Музыкальная сказка Goldilocks and Three Bears

Сказка Goldilocks and Three Bears
(5-6 класс)
Хор: Once upon a time There were three bears 3 what? – 3 bears Once upon a time there were 3 bears How many bears? – Three bears! 1, 2, 3 bears. First there was a mama – Mama Bear. M-A-M-A - Mama Bear
·k over there! It’s Baby Bear! B - for Baby, B - for Baby Bear – 3 times "B” stands for Baby, "B” stands for Bear. "BB” stand for Baby Bear! (3times) Once upon a time there were three bears. 1 (clap), 2 (clap), 3 bears. Автор: One morning the three bears were busy getting ready for breakfast. P: I’ll make the porridge. M: I’ll pour the milk . B: I’ll set the table. 2t
Хор: And they did – 2t Baby set the table, Mama poured the milk, Papa made the porridge And they all sat down. Who set the ta
· Автор: And they all jumped up and down around the table. Хор: Very hot, hot! Much too hot! Hot, hot, much too hot! 2t Much (clap), too (clap) hot! 2t P: Let’s go for a walk And let it cool off!
M:That’s a good idea! Let’s go!

Автор: And the three bears left One by one With their breakfast
Хор: Chill on the table. Glasses full of milk, Porridge in the bowls, Spoons in the porridge, Paper napkins. Glasses full of milk, Porridge in the bowls, Spoons in the porridge, Paper napkins, Spoons, glasses, bowls and napkins 2t Автор: Soon as the bears left, the House felt empty and sad. There was no one there, not even a bear. Now the House feels so lonely for the bears! He began to sing a sad little song. H: This is awful, this is bad! I feel lonely, I feel sa
·Автор: But it wasn’t a bear. It was a little girl, A little girl with golden hair. H: What’s your name? 2t G: Everybody calls me Goldilocks H: What did you say? G: Goldilocks. H: Goldilocks, Goldilocks, Say it again! G: Goldilocks. H: What a beautiful name! Автор: Goldilocks was surprised When she saw the bears’ house. G: What a surprise! What a beautiful house! I wonder if anybody’s home! Автоор: First she knocked on the door. G: Knock-knock Is anybody home? 2t Автор: No one answered So she knocked again.

G: Knock-knock, Is anybody home?
H: Come right in! Come in and sit down! The door’s unlocked! Come in and sit down! Автор: She peeped through the window And knocked at the door. Nobody answered So she knocked once more.
G: Knock-knock, Is anybody
Хор: Too hot,too big!
Much too hot and much too big!!

Автор: Then she sat down in Mama Bear's chair
And tasted her bowl of porridge.

G: Oh, no.this is too cold, and the chair
Is too hard. Much too hard.

Хор: Too cold, too har
Much too cold, much too hard!

Автор: Then she sat down in Baby Bear's
Chairs, and tasted his bowl of porridge.

G: Mmmmm, this is good.
Not too hot and not too cold.
Mmmmmm, this is good

Хор: Just right,just right.

Автор: So she sat right there in Baby Bear's chair. She
Ate his porridge and drank his milk. In fact she was having
A wonderful time, when all of a sudden, the chair fell apart,
and Goldilocks fell on the floor.

G: Oh dear, what a shame. Such a nice little chair.
Oh dear. What a shame. I think I’ll take a nap.

Автор: She walked into a bedroom, and saw Papa Bear's bed.

G: This bed’s too big.
Much too big.

Хор: Try another one.
Try another one.

Автор: Then she saw Mama Bear's bed.

G: This bed’s too hard.
Much too hard.

Хор: Try another one.
Try another one.

Автор: Then she saw Baby Bear's nice
Little bed, and it looked just right.

Хор: Just right, just right.
Not too big, and not too hard.
Just right, just right.

Автор: The bed was so comfortable that
Goldilocks put her head on the pillow,
Pulled the covers up to her chin, and fell fast asleep.
While Goldilocks was asleep, the three bears came
Home. They were just getting ready to sit down at
The table when Papa Bear shouted:

P: Hey, what’s this?
Someone’s been sitting in my chair.
Someone’s been eating my porridge.

Хор: Eating his porridge
Sitting in his chair.
We saw the girl
With golden hair.

M: Me oh my, oh me, what’s this?
Someone’s been sitting in my chair.
Someone’s been eating my porridge, too.

Хор: : Eating her porridge
Sitting in her chair.
We saw the girl
With golden hair.

BB: Mama, Mama!
Papa, Papa!
Someone ate my porridge!!

M & P: Oh, no!!

BB: Look at my chair.
Look at my chair.
Somebody broke my chair.
M & P: Oh, no! What a shame.
I wonder who broke his chair!!!!!!

Хор: We know the girl
Who broke his chair.
We saw the girl
With golden hair.

Автор: Papa Bear got up from the table, and
Walked into the bedroom. Mama Bear
And Baby Bear followed him.

P: Oh, no! oh, no!
Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.

M: Oh, no! oh, no!
Someone’s been sleeping in my bed, too.

Автор: Then Baby Bear saw his bed with Goldilocks
Asleep under the covers. He began to shout.

BB: Mama, Mama!
Papa, Papa!!
Come quickly, come quickly.
Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.
And here she is!
And here she is!

P: Look! It’s a girl!

M: Where?

P: There!

Автор: Goldilocks woke up and saw the
Three bears. She jumped out of bed,
Ran out the door, and no one ever
Saw her again.

P: Well, that’s that!

M: Yes, that’s that!

BB: Wow, that’s that!

House: Goldilocks gone!
What a shame.
Goldilocks! What a beautiful name!!

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