Экологические проблемы Ростовской области

8 «А» класс
Биболетова М.З. 2014 г.
Unit 2 Section 4 (Why throw away? Why not recycling?)
(Модуль 2) Урок №21
Nowadays the problem of pollution is more urgent than 20-30 years ago. Rostov-on-Don is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. It’s the center of political, economic and cultural development. There are a lot of factories, power stations and plants. But this development is destructive for the nature.
First of all our city suffers from air pollution. Air is polluted by many factories and thousands of cars. Don’t use cars! Let’s go on foot! Walk as much as possible.
Water pollution in Rostov area isn’t only dangerous for people, but also for fish, birds and animals in the region. Our rivers are empty of fish. Some enterprises throw away thousands of tons of rubbish in the rivers and on the grounds. Just think about! If people buried it into the ground, this territory could be useful.
Deforestation is one of the urgent and crucial problems; people cut the trees down, because they need wood and paper or new places to build. The problem of recycling hasn’t been solved yet in our region.
The pollution is on the beaches, in the parks, on the playgrounds and outside your home. If you want to have a picnic, you’ll be hardly able to find a right place because of the litter surrounding you.
The Green World reports say that in one year the average person throws away about 70 cans of food, 34 cans of pet food and 70 drink cans a year.
The predictions of scientists are alarming. They speak about an international disaster. People pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and unhealthy food.
We can recycle many things and it can help us to save the Earth. We can recycle paper, glass, metal and plastic. Recycling is expensive, but it saves trees and energy and protects the environment from pollution.
Every citizen should help the nature, because the nature influences every human being. We should protect our environment from litter to live a happy and healthy life.
Urgent – важный;
Alarming – тревожный;
Suffers – страдать;
To be empty – быть пустым;
Surrounding – окружающий;
Environment – окружающая среда;
Protect – защищать;
Influence – оказывать влияние.
Заполните пропуски
_____ pollution isn’t only _________ for people, but also for fish, birds and animals in this area. Our rivers are _____ of fish. Some enterprises _____ away thousands of tons of rubbish in the rivers and on the grounds. Just think about! If they buried it _____ the ground, this territory could be useful.
Закончите предложения
1. If people didn’t waste paper, …2. If people didn’t drop litter, …
3. If people cleared up litter outside their home offices and schools, …
4. If people took as much rubbish as they could to local recycling centres, …3) Подберите противоположные по значению слова
1. to throw away a) to clean
2. to prohibit b) to create
3. to destroy c) to recycle
4. to wrap d) to pollute
5. to protect e) to discourage
6. to encourage f) to unpack
7. to litter g) to allow
Найдите в тексте информацию о количестве выбрасываемого мусора в год
Подготовьте рекламу для школьного радио об организации «Clean-up day» (субботник). Постарайся убедить своих сверстников принять участие
Найдите русские эквиваленты
1. After us the deluge.
2. Nature encourages no looseness, pardon no errors.
3. One generation plants the trees, another gets the shade.
Деревья скоро сажают, да не скоро с них плоды едят.
Природа не поощряет слабости и не прощает ошибок.
После нас хоть потоп.