Грамматический тест для 8 класса по теме Passive Voice

1.Determine the Tense.
1. The letters have just been sent.2. What ingredients are used to make pizza. 3. Where was the treasure hidden? 4. The books were stolen, weren’t they? 5. Will your friends be sent any e-mails tomorrow? 6. The song was being listened to when he opened the door. 7. Why is he always laughed at? 8. Who is being waited for?
2. Fill in the gaps with necessary form of “to be”.
1. The problem ______ discussed when he phoned.
a) will be b)were c)is d)was being e)has been
2. The keys ______already______ found.
a)were b)are c)have been d)was being e)were being
3. The book _____ written twenty years ago.
a)is being b)was c)is d)have been e)was being
4. Red Square _____ visited by millions of tourists next year.
a)is b)is being c)will be d)has been e)was
5.Every year thousands of presents _____ sold before New Year.
a)are b)will be c)have been d)were e)are being
3. Translate the sentences in to English.
1. Эта книга уже продана. 2. Письмо напечатано 2 дня назад.
3. Кофе готовится в данный момент. 4.Домашняя работа будет сделана через 2 часа (in 2 hours).
5.Этот фильм был показан вчера в 3 часа.
1.Determine the Tense.
1. The letters have just been sent.2. What ingredients are used to make pizza. 3. Where was the treasure hidden? 4. The books were stolen, weren’t they? 5. Will your friends be sent any e-mails tomorrow? 6. The song was being listened to when he opened the door. 7. Why is he always laughed at? 8. Who is being waited for?
2. Fill in the gaps with necessary form of “to be”.
1. The problem ______ discussed when he phoned.
a) will be b)were c)is d)was being e)has been
2. The keys ______already______ found.
a)were b)are c)have been d)was being e)were being
3. The book _____ written twenty years ago.
a)is being b)was c)is d)have been e)was being
4. Red Square _____ visited by millions of tourists next year.
a)is b)is being c)will be d)has been e)was
5.Every year thousands of presents _____ sold before New Year.
a)are b)will be c)have been d)were e)are being
3. Translate the sentences in to English.
1. Эта книга уже продана. 2. Письмо напечатано 2 дня назад.
3. Кофе готовится в данный момент. 4.Домашняя работа будет сделана через 2 часа (in 2 hours).
5.Этот фильм был показан вчера в 3 часа.