Театрализованное представление на английском языке Three Bears (начальные классы)

Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа а. Малый Зеленчук имени Героя Советского Союза Умара Хабекова»

Театрализованное представление “Three Bears” (на английском языке в начальных классах)
Учитель английского языка: Сидакова Валентина РауфовнаThree Bears.Characters:
Father Bear
Mother Bear
Baby Bear
A Little Girl
Scene I
(Three Bears are sitting at the table, they are going to eat porridge.)
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!
Father Bear: Thank you, dear!
Mother Bear: Take your little plate, Baby Bear!
Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear… Mother, it is too hot!
Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk.
(The three Bears go out of the room.)
Scene II
(A Little Girl comes in and looks round.)
Little Girl: Whose room can it be? (Looking at the table.) I am hungry. (Sits
down at the table and tastes the porridge.) Oh, this porridge is too
hot for me! … Oh, this porridge is too cold for me! … This
porridge is just right for me!
(The noise of the three Bears’s steps is heard. The Little Girl hides in the little bed.)
Scene III
Father Bear: My plate is not full!
Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!
Baby Bear: And my plate is empty. (They look round.)
Oh, and who is this? A little girl!
Father Bear: Let us catch her up!
Mother Bear: Let us eat her up!
Baby Bear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!
Little Girl: No, you won’t. (Runs away.)
(The Bears try to catch her, but stumble fall down.)
Mother Bear (shaking herself): It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell too!
Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!
All together (shaking their heads): And the Little Girl has run away. Oh! Oh!