Лексические тематические чанты с заданиями

Тематические чанты и задания к ним
Hello! Meet my family.
Let me introduce
My mother. She likes knitting.
My father. He likes news.
My sister is hard-working,
She likes to do a lot:
To cook, to clean, to read, to draw
And go in for sport.
Now meet my daddy’s brother
My uncle is very nice.
He is hot-tempered person
With hazel sparkling eyes.
To keep on listing relatives
I’ll show you my aunt.
She’s jealous and bossy
And gambler at her heart.
Her son, who is my cousin
Is naughty like a bell.
He’s stubborn, selfish, moody
And we can’t get on well.
I’ve got a lot of relatives
Grandparents, nephews, niece
Thus it is sometimes difficult
We try to live in peace.
Activity 1. Match the words with their definitions.
1) family
2) mother
3) father
4) aunt
5) cousin
6) grandparents
7) niece
a) daughter of your brother or sister
b) parents of a mother or father
c) son or daughter of an uncle or an aunt
d) sister of your mother or father;
e) brother of your father or mother;
f) a male parent
g) female parent
h) group of people who are closely related

Activity 2. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group and explain why you think so:
father, mother, sister, brother, cousin
skiing, swimming, sitting, reading, knitting
naughty, stubborn, selfish, moody, kind
hard-working, efficient, well-educated, jealous
niece, nephew, cousin, family, relatives

We like to watch it, watch it!
We like to watch it!
It’s interesting!
It’s boring! We see a lot of lie!
But we can find some programs
Informative and funny.
But some of them can teach us
Violence and cunning.
But we prefer some shows variety and quiz,
A chat show, a sitcom and many types of films.
What films d’you like for watching?
I want to watch them, too.
An action film, a thriller, a drama and a cartoon,
A musical, detectives and science fiction, too.
Sometimes we watch news programs but they are complicated,
Live match and documentary – to be more educated.
D’you like to watch a soap opera?
What do you like in it?
It’s romantic, sentimental
We can discuss when meet.
There are some other programs
But they are not for us.
They are depressing, violent
Where people even cuss.
You like to watch it, watch it!
But choose the program right
And don’t forget to study!
All right, all right, all right!
Activity 1. Look at the list of film genres. Rank them according to your preferences. Put 1 next to your most favourite:
____ westerns
____ spy thrillers
____ musicals
____ dramas
____ melodramas
____ comedies
____ horror films
____ science fiction films
____ fairy-tales
____ animated cartoons
____ detective films
____ action films
____ adventure films
____ sitcom
Look at the list again and think which films would appeal to the following categories of people:
Non-intellectual teenagers
Middle-aged housewives
University students
Ten-year-old boys
Elderly professors
Activity 2. There is a list of adjectives commonly used to express opinions about films or TV programs. Sort them out in two groups, one negative and the other positive and use them to explain your program preferences.
Informative, funny, violent, complicated, educational, romantic, sentimental, depressing, old-fashioned, difficult to understand, boring, exciting, objectives, thrilling, entertaining, interesting.
Traits of Character
I have many friends, they study at school
We are very friendly and I think it is cool.
We study together, in the yard we can run,
We go on excursions, have a lot of fun.
We are not absent-minded,
we’re diligent and bright
We’re very communicative
and always polite.
We’re rather hard-working,
well-bred and modest
We try to be tactful, persistent and honest.
I think all these features
can help us in the life
We won’t be envious, impudent and sly.
We are sometimes selfish,
touchy, ready to rebel
We can be irresponsible
and careless as well.
Kids are said to be impatient,
it is absolutely true
‘Cause of naughty, noisy children
many teachers can feel blue.
It is great to be ambitious
if you have a noble aim
‘Cause life is sometimes difficult
it is not a game.
It is positively great, it is absolutely grand
To be called as a close and best friend.
Five, four, three, two I’ve won the brand
To be called as a real
and a very good friend.
Activity 1. Sort out the personality qualities given below into corresponding column according to your opinion.
Friendly, cool, absent-minded, diligent, bright, communicative, polite, hard-working, well-bred,
Modest, tactful, persistent, honest, envious, impudent, sly, selfish, touchy, irresponsible, careless,
Impatient, naughty, noisy, ambitious, difficult, great, shy, boring, sociable, energetic, tolerant.
pleasant Negative/
unpleasant Neutral
Activity 2. Use the adjectives to characterize a person from your group. Let your classmates guess the person. Agree or disagree with the description.

Seasons. Weather
Nice and gloomy, fine and beastly,
Dry and rainy, hot and cold.
People start the day with forecast
‘Cause the weather plays important role.
In the spring it’s often windy,
Misty, cloudy and warm.
You can see a sparkling lightning
And hear roars of thunderstorm.
In the summer the sun shines brightly,
Green grass gleams with drops of dew,
Days are sunny, nights are starry
You are charmed by pretty view.
In the autumn the picture changes
All the trees are a piece of art.
It is muddy, drizzling, foggy,
Fall of leaves and showers start.
Winter comes with many blizzards.
It is slippery and cold.
Thus it’s frosty, dull, unsettled,
It’s still plays important role.
Activity 1. Sort out the following words into the columns according to the nouns they can go with.
Nice, gloomy, fine, beastly, dry, hot, cold, hot, windy, misty, cloudy, rainy, warm, muddy, drizzling, foggy, slippery, frosty, dull, unsettled, starry, sunny, nasty, dark, bright, bad, changeable, wet.
Weather Season Morning/Day Night
Activity 2. Complete the situations guessing what kind of weather people are talking about.
I can hardly breathe. I wish it would rain to cool us down. – Oh, yes, the weather is really hot and dry.
They had to close the airport; the snow was a metre deep. – _______________________
Some big trees were uprooted like match sticks. – ___________________________
We were able to sit in the garden in the middle of the winter. – ___________________________
I could hardly see my hand in front of my face. – ___________________________
The earth became rock-hard and a lot of plants died. – ___________________________
Even the postman had to use a boat to get around. – ___________________________