Конспект открытого урока по теме Шотландия (по учебнику О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой Английский язык 6класс

Тема урока: Scotland the Beautiful.
Цель: развитие межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изучения особенностей и культуры страны изучаемого языка – Шотландии.
Задачи: -знакомство с Шотландией, обычаями и культурой этого народа
-расширение с помощью английского языка представления учащихся об окружающем мире
- развитие умений в чтении (с полным пониманием прочитанного и поиском необходимой информации), аудирования и устной речи
-активизация грамматических умений в образовании вопросов
-воспитание у учащихся интереса к другим странам и познанию окружающего мира.
Ход урока.
I Оргмомент. Введение в тему урока.
- Watch this video and try to guess what topic we are going to discuss today.
13 LINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX
But now let’s remember some facts which have been already known to us. Look at the whiteboard and give the answers to the following questions.
Where is Scotland situated? (It’s situated on the British Isles)
What is the capital of this country? (Ed
а) фонетическая зарядка (ex.23 p.42)
Repeat after the announcer these proper names. Try to imitate all the sounds and intonation.
(Highlands, Lowlands, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Athens of the North, Holyrood Palace, Princes Street, Sir Walter Scott, the Clyde, the Clyde valley, the Royal Mile, the Cannongate, the Scott Monument)
b) Предтекстовое задание: Read the text and say why Scotland is called here Scotland the beautiful.
Why is Scotland called Scotland the beautiful? Prove your answer.
·Послетекстовые задания.
You’ve heard some new proper names. Let’s check if you’ve understood them.
Match the proper names with their description.

The Edinburgh military tattoo
Is a festival or performances that started in 1947

The Royal Mile
A show that takes place five or six nights a week in August and September

The Cannongate
Is the oldest part of Edinburgh

Princes Street
Is a line of streets that connects the castle and Holyrood Palace

Holyrood House
Is a royal palace

Is an industrial center of Scotland

The Castle
Is connected with the name of Walter Scott

The Edinburgh festival
Is the most picturesque part of the Royal Mile

Change the works with your partner. Check his/her answers.
Make questions from the given words, ask them to your classmates. (Pair Work)
In what parts is Scotland divided geographically?
Where are the most factories and plants situated in Scotland?
What big rivers flow across the country?
What are two largest and busiest cities in Scotland?
Which of the cities has large port?
Which of the cities has got long history?
IV Speaking.
Group work. Speak about one of the topics given to you about Edinburgh.
( Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh military tattoo, The monument to Bobby, Princes Street)
Write the key words on the papers.
V Results.
What we know about Scotland?
What do we want to know about Scotland?
What we have known about Scotland?

Patron saint

What new information have you known about Scotland?
VI Home task.
Ex. 45 p.29