Урок английского языка на тему Путешествие по Крыму. Виды жилья.

Класс 7-А
Учитель: Литвин Н.И.
План урока
Тема: Любимые места родного края. Путешествие по Крыму. Виды жилья.
Цель: к концу урока учащиеся смогут составлять монологические высказывания по теме «Путешествие», а также будут способны вести диалог по теме, а именно, забронировать номер в отеле.
Учебно-методические задачи
ознакомление и обработка новых лексических единиц по теме «Путешествие».
повторить употребление Present Simple, виды вопросов.
научить строить монологические и диалогические высказывания, основываясь на собственном опыте.
развивать умение формировать собственное мнение и отстаивать свою позицию.
формировать коммуникативное поведение.
прививать гражданский патриотизм.
развивать познавательный интерес к реалиям современной жизни.
формировать чувство ответственности при работе в паре/группе.
развивать интерес к английскому языку как средству общения.
Тип урока: комбинированный, презентация.
мультимедийная доска, компьютер, аудиозапись, презентации по теме урока.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Учитель: The previous lesson we spoke about interesting places in the USA.
But now if you read these words on the blackboard you will tell me easily what the topic of our lesson is:
“The more I see the other countries, the more I love my own one”. Madam de Stale.
Ученик: We will talk about our country-Russia.
Учитель: Right you are, and particularly today we will speak about our native land-Crimea. Think! What will you be able to do by the end of our lesson?
I will be able to tell my friends about the most interesting places in the Crimea.
I will be able to show all these places on the map.
3. Учитель: Your hometask was to prepare some kind of advertisements of the main Crimean attractions. Let’s watch your presentations .Be attentive. You will have a task after it.
280987518986500Ученики показывают свои презентации:
Miniature Park in Alushta
Nikitskiy Botanical Garden
Angarsk Pass
Marble Caves
Swallow nest
Vorontsov Palace
Учитель: You have heard some information about these places. Now I want to check up how attentive you were. Take a sheet of paper Mark the sentences: True of False.1.Miniature Park is situated in Alushta 2. The beautiful sights of the Crimea are reduced 50 times3. There are four big parks in the Botanical garden 4. The excavations of Hersonissos are about 5000 years old5.Park “Taigan” is under the protection of UNESCO 6.”Artek” is the biggest summer camp in Russia7.IF you are а fan of sledging and skiing 8.Don’t Forget to put a warm coat before Marvel Cave go to Angarsk Pass in winter9.Vorontsov palace is situated in Bahchisaray 10.You can see beautiful interior inside swallow next.
Now exchange your papers with your neighbours and let’s correct the mistakes(Учитель читает предложения учащиеся обсуждают верно/неверно и дают правильный ответ)Учитель: Now put the mark according to this scale: 1-2 mistakes –“5” 3-5 mistakes-“4” 6-8 mistakes-“3”
Учитель: Now we continue our travelling . You want to visit any of these places. But before going you must be sure that you have a place where to stay at night.
There are some types of accommodation:
Listen to the audio recording. Pronounce these words after it:

hotel, youth hostel, self-catering apartment, ski lodge, bed & breakfast.
Учитель: Look at the IQ board and match the types with their definition.

Учитель: But you should book your room beforehand. You should make reservation. Of course, you need to call to this hotel and speak to receptionist.
These expressions will help you listen to the speaker:
• How can I help you?
• I’d like to book a room, please.
• Single, please.
• How much is it per night?
• Does that include breakfast?
• What name, please?
• We look forward to seeing you.
Учитель: Now you will hear the dialogue. “Mr. Jones is booking a room”.
R:Good morning- Red Ridge Hotel. How can I help you?
J: Hello. I’d like to book a room, please.
R: Certainly. When For?
J: 19th June, for two nights.
R: Do you want a double or a single room?
J: Single, please.
R: Let me check what we have available… Yes, we have a room on the 3rd floor.
J: Great. How much is It per night?
R: It’s £85.
J: Does that include breakfast?
R: Yes, It does.
J: OK. Can I book it then, please?
R: Certainly. What name, please?
J: Ethan Jones.
R: OK. Your booking reference is 6793581. That’s 6793581. We look forward to seeing you.
J: Thank you. Goodbye.
Учитель: Answer the questions:
What room is Mr. Jones booking?
How much it will cost?
How long will it stay?
What floor is his room on?
Учитель: Look at the IQ board and complete the dialogue.

Учитель: And now you are ready to make your own dialogues ученики работают в парах, готовят свои собственные диалогиучитель: Now act out your dialogues Now we have come to an end.your home task: To write a letter-invitation to the Crimea.Teacher: Now tell me please what you have learnt at our lesson.Ученики:Now I can make a presentation Now I can describe the attractions of the Crimea Now I can make reservation at the hotel Now I can write a letter-invitationУчитель: You have worked hard and you have got excellent marksУчитель: The lesson is over. Good bye.