А?ылшын тілі п?нінен саба? жоспары : Political system of Kazakhstan.

Пән: Ағылшын тілі
Сабақ тақырыбы: Political system of Kazakhstan. Word building of nouns
Сабақтың түрі: Combined
Сабақтын мақсаты
Білімділік:  to develop reading, listening and speaking skills; 
Дамытушылық: Working with cards, with giving out papers to develop
memory, logical thinking and speech of students
Тәрбиелік: to bring up patriotism and love for the Motherland;
А. Көрнекі құралдар: 1-4, p-201, 3-6
Б. Таратылатын материалдар: cards, exercises, give out papers
Сабақты жүргізу кезеңдері
(негізгі және қажетті әдістемелік түсіндірмелер мен ұсыныстар) Оқулық Аяпова Т. « Шет тілі 10-11 сынып» , Аракин В.Д. «Практический курс англ.яз.», Ю. Голицинский «Грамматика»
I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
1. Greetings
2. Checking the missing students
3. To introduce with aims
II. Өткен материалды қайталау
(білімді тексерудің әдістері мен түрлері) Сұрақ –жауап арқылы білімді тексеру
What was your homework?
What is speak about Almaty?
III. Жаңа материалды баяндау(сабақты жүргізудің түрі) үлестірмелі қағаздар, оқулық пайдаланып жаттығу жұмыстарын жүргізу
Presentation of new theme «Political System of Kazakhstan». I hope it will be interesting for you to know who rules Kazakhstan and some more facts about independent State. Read the text to get more information: Kazakhstan is an independent and sovereign state. It has its own national flag, state emblem, and anthem. Astana is the capital of the republic and an important political center. The President and the government live and work in it. The main law of the state is the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was adopted in 1995. According to the Constitution Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of
Government. The President is elected for a five-year term by universal, equal and direct voting. The first President of the Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected in 1991. Later in 1995 his term was extended by national referendum until the year 2000. 
The highest representative body is the parliament of the Republic. The parliament consists of two houses – the Senate and the Majilis acting on a permanent basis. Parliament’s upper house, the 47-seat Senate, has two members from Astana, two from Almaty, and two from each of Kazakhstan’s 14 oblasts (administrative regions). The president appoints the remaining fifteen members. Senators serve six-year terms. The members of the lower house of Parliament, the 107-seat Majilis, are elected to five-year terms. The voting age is 18. The government is headed by the Prime Minister. He is often given responsibility over the economy. Currently Karim Masimov is the Prime Minister in Kazakhstan. The judicial system of the Republic is executed by the Supreme Court and the local courts of the state. Control of Constitutional laws is implemented by the Constitutional Council, which consists of 7 members and is elected for period of 6 years. Currently Nursultan Nazarbayev is head of state. He effectively controls all three branches of the government. 
Checking comprehension of the text. a). Please read and say if these facts about Kazakhstan true or false: 1. The main law of the state is the Constitution. (true) 2. Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential form of government. (true) 3. The President is elected for a four-year term by voting. (false) 4. The parliament is the highest representative body in Kazakhstan. (true) 5. The voting age is twenty. (false) 6. The head of the government, the Prime Minister, is often given responsibility over the economy. (true) 7. The constitutional Council is elected for a period of five years. (false) b). Divide the text into four parts and give them headings. 1. Kazakhstan is an independent state. 2. The main law of Kazakhstan. 3. The parliament of the Republic. 4. President of Kazakhstan. 
Now I want to explain you about Word building of nouns
–er /- or: a person who does somethingadviser / advisor, teacher, learner
–ianoptician, mathematician
–ment: result of actionimprovement, advancement
–ism: name of system or beliefrealism, optimism
–ist: the person who believes in the systemrealist, optimist
–ionconfusion, apparition
–ence / ance permanence, appearance
IV. Жаңа материалды бекіту(есептеу, шығару және білімді бағалау, т.б.) жаттығу жұмыстарын орындау арқылы сабақты бекіту
- doing class exercises
-reading the text and translate it
- new words
V. Үй тапсырмасыTo speak about political system of Kazakhstan