’ll tell you about it.

The first task is to name the things I’ll ask you. You’ll do it in turns.

Name 5 things you can do.
5 things boys wear.
5 things girls wear.
5 professions.
5 school subjects.
5 things in our classroom.

And now there is a task for our assistants. Name the following things:

5 hobbies ,
5 parts of the body,
5 animals,
5 school things,
5 irregular verbs with their forms,
5 days of the week.

The second task is to complete the sentence to make up a short story. You’ll do it in turns again.

1. Every likes ice cream but I
2. I read with interest about
3. The policeman caught the robber when
4. I broke my leg when
5. All my friends went to school but I
6. My dog ate my tennis ball

While our competitors are doing their tasks you’ll listen to a rhyme and correct some sentences.

“When cherries grow “
When cherries grow on apple trees,
And kittens wear lace caps,
And boys their sisters never tease,
And bears wear woolen wraps;
When all the nursery dolls and toys
Begin to dance and play,
Then little girls and little boys
May lie in bed all day.
When donkeys learn to sing and dance,
When pigs talk politics,
When London is a town in France,
When two and two make six,
When drops of rain are real pearls,
When coal is clear and white,
Then little boys and little girls
May sit up late at night.

(The audience and the assistants correct the sentences in the rhyme.)
It’s time to make up your stories

Now there will be the third task. Here you will pick up the flag if you know the answer.
I’ll ask you some questions.

1. What animal lives the longest?(a tortoise)
2. Is there gold in the ocean? (Yes,$28,000,000,000,000,000 worth, but there are no ways to extract it .)
3. Are there flying snakes ?(Yes, they can fly from tree to tree, because they are flat)
4. Do some snakes have legs?(Yes, many of large snakes have small legs under the skin near the tail.)
5. If you take two apples, three peaches, ten grapes, what will you have? (fruit salad )
6. Two ducks before a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle are how many ducks? (3 ducks)
7. In a box there are six apples. You need to divide six apples among six boys. And you need to leave one apple in the box. How will you do it? (Give one of the boys the box with an apple)
8. Can monkeys cry? (Yes, and they have tears)
9. Who invented paper – the Chinese or the Egyptians?(the Chinese)
10. What is the nearest star to the Earth? (the Sun)
11. When did the first people land on the Moon? (in 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin )
12. Which planet is the largest of our Solar system? (Jupiter)
13. What are the biggest coins made of? Chose: 1.metal, 2.stone, 3.paper (stone)
14. What is the fastest animal in world?

Now the task for you is to make up as many words as you can using only one word COMPARATIVES.
While our competitors are doing the task we’ll say a few tongue twisters

1. A proper crop of poppies is a proper poppy crop.
2. A copper cup of coffee is a copper coffee cup.
3. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where’s the peck of pickled pepper
Peter Piper picked?

This contest is for all. Say which word is different from the list of words. Why?

1. London, Moscow, the Volga, New York, Tokyo.
2. An elephant, a tiger, a crocodile, a dog, an ostrich.
3. The best , the worst, the fattest, old, the cleverest.
4. Caught, drunk, eaten, swam, done.
5. A bag, a car, a book, a ruler, a pencil.
6. White, blue, hair, black, green, pink.
7. Tennis, satellite, racket, planet, astronaut.

Our game is to the end. You’ve played very well and our jury will say the results of the game.

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