Лексико-грамматический тест к УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. ТрубаневойEnjoy English (7 класс)

7 Form May, 2014
Total 60 points
I Put in his, her, mine, yours, theirs (5 points)
That’s your book on the table. … is in the bag.
Whose jacket is this? – It’s … !
This is our house and … is round the corner.
I don’t like these shorts. … are much better.
Have you seen … pen? He can’t find it.
II Complete the sentences. (5 points)
If I … (be) you, I … (try) to explain the problem to my teachers.
If she didn’t do sports, she often … (fall) ill.
If he buys a car, we … (drive) to work together.
He would travel all over the world if he … (know) English well.
We’ll be happy if Dad … (invite) us to the park.
III Translate Сonditional sentences. (10 points)
Если будет тепло, мы пойдем гулять.
Если бы Анна знала английский, она уехала бы в Англию.
Она скажет маме, если сестра завтра позвонит завтра.
Мы жили бы в новом доме, если бы строители его построили.
Когда папа купит машину, он будет возить меня в школу.
IV Change the Active form into the Passive. (10 points)
People grow coffee in Africa.
The doctor prescribed her new medicine.
They will teach three foreign languages at school.
Have dogs ever attacked you?
They are selling fruit ice cream now.
V Translate: R-E E-R (10 points)
думать о 6. explain to
насмехаться над 7. take care of
обращать внимание на 8. look for
полагаться на 9. listen to
гордиться чем-либо 10. provide for
VI Write a personal letter about your school in 100-120 words. (20 points)