Обобщающий урок английского языка по теме “ Friendship” в 9 классе

Обобщающий урок английского языка по теме
“ Friendship”
в 9 классе
Teacher: Hello dear pupils!
Pupils: Hello teacher!
Teacher: Have a sit, please. How are you?
Pupils: We are fine.  And you?
Teacher: Fine, thank you. Today’s lesson is very special to us, as we are going to discuss a very important topic, i.e. "FRIENDSHIP".
What is friendship? Some people will say that it is a feeling of mutual liking between two or more people, other will add that it is a state when one person understands and supports the other one.
To my mind friendship can be compared to a tree. Its seed should find good soil and under good conditions it will grow into a tree. As the years go by, the tree stands firmer and firmer on the ground. And if it is strong enough, it will survive all the storms and winds. But to help it, we should take care of it and love it.
You see a nice, small tree in front of our classroom. Let's imagine that this is the tree of your friendship. In your opinion what traits of a friend will help our tree to be firmer and stronger? Here I have some adjectives to characterize a real friend. Let’s come and choose some of them and hang on our tree. Matvey, please. (Ученик выходит, выбирает карточку и вешает на дерево). Matvey, do you know any proverbs about friendship? How do you understand it? Explain it in your words.
Pupil 1: Make new friends But keep the old One is sliver and the other gold !
(Ученик на английском объясняет, что означает эта пословица).
Pupil 2: Friendship, like phosphorus, shines brightest when all around is dark.
Дружба, как фосфор, сияет ярко, когда вокруг все темно.
Teacher: Diana, while you're hanging the adjective you've chosen, tell us, please, do you have a best friend? How did you meet and become best friends?
Pupil: Ученик рассказывает о своём лучшем друге.
Teacher: Now we have a beautiful, firm tree of friendship .
A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose and impossible to forget. Take care of your friends and never forget them.
Is there anyone who knows a poem about friendship?
Pupil: I can say:
A friend is like an owl,both beautiful and wise.Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,whose spirit never dies.A friend is like a heart that goesstrong until the end.Where would we be in this worldif we didn’t have a friend?
Teacher: Good for you!
Now you have another interesting task to do. You should be divided into two groups. The task consists of two parts. The first part is the following. I will switch on a very nice song about friendship. You are going to listen to the one half of the lyrics and put the pictures in a logical order. They explain the lines of the song. And from the next half of the song I will give you the song lyrics with some words missed in it. You should listen and fill in the missed words. Are you ready? Group together. Let’s start.
-184150-423545Song: Thank You My Friend lyrics
By: Tin ArnaldoI'm so thankful for having known someone Agentle friend a real one
Revealing the Lord's design
That love is great and is all divine
Words are not enough to thank you my friend
For the shoulder to lean on and depend
You shared your ways, Your hearts you lend
My worries are healed my pain is mend
Thank you my friend, this I should say
It's the language of my heart from on this day
And as you help me and show me the way
You cheer me up and keep my blues away
With you to myself I can be true
Nothing to hide yet nothing to show
My book of life is opened up for you
My stories are told but only to you
Thank you my friend, this I should say
It's the language of my heart from on this day
And as you help me and show me the way
You cheer me up and keep my blues away...
Thank you my friend, this I should say
It's the language of my heart from on this day
And as you help me and show me the way
You cheer me up and keep my blues away
And as you help me and show me the way
You cheer me up and keep my blues away
Thank you  my friend
Thank you my friend...

Teacher: Well done. Did you like the song?
Pupils: Yes, it was a very touching song.
Teacher: Now let’s check. Though the task was not easy, you could cope with it. Very nice.
Now let’s do the following task. In pairs come to the blackboard. One student will write positive adjectives characterizing friendship (e.g. loyal, trustworthy, etc.) another one will write negative adj. about friendship (e.g. greedy, self-centered, etc.). Ready?
Pupils: We have made a slide show of our friendship to show how friendly and sociable we, classmates are. Let's have a look.
Teacher: And while watching it, I would like to give each of you this beautiful card with the following words... Write your wish on the other side of the card and present to whom you consider your best friend.

Teacher: Thank you my dears for your active participation. As I like to say, today you put your perspiration, inspiration and imagination in our lesson. Thank you, our guests. We hope you enjoyed the lesson.
Pupils: Thank you very much.
One of the pupils: I want to conclude our lesson with the following words:
"We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends behave to us". Aristotle. So let's love our friends and take care of them.
Teacher: Good bye!
Pupils: Good bye!