The Seven Years War (Семь лет войны) 10 класс

Unit :Theme:
The Seven Years War (Семь Лет Войны).
(видео урок)
Продолжить формирование лексических знаний по теме «Канада»; активизировать знания по грамматической теме «To be»
Развивать мышление более высокого уровня посредством использования методики развития критического мышления; развивать общий кругозор учащихся
Воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, уважение к мнению своего одноклассника
Take place, conflict, involve, powers, affect, historiography, alternatively, combatants, respective, antagonism ally, conclude
To be…
Org. moment:
Checking up the h/t
The main part
Evaluation The procedure of the lesson
- Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? How are you? 
Вводно-мотивационный этап  (5 мин)Упражнение «Комплимент”. Для установления благоприятного психологического климата и дальнейшей коммуникации.
Name the partner and tell him some good words or wishes. Example: “Dashа, You are so nice today.” 
Thank you!
Определение темы урока. (2 мин)
Today we are going to speak about war. And of course our theme is completely connected with Canada. How do you think what kind of war we are going to speak about?
Yes, you are right!
Совместная постановка целей урока (2 мин)
Tell me please what about we are going to speak today?
What kind of information we are going to receive today?
Yes you are right!
First let’s check your home task. What was your home work? (Preposition of direction)
(4-5 улана отвечают у доски)
Now you are going to watch video “The Seven Years War”. Watch and listen very attentively. And be ready to discuss.
And now you have 2 minutes to write down what you understand.
(После уланы зачитывают свои записи на оценку)
Good job. Now answer some questions:
-When do the war start and finish? (1754-1763)
-What countries took part in this war?
- How do this war influenced Canada? (became a British country not French)
- How do this war affect to England? (became the world’s preeminent Empire)
-What is the second name of this war? (The French and Indian war)
-Are you agree that The seven years war was the first global war or not. (yeas)
And now you are going to read and traslate the text about our theme
The Seven Years' War was a war fought between 1754 and 1763, the main conflict occurring in the seven-year period from 1756 to 1763. It involved every European great power of the time except the Ottoman Empire, spanning five continents, and affected Europe, the Americas, West Africa, India, and the Philippines. The conflict split Europe into two coalitions, led by the Kingdom of Great Britain (inc. Prussia, Portugal, Hanover, and other small German states) on one side and the Kingdom of France (inc. Austria-led Holy Roman Empire, Russia, Spain, and Sweden) on the other. Meanwhile in India, the Mughal Empire, with the support of the French, tried to crush British attempt in conquering Bengal.
Although the Anglo-French skirmishes over their American colonies already began in 1754, the wide-scale conflict that drew in most of the European powers was centered on Austria's desire in recovering Silesia from the Prussians' hand. Seeing the opportunity to curtail Britain's and Prussia's ever-growing might, France and Austria put aside their ancient rivalry to form a grand coalition of their own, bringing most of other European powers on their side. Faced with this sudden turn of animosity, Britain align herself with Prussia, a circle of events known as the Diplomatic Revolution. However, French efforts ended up with failure, when the Anglo-Prussian coalition prevailed, and Britain's rise as the world's predominant power destroyed France's supremacy in Europe, thus altering the European balance of power.
Your home task is text Retelling about seven years war
Now I make you marks
Our lesson is over.
Thank you for your work. Good bye!