Control work for second-year students Simple and Continuous Tenses

Variant 1
I. Use Simple or Continuous Tenses.
1. Usually we ... exams in June.
a/ pass b/ are passing c/ passed d/ will pass
2. Look! It...
a/ snows b/ is snowing c/ snowed d/ will be doing
3. She ... now a pie.
a/ cooks b/ is cooking c/ cooked d/ was cooking
4. I ... now this rule.
a/ know b/ am knowing c/ will know d/ was knowing
5. He ... to Moscow last week.
a/ go b/ will go c/ went d/ was going
6. They ... an interesting story all day yesterday.
a/ tell b/ are telling c/ told d/ were telling
7. He .. a bath when the phone rang.
a/ have b/ is having c/ had d/ was having
8. He ... a book while she was preparing for lectures.
a/ reads b/ is reading c/ will be reading d/ was reading
9. The train ... soon.
a/ arrives b/ is arriving c/ will arrive d/ was arriving
10. He ... to take exams soon.
a/ goes b/ is going c/ went d/ was going
11. He ... this college in 2 years.
a/ finish b/ will finish c/ finished d/ will be finishing
12. Betty ... all morning tomorrow.
a/ read b/ is reading c/ will read d/ will be reading
II. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. Sometimes he /to work/ hard. He /to work/ hard now. 2. Last week he /to pass/ exams well. He /to pass/ exams from 3p.m. till 4 p.m. yesterday. 3. Soon he / to work/ here. He /to work/ at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
1. Обычно мы чистим зубы два раза в день. 2. Мы обсудили наши проблемы вчера. 3. Вскоре он окончит школу. 4.Сейчас он смотрит вечерние новости. 5.Когда он вышел, светило солнце. 6.Мы будем готовить наш проект всю следующую неделю.
IV. Form the plural.
A pen, a box, a boss, a baby, a day, a knife, a roof, a piano, a potato, a photo, a sportsman, a child, a tooth, an ox, a mouse.

Variant 2
I. Use Simple or Continuous Tenses.
1. Usually we ... exams now.
a/ pass b/ are passing c/ passed d/ were passing
2. Listen! the next room.
a/ sing b/ is singing c/ will sing d/ sang
3. She often... a pie.
a/ cooks b/ is cooking c/ cooked d/ shall cook
4. I ... it now.
a/ like b/ am liking c/ liked d/ was liking
5. He ... to Moscow 2 years ago.
a/ will go b/ is going c/ went d/ was going
6. They ... story from 5p.m. till 6 p.m. yesterday.
a/ tell b/ is telling c/ told d/ were telling
7. He ... a cake when the phone rang.
a/ will cook b/ is cooking c/ cooked d/ was cooking
8. Dad ... news while mom was washing the dishes.
a/ read b/ is reading c/ read d/ was reading
9. The train ... soon.
a/ arrives b/ will arrive c/ arrived d/ is arriving
10. He ... to enter the college soon.
a/ goes b/ is going c/ went d/ was going
11. My friends ... exams in 2 weeks..a/ pass b/ will pass c/ passed d/ will be passing
12. He ... his report all day tomorrow.
a/ write b/ is writing c/ will write d/ will be writing
II. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. Last winter I /ski/. I /ski/ the whole day yesterday. 2. Usually I /drink/ coffee, but now I /drink/ tea. 3. Next week I /play/tennis. Ann /play/ tennis at this time tomorrow.
1. Где Анна? – Она моет посуду. 2. Весь день вчера мы чертили планшет. 3. Завтра с 5 до 6 Стив будет работать. 4.Обычно уроки начинаются в 8 часов. 5.Вчера мы ходили на вечеринку. 6.Скоро у нас будет практика.
IV. Form the plural.
A table, a fox, a bench, a family, a toy, a wife, a deer, a tomato, a photo, a sportswoman, a child, a foot, an ox.
Variant 3
I. Use Simple or Continuous Tenses.
1. Every day we ... lecture.
a/ attend b/ am attending c/ to attend d/ will attending
2. Hurry up! Your uncle ... for you.a/ wait b/ is waiting c/ will wait d/ was waiting
3. She ... now a pie.
a/ bake b/ is baking c/ baked d/ are baking
4. I ... now this rule.
a/ know b/ am knowing c/ knew d/ was knowing
5. He ...well exams last week.
a/ pass b/ will pass c/ passed d/ was passing
6. They ... football at 5 p.m. yesterday.
a/ will be watch b/ are watching c/ watched d/ were watching
7. Pete ... a vital question when the phone rang.
a/ discuss b/ is discussing c/ discussed d/ was discussing
8. Steve ... his car while Betty was reading news.
a/ repairs b/ is repairing c/ repaired d/ was repairing
9. The train ... soon.
a/ arrives b/ is arriving c/ arrived d/ was arriving
10. He ... to get a new flat soon.
a/ goes b/ is going c/ went d/ was going
11. He ... a new flat next year.
a/ get b/ is getting c/ got d/ will got
12. Children ... games all day tomorrow.
a/ play b/ will play c/ is playing d/ will be playing
II. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. Usually we /walk/ in the park. We /walk/ in the park right now. 2. Yesterday he /do/ shopping. He /do/ shopping all day long yesterday. 3. Soon we /travel/. We /travel/ the whole day tomorrow.
1. Что ты сейчас делаешь? 2. Когда я пришел, они танцевали. 3. Мы будем играть в футбол весь вечер завтра. 4.Обычно я добираюсь до колледжа на автобусе. 5.Вчера мама встала рано. 6. Через неделю я поеду отдыхать.
IV. Form the plural.
A postman, a watch, a bench, a candy, a boy, a life, a sheep, a piano, a photo, a chair, a child, a goose, a fish.
Variant 4
I. Use Simple or Continuous Tenses.
1. Students ...week exams last year.
a/ pass b/ are passing c/ passed d/ were passing
2. Look! It...
a/ rains b/ is raining c/ rained d/ was raining
3. She usually ... a pancake.
a/ cooks b/ is cooking c/ cooked d/ was cooking
4. I ... now this rule.
a/ forget b/ am forgetting c/ forgot d/ was forgetting
5. He ... to Moscow all day yesterday.
a/ go b/ is going c/ went d/ was going
6. They ... an interesting story now.
a/ tell b/ are telling c/ told d/ were telling
7. He ... a cup of tea when the phone rang.
a/ drink b/ is drinking c/ drank d/ was drinking
8. He ... the computer while she was preparing for lectures.
a/ plays b/ is playing c/ played d/ was playing
9. They ... soon.
a/ arrives b/ is arriving c/ arrived d/ was arriving
10. We ... to move to a new district soon.
a/ goes b/ are going c/ went d/ were going
11. He ... his flat all morning tomorrow.
a/ clean b/ is cleaning c/ will clean d/ will be cleaning
12. Children ... games tomorrow.
a/ play b/ will play c/ is playing d/ will be playing
II. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. Sometimes I /go/ by step, but now I /go/ by bus. 2. Last week he /dance/ in the club. He /dance/ in the club the whole evening yesterday. 3. Soon we /play/ football. We /play/ football at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
1. Обычно мы помогаем маме по дому. 2. Мы ходили за покупками на прошлой неделе. 3. Я прочту это завтра. 4.Он читает письмо сейчас. 5.Когда мы вышли, шел дождь. 6.Мы будем обсуждать ваш план в 5 часов завтра.
IV. Form the plural.
A cat, a bush, a boss, a country, a play, a leaf, a swine, a piano, a woman, a child, a foot, sugar, a mouse.