Тесты по английскому языку для уч-ся 5 классов по программе Биболетовой и верещагиной

(A).I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
She ____(to go) to school every day.
I ___(not to play) the piano.
You ____(to take) it now?
He ____(to visit) them now.
They ____(not to play) the guitar at the moment.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: go, do, see, play
B.III.I.1.do/do,2.am+not/writing,3.is+not/making,4.are/putting, 5.read
II. come, came, come/make, made, made/watch, watched, watched/speak, spoke, spoken (B.)I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
1.You ____(to do) it every morning?
2.I ____(not to write) a test now.
3.He _____(not to make) it every month.
4.They ____(to put) it at the moment?
5.We (to read) a book every night.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: come, make, watch, speak
III. I.1.goes, 2. don’t play,3. Are /taking,4.is/visiting,5.are /playing
II. go, went, gone/do, did, done/see, saw, seen/play, played, played
(A).I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
I.She ____(to go) to school every day.
II .I_(not to play) the piano.
III.You ____(to take) it now?
IV.He ____(to visit) them now.
V.They ____(not to play) the guitar at the moment.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: go, do, see, play
B.III. I.1.do/do,2.am+not/writing,3.is+not/making,4.are/putting, 5.read
II. come, came, come/make, made, made/watch, watched, watched/speak, spoke, spoken (B.)I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
1You ____(to do) it every morning?
2.I ____(not to write) a test now.
3.He _____(not to make) it every month.
4.They ____(to put) it at the moment?
5.We (to read) a book every night.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: come, make, watch, speak
A.III. I.1. goes,2. don’t play,3. Are /taking,4.is/visiting,5are /playing
II. go, went, gone/do, did, done/see, saw, seen/play, played, played
(A).I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
I.She ____(to go) to school every day.
II .I__(not to play) the piano.
III.You ____(to take) it now?
IV.He ____(to visit) them now.
V.They ____(not to play) the guitar at the moment.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: go, do, see, play
B.III. I.1.do/do,2.am+not/writing,3.is+not/making,4.are/putting, 5.read
II. come, came, come/make, made, made/watch, watched, watched/speak, spoke, spoken (B.)I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
1You ____(to do) it every morning?
2.I ____(not to write) a test now.
3.He _____(not to make) it every month.
4.They ____(to put) it at the moment?
5.We (to read) a book every night.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: come, make, watch, speak
A.III. I.1. goes,2. don’t play,3. Are /taking,4.is/visiting,5are /playing
II. go, went, gone/do, did, done/see, saw, seen/play, played, played
(A).I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
I.She ____(to go) to school every day.
II . I (not to play) the piano.
III.You ____(to take) it now?
IV.He ____(to visit) them now.
V.They ____(not to play) the guitar at the moment.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: go, do, see, play
B.III. .1.do/do,2.am+not/writing,3.is+not/making,4.are/putting, 5.read
II. come, came, come/make, made, made/watch, watched, watched/speak, spoke, spoken (B.)I.Present Simple or Present Progressive
1You ____(to do) it every morning?
2.I ____(not to write) a test now.
3.He _____(not to make) it every month.
4.They ____(to put) it at the moment?
5.We (to read) a book every night.
II. Write 3 forms of verbs: come, make, watch, speak
A.III. I.1. goes,2. Don’t play,3. Are /taking,4.is/visiting,5are /playing
II. go, went, gone/do, did, done/see, saw, seen/play, played, played