Проверочная работа по теме Topical vocabulary (1 часть, unit 4)(Афанасьева, Михеева) (8 класс)

Form nouns from the following verbs and match them with their definitions:
1. to discover
2. to explore
3. to invent
4. to observe
5. to test
6. to analyse7. to systematize
1. making into a system
2. a set of questions or problems by which a person's knowledge, intelligence, or skills are measured
3. separation of a whole into its component parts
4. something seen or learned for the first time
5. the activity of paying close attention to someone or something in order to get information
6. the act or of searching through or into
7. an original or new device or process
Give English equivalents to the following Russian phrases:
1. НЛО и визиты инопланетян,
2. альтернативные источники энергии,
3. переработка и вторичное использование материалов,
4. изучение древних цивилизаций,
5. серьезные заболевания, такие как: рак, спид, наркозависимость
6. климатические изменения.