Инсценизация сказки Репка на английском языке

(tale for young learners)
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The grandfather has a garden. Many vegetables grow here. Look! This is a turnip. It is very big!
- Grow, grow, Turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, Turnip, hard!
Yes, the turnip is sweet, hard and very big.
Now look, what the grandfather is doing.
Звучит запись песенки “One potato...” Выходит дедушка, собирает картошку в корзинку, приговаривая:
One potato, two potatoes,
Three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes,
Seven potatoes more.
Oh, what a big turnip it is!
That’s great! I can cook a sweet porridge of it.
(Начинает тащить репку.)
Up! Down! Up! Down!
Oh, I’m tired!
He pulls and pulls, but cannot pull it out.
Granny! Come here!
GRANDMOTHER: I’m coming! Oh, what a nice turnip! Let’s try to pull it out.
Up! Down! Up! Down!
NARRATOR: They pull and pull, but cannot pull it out!
Let’s call our granddaughter.
I’m coming.
I am a little girl.
Yes, that’s me.
My hair is black
As you can see.
Up! Down! Up! Down!
NARRATOR: The granddaughter pulls the grandmother. The grandmother pulls the grandfather. The grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull, and cannot pull it out!
GRANDDAUGHTER: Let’s call our dog.
I am a dog.
A dog can’t talk.
But he can bark
When you take your dog
To the park.
Up! Down! Up! Down!
DOG: Let’s call our cat.
CAT: I’m coming!
I am a little pussy,
And my coat is grey.
I live in the house
And I never run away!
Up! Down! Up! Down!
NARRATOR: Oh, it’s a pity! They cannot pull the turnip out!
CAT: Let’s call a mouse.
ALL (together): The mouse? But she is so little!
MOUSE: I am a mouse and I live in the house. I can help you.
ALL TOGETHER: Up! Down! Up! Down!
NARRATOR: They pull and pull, and pull the turnip out!
GRANDFATHER: Oh, what a nicу turnip we have got.
GRANDMOTHER: Let’s learn the lesson from this story. There is strength in unity and together we can cope with any problem.
Дети идут в хороводе и поют.
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are.
For my friend is your friend, and your friend is my friend.
The more we are together, the happier we are.