Тестовые задания для текущего контроля знаний Сестринское Дело (1 курс)

Севастопольское государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
профессионального образования
«Севастопольский медицинский колледж имени Жени Дерюгиной»

протокол методической цикловой комиссии
от ______________20__г №___
Председатель ЦМК
Зам. директора по учебной работе
________________Полстянко Н.Н.
«_____» _______________ 20 г.

Комплект заданий
для проведения текущего контроля знаний
по дисциплине Иностранный язык
для специальности «Сестринское дело»
курс I (базовая подготовка)

Разработала: Преподаватель Дмитриева Екатерина Викторовна

Критерии оценивания
25-23 правильных ответа – «5» (отлично)
22-18 правильных ответа – «4» (хорошо)
17-11 правильных ответа – «3» (удовлетворительно)
менее 11 правильных ответов – «2» (неудовлетворительно)

Вариант I.
There ... a big car near the building.
a) is
б) are
в) has
г) got
2. His hair.... quite dark.
a) are
б) were
в) is
г) have got
3. My sister likes travelling ...
a) very many
б) few
в) very
г) very much
4. They always cook together in the .
а) dining room
б) office
в) kitchen
г) living room
5. I usually get up six o’clock.
a) on
б) at
в) in
г) of
6. Our children in the classroom
a) am
б) is
в) are
г) isn’t
7. My name is Eva. She and my mother are twins.
а) niece’s
б) sister’s
в) grandmother’s
г) aunt’s
8. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?
а) 4 July
б) 31 October
в) 5 May
г) 25 December
9. I have a nephew, my sister’s .
а) father
б) son
в) brother
г) nephew
10. She figure skating.
а) goes in
б) does
в) goes in for
г) is going in for sport
11. Which city isn’t in Canada?
а) Montreal
б) Toronto
в) Ottawa
г) Glasgow
12. In what country couple is blessed on their wedding day in Maori language?
а) New Zealand
б) Ireland
в) Great Britain
г) Australia
13. In what word there is no sound [
а) black
б) map
в) tap
г) art
14. What are the most popular topics for conversation in England?
а) fireplaces, dogs
б) cats, homes
в) books, tea
г) tea, weather
15. There is no place than home.
а) larger
б) better
в) further
г) longer
16. Mother of your wife or husband.
а) nephew
б) aunt
в) mother-in-law
г) grandmother
17. It me about 40 minutes to get to work.
а) takes
б) gives
в) leaves
г) give
18. I study .
а) from 9 till 1
б) with 8 to 1
в) with 8 from 1
г) from 8 till 1 o’clock
19. Son of your brother or sister.
а) niece
б) nephew
в) nice
г) nephey
20. Write the numerals in words – 15:35.
а) three forty-five
б) thirty-five past three
в) twenty-five past three
г) twenty-five to four
21. We have a large in the middle of the day.
а) break
б) snake
в) broke
г) box
22. We shopping.
а) not like
б) don’t like
в) doesn’t like
г) are
23. What’s your ?
б) nation
в) country
г) city
24. He has a .
а) pen-mate
б) paper friend
в) pen friend
г) letter friend
25. Two children born at the same time.
а) sisters
б) twins
в) daughters
г) nieces

Вариант II.
1. Choose the question word.
а) wall
б) whole
в) walk
г) what
2. The United Kingdom consists of parts.
а) 2
б) 4
в) 10
г) 3
3. In what country do people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
а) America
б) England
в) Australia
г) New York
4. Canada is located in .
а) New Zealand
б) South America
в) North America
г) North Europe
5. What’s your ?
а) nationality
б) nation
в) country
г) city
6. What are the most popular topics for conversation in England?
а) fireplaces, dogs
б) cats, homes
в) books, tea
г) tea, weather
7. She figure skating.
а) goes in
б) does
в) goes in for
г) is going in for sport
8. Write the numerals in words – 5:15.
а) a quarter to 5
б) a fifteen past five
в) fifty to six
г) a quarter past five
9. My name is Eva. She and my mother are twins.
а) niece’s
б) sister’s
в) grandmother’s
г) aunt’s
10. There ... a big car near the building.
a) is
б) are
в) has
г) got
11. It me about 40 minutes to get to work.
а) takes
б) gives
в) leaves
г) give
12. In what word there is no sound [
а) aunt
б) cat
в) flat
г) back
13. Our children in the classroom
a) am
б) is
в) are
г) isn’t
14. They always cook together in the .
а) dining room
б) office
в) kitchen
г) living room
15. Two children born at the same time.
а) sisters
б) twins
в) daughters
г) nieces
16. We have a large in the middle of the day.
а) break
б) snake
в) broke
г) box
17. Mother of your wife or husband.
а) nephew
б) aunt
в) mother-in-law
г) grandmother
18. In what country couple is blessed on their wedding day in Maori language?
а) Great Britain
б) Ireland
в) Australia
г) New Zealand
19. There is no place than home.
а) larger
б) better
в) further
г) longer
20. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?
а) 5 May
б) 31 October
в) 4 July
г) 25 December
21. His hair.... quite dark.
a) are
б) were
в) is
г) have got
22. I usually get up six o’clock.
a) on
б) at
в) in
г) of
23. Which city isn’t in Canada?
а) Montreal
б) Toronto
в) Ottawa
г) Glasgow
24. I have a nephew, my sister’s .
а) father
б) son
в) brother
г) nephew
25. Daughter of your brother or sister.
а) niece
б) nephew
в) nice
г) nephey

Эталоны ответов
Вариант I Вариант II
1 а 1 г
2 в 2 б
3 г 3 в
4 в 4 в
5 б 5 а
6 в 6 г
7 г 7 в
8 а 8 г
9 б 9 г
10 в 10 а
11 г 11 а
12 а 12 а
13 г 13 в
14 г 14 в
15 б 15 б
16 в 16 а
17 а 17 в
18 г 18 г
19 б 19 б
20 г 20 в
21 а 21 в
22 б 22 б
23 а 23 г
24 в 24 б
25 б 25 а