Фрагмент внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку на тему English Tea Ceremony

Фрагмент позакласного заходу
на тему:
«Англійська чайна церемонія»
Виконала вчитель:
Шевченко А.П.
Тема позакласного заходу: «Англійська чайна церемонія»
- навчити учнів використовувати лексичні одиниці з теми: «Англійська чайна церемонія»
- ознайомити учнів з походженням та особливостями проведення чайної церемонії в Англії
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- поглиблювати знання учнів про чайну церемонію в Англії
Обладнання: стіл, покритий рушником, чайний сервіз, ваза з квітами, чай.
Діючі особи: 9 учнів (6 розповідають про походження та особливості англійської чайної церемонії, 3 грають королев, які сприяли виникненню чайної церемонії в Англії)
Хід заходу:
“In England tea ceremony plays very important role. Tea is the most favourite drink for English people. There are a lot of examples of the tea ceremony in literature and cinematography, for example in the film “The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson”, and in Charles Dickens’s novels. We hope that today’s presentation will be useful for you.”
“They say that English queens introduced the traditional tea ceremony. The first one was Catherine of Braganza, Portugese princess, the English king Carl the second wife, made tea ceremony very important part in the life of the nobles. Then, Ann the seventh introduced the famous ‘5 o’clock’. And at last the queen Victoria, who after the coronation asked to bring her a cup of tea and a new issue of “Times”.
An average Englishman drinks no less than 6 cups of tea every day. The first one is drunk at 6 a.m. in the bed. The second one is drunk at 8 o’clock during the breakfast, so called “English breakfast”. Later, at about 11 or 12 o’clock it’s time for lunch and tea is very important part of it. The forth one is during the tea break at work. At the time of the most famous “5 o’clock” Englishmen drink tea “English afternoon”. The evening after work is time for the so-called “high tea”.
“The table is usually covered with a white tablecloth, napkins and a small vase with white flowers. Cups, plates and a kettle should be one-coloured, too. There should be a tea spoon and a fork for each member of the tea ceremony. There are different cakes, biscuits, cookies on the plates that should be taken with a knife and a fork, but nit with hands.”
“The most important item of the tea is tea itself. There are usually several kinds of tea for guests on the table: black, green tea and their mixture. Milk is another very important item in the ceremony in England. Tea with milk is called “English tea”, and tea with lemon is called “Russian tea”. The very important rule is to put tea into the milk not vice versa. In this case the taste of tea will be kept”.
“Here are some ABC of table manners for the English Tea drinking. During drinking tea you must follow the next rules:
you must lay sugar in the tea carefully
you must eat the pie with the help of spoon but not hands
you mustn’t tap the spoon for a cup stirring tea
and one more: during drinking tea Englishmen should speak only about pleasant things.”