Освоение неправильных английских глаголов. 4-6 классы.

Освоение неправильных английских глаголов.
Практика показывает, что процесс освоения форм Past Simple и Past Participle неправильных английских глаголов не представляет большой сложности, если эти глаголы предлагаются по возможности в виде рифмованных групп, а затем используются в предложениях и в различных играх. Учитель может раздать эти карточки учащимся. Учащиеся читают эти глаголы, потом предложения или словосочетания. Можно в сильном классе попросить составить свои предложения. Прочитав все формы глаголов, учащиеся уже поймут, что они рифмуются. Тогда можно предложить выучить такое необычное стихотворение. Данная таблица с неправильными глаголами разделена на четыре части: по фонетическому и морфологическому сходству трёх форм глаголов. Каждая часть предлагается для освоения в течение 1-3 уроков (всё зависит от уровня подготовки учащихся)
№ п/пПеревод Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle Examples
1 бытьвидеть to be – was/were – been
to see – saw - seen I have been to London to look at the Changing of the Guard.
I have not seen him for ages.
2 делать to do – did - done Have you done your homework? I have done it.
3 стать, сделаться
прийти to become – became – become
to come – came - come I have a dream to become a teacher.
Come here quickly!
4 бежать, течь
плыть to run – ran – run
to begin – began – begun
to swim – swam - swum Nick has just run a race!
“Sir, I have not yet begun to fight”, he said.
Well swum, swan!
5 идти, уходить
нести, быть рождённым
клясться, присягнуть
носить (одежду) to go – went – gone
to bear – bore – born
to tear – tore – torn
to swear – swore – sworn
to wear – wore - worn Yesterday I went to the Bolshoy Theatre.
I was born in the country.
He tore the document to pieces.
To swear an oath.
She wore a red hat.
6 пить, выпить
опускаться, погружаться to drink – drank – drunk
to sink – sank - sunk He drank a glass of water.
The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
7 звонить
петь to ring – rang – rung
to sing – sang - sung Ring me up, please!
They admire to sing songs.
№ п/пПеревод Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle Examples
1. летать
бросить to fly – flew – flown
to blow – blew – blown
to know – knew – known
to grow – grew – grown
to throw – threw - thrown To fly high in the sky.
Dinah, won’t you blow your horn?
I know he knew English well.
When I grow bigger, what shall I be?
To throw stones.
2. падать to fall – fell - fallen To fall in love – it is very, very good.
3. есть, кушать to eat – ate - eaten I have not eaten yet.
4. кусать
прятать. прятаться to bite – bit – bitten
to hide – hid - hidden The dog bit him in the leg.
The pirate hid the treasure here.
5. дать to give – gave - given Give me your book please.
6. взять, брать
трясти to take – took – taken
to shake – shook - shaken She took her book from the desk.
Shake, shake your hands together.
7. ездить верхом
гнать, ехать to ride – rode – ridden
to write – wrote - written
to rise – rose – risen
to drive – drove - driven To ride the horse.
I have written a letter to my granny.
My brother doesn’t like to rise early in the morning.
I like to drive a car.
8. говорить
ломать, сломать, сорвать to speak – spoke – spoken
to steal – stole – stolen
to break – broke - broken My sister speaks English and German.
A thief stole my coat yesterday.
A boy broke a lesson. I have broken a cup.
№ п/пПеревод Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle Examples
1 сражаться
искать to fight – fought – fought
to buy – bought – bought
to bring – brought – brought
to think – thought – thought
to seek – sought - sought They fight for freedom.
I have just bought some flowers.
Who brings happiness.First think, than speak.
They seek for employment.
2 учитьловить, поймать to teach – taught – taught
to catch – caught - caught I’ll teach you English.
My friend caught a cold yesterday.
3 кормитьвстречать to feed – fed – fed
to meet – met – met First feed the cow, than milk it.
Who met you at the station?
4 хранить
мести to keep – kept – kept
to weep – wept – wept
to sweep – swept - swept Keep nature beautiful.
In the sleep little sorrows sit and weep.
To sweep the floor is my daily duty.
5 чувствовать to feel – felt - felt I want to feel comfortable.
6 иметь дело
подразумевать to deal – dealt – dealt
to mean – meant - meant He dealt with my brother every day.
What does it mean?
7 оставить
вести to leave – left – left
to lead – led - led He left Moscow for Kiev.
This way leads nowhere.
8 читать
прыгать to read – read – read
to dream – dreamt – dreamt
to leap – leapt - leapt Have you read the text?
I dream a cup of hot tea.
Look before you leap.
9 терять
стрелять, давать побеги to lose – lost – lost
to shoot – shot - shot My friend lost his English book.
It is very bad to shoot ducks.
10 иметь to have – had - had Do you have any friends.11 получать to get – got – got I have got a letter from my girlfriend.
12 рассказать, сказать
продавать to tell – told – told
to sell – sold - sold He told me the truth.
Everything is sold.
13 говорить, сказать
класть, положить
делать to say – said – said
to lay – laid – laid
to pay – paid – paid
to make – made - made “He told you a lie”, she said.
Help your mother to lay the table.
He has paid a trip.
He has made a mistake.
14 ударить, бить to strike – struck - struck The clock struck twelve.
15 копать to dig – dug - dug The children dig into the ground.
16 висеть, повесить
вскочить, возникнуть to hang – hung – hung
to swing – swung – swung
to spring – sprung - sprung He has hung his hat and a coat.
All the children like to swing.
I like to spring into the cold water.
17 выиграть to win – won - won Our team has won the first prize!
18 сидеть to sit – sat - sat Sit down, please!
19 стоять
понимать to stand – stood – stood
to understand – understood - understood Stand up and do some exercises!
He understood everything.
20 строить to build – built - built My father can build a new house.
22 согнуть, согнуться
тратить, проводить время to bend – bent – bent
to lend – lent – lent
to send – sent – sent
to spend – spent - spent Bend your hands!
He can’t lend me money.
I sent a letter yesterday.
I like to spend my holidays at the seaside.
23 пахнуть, нюхать
читать по буквам to smell – smelt – smelt
to spell – spelt - spelt The flowers smell so nice!
Spell the word “week”, please.
№ п/пПеревод Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle Examples
1. позволять, пускать
держать пари to let – let – let
to set – set – set
to bet – bet - bet Let us sing and let us play!
Set it up!
I bet he is a winner!
2. резать, разрезать
закрывать to cut – cut – cut
to shut – shut - shut He cuts with a knife.
He asked to shut a window.
3. ударить, попасть
причинить боль
распространиться to hit – hit – hit
to put – put – put
to hurt – hurt – hurt
to cast – cast – cast
to cost – cost – cost
to spread – spread - spread Don’t hit animals!
Put your finger on your nose!
You hurt my feelings.
A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together.
How much does it cost?
The Rocky Mountains spread from north to south.