Контрольная работа по английскому (Аяпова) 5 класс І четверть (усложненный)

1 тоKсан баKылау жaмысы

1) Сандарды с™збен жаз:
3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 20

2) am, is немесе are етістігін Kой:
1. I .. a good boy. 3. Tom young. 5. My cat . yellow.
2. We nice. 4. My parents kind. 6. They English.

3) С™здерді дaрыс ретімен Kой:
A) is/ friend?/ your/ Peter B) friend./ isn’t/ my/ Susan C) are/ sisters./ my/ they

4) СaраKтарCа жауап бер:
1. How are you?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. What is your name?
5. What is your address?

5) ЕтістіктіS біреуін таSдап, Present Simple шаCыныS болымды т_рінде жаз:
1. Paul studies/study French at school.
2. Susan and I go/goes to the same school.
3. Linda live/lives in New York.
4. My parents work/works in a bank.
5. Mum cook/cooks every day.

6) don’t немесе doesn’t таSдап, Present Simple шаCыныS болымсыз т_рінде жаз:
1. Tony don’t/doesn’t like cinema.
2. Babies don’t/doesn’t drink coke.
3. My mother don’t/doesn’t smoke.
4. Paul don’t/doesn’t help at home.
5. I don’t/doesn’t do the washing up.

7) Do немесе Does таSдап, Present Simple шаCыныS сaраулы т_рінде жаз:
Do/Does you like apples?
Do/Does she live in Pavlodar?
Do/Does we go to school 2?
Do/Does Tom watch TV in the evening?

8) М‰тінді оKып, сaраKтарCа жауап бер:
My name is Freddy. I have got black hair and blue eyes. I have got three best friends.
Simon has got brown hair. His eyes are black.
Ed is also my friend. His hair is orange. He has got brown eyes.
My other friend is a girl. Her name is Amy. She is Simon's cousin. She has got yellow hair. She has got green eyes.

1. ФрэддидіS шашы Kай т_сті? Ал к™зі ше?
2. СаймонныS шашы Kай т_сті? Ал к™зі ше?
3. ЭдтіS шашы Kай т_сті? Ал к™зі ше?
4. ЭмидіS шашы Kай т_сті? Ал к™зі ше?