Конспект урока на тему Достопримечательности Лондона 5 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку учителя Бекировой У. Т. В 6а классе на тему «Достопримечательности Лондона»
«London and its places of interest»

Задачи и цели:
1. расширить культурный кругозор учащихся;
2. практиковать учащихся в аудировании, чтении;
3. стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка, страны изучаемого языка
4. способствовать развитию образной и ассоциативной, словесно-логической памяти, логического мышления, фонетического слуха

Ход занятия
1. Орг. момент.

Т.: Hello, dear friends. Nice to see you. Do you like to travel? Do you want to travel to London?
Т.: The topic of our lesson is ''London and its places of interest". Тема нашего занятия - «Лондон и его интересные места»
2. Основная часть
Т.: Now, what do you know about L
·s have their offices.
Т.: The 1-st task. Fill in the missing words.
1. London is the capital of the Great Britain, its,... economic... and centre. (political, cultural)
2. Its population is more than ... people. (9 million)
3. ... is situated on the rive

There are a lot of sights places of interest in London.
1. You can see the Tower of London from the river Thames. It's very old. This place has a long and cruel' history. It isn't just one building. It has a history of blood - the blood of men, women
·ough there are charges for entry to special exhibitions.

Т.: The 2-nd task. Listen to the following texts and match them with pictures which are on the blackbord.
1.You can see it from the river Thames, (the Tower of London )
2. It's the place where Briti
·Т.: Now, we have a rest.

Т.: The 3-d task. Listen to my statements and say if they are true or false.
1. London is far from the river Thames. (F)
2. Most London parks are free. (T)
3. London is a very old city. (T)
4. The Tower of London is a residence of the British Queen. (F)
5. London Eye is a famous London theatre. (F)
6. Tower Bridge is the only bridge in London. (F)
7. Nelson's Column is in Trafalgar Square. (T)
8. London Zoo is in the Tower of London. (F)

Т.: The 4-th task. You have to do the test about London sights. You have 2 minutes.
1. London stands on the river...
a. Thames
b. Volga
c. Neva
2. London Zoo is in ...
a. Hyde Park
b. Regent's Park
c.Kensington Gardens
3. Big Ben is...
a. a palace
b. a bell
c. a square
4. You can see Speaker's Corner in ...
a. St. James's Park
b. Green Park
c. Hyde Park
5. The country's leaders speak in ...
a. the Houses of Parliament
b. Big Ben
c. Buckingham Palace
6. Whisper Gallery is in ...
a. Westminster Abbey
b. St Paul's Cathedral
c. Buckingham Palace
7. The statue of Peter Pan is in...
a. Regent's Park
b. St James's Par-k
c. Kensington Gardens
3. Подведение итогов

Т.: I'm very pleased with your results. You show good knowledge of London sights, you show you can read, listen and speak English well. All of you are clever Thank you for your work, Good Buy!